Show #9250 - Friday, January 17, 2025

2025 Champions Wildcard quarterfinal game 5.


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Will Weiss, a technical program manager from Islip, New York

Marko Saric, a math professor from Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Adam Hersh, a lawyer from Brooklyn, New York

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
Tim Walz is an alumnus of a progressive "boot camp" named for this state's late Senator Paul Wellstone
    $200 29
Actually holding less than 1/10 of its name, this cowboy wear may take its name from Spanish for "braid"
    $200 8
Pieter Bruegel the Elder's "The Census at" this little biblical town was one of the first landscapes to feature snow
    $200 28
A batter who deliberately makes an out in order to advance a runner is said to have performed this selfless act
    $200 25
The Mandan of the Plains had it good when this animal provided food, robes &amp; much more; here, they honor it with a dance
    $200 27
You told me you'd love me to your dernier souffle, not your last puffed egg dish but your last this
    $400 20
Sen. Rand Paul is an ophthalmologist; Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS is this type of professional
    $400 18
The 10 Commandments include a directive to not covet the house, wife, donkey or anything else of this person
    $400 9
Zephyrus &amp; a nymph attend the goddess as she emerges from the sea &amp; lands in Cyprus in this Botticelli masterpiece
    $400 24
Done to increase control, this technique in which the bat is gripped well above the lower end sounds a little verklempt
    $400 23
Things got better for Kyiv in 1019 as Yaroslav, bearer of this sagacious nickname, took over from Svyatopolk the Accursed as prince
    $400 26
I swoon when you describe the clair de lune, this, shimmering on the water
    $600 1
In 1987, this British party led by Neil Kinnock elected Britain's first three Black MPs, including Paul Boateng
    $600 4
With a 1975 upset of Washington &amp; Lee, the "Ten Bears" of HBCU Morgan State are a legend in this originally Native American sport
    $600 10
The Velázquez masterwork seen here is known as "The Feast of" this Roman deity
    $600 14
A batter who can hit either left-handed or right-handed is this versatile type; Pete Rose's Uncle Buddy helped teach him how
    $600 6
The 17th century is called this awesome time for the Dutch, also the title of a 1605 painting of a time when sweet nectar flowed
    $600 13
I'm glad you adore my sourire, this, also the title in Quebec of a horror movie with Sosie Bacon
    $800 2
This Wisconsin Republican was Speaker of the U.S. House from 2015 to 2019
    $800 17
In this religion's mythology, Ravana is a 10-headed king of the demons who is eventually defeated by the god Rama
    $800 11
Piet Mondrian evoked the vibrancy of New York &amp; bluesy music in his abstract 1940s piece titled "Broadway" this rhyming music genre
    $800 16
A batter who is "sitting dead red" is anticipating one of these pitches
    $800 5
The area around Butte, Montana once yielded half the nation's output of this metal used in telephone wires
    $800 21
When you quote "La Vie en rose" with "Des nuits d'amour à plus finir", these "never to end"... dim the lights
    $1000 3
Paul Kagame has been president of this African country since 2000, getting more than 99% of the vote in 2024
    $1000 19
Thousands died in the 10 Years' War, a failed 19th century revolution against Spanish rule on this largest Caribbean island
    $1000 12
A masterpiece by Cézanne is titled not "Swimmers" but these
    $1000 15
A batted ball that hits a foul line &amp; kicks up white dust is said to have raised this (it can actually be marble powder)
    DD: $1,200 7
The late 1200s was the heyday of this northwest Italian seaport, including a victory over Venice at the Battle of Curzola
    $1000 22
Ma chère, you made me the happiest man on Earth when you said "oui" at the sight of this, une bague de fiancailles

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Adam Marko! Will
$5,000 $3,800 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Adam Marko! Will
$5,800 $4,800 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
About 26 miles from Times Square, you'll find this state's "Great Swamp", a National Wildlife Refuge
    $400 29
Snow White's beardless dwarf, feeling gloomy
    $400 28
In "A Streetcar Named Desire", Blanche says she's been casting her pearls before swine, the swine being this brother-in-law
    $400 26
If the air pressure at the center of a storm drops by 24 millibars in 24 hours, it's this type of "cyclone" &amp; time to hunker down
    $400 27
In 2017 ex-Portuguese PM António Guterres became the 9th man in this post with global responsibilities
    $400 25
In this film, the Dude says, "Nice marmot" to some nihilists, who then drop the furry creature into the tub with him
    $800 12
A "pogo" stick may help you get around this massive swamp that straddles the border of Georgia &amp; Florida
    $800 23
An impoverished British man, fellow or guy
    $800 22
Nora Helmer is a beautiful young mother of 3, a precious plaything for her hubby in this Ibsen drama
    $800 21
After Polaris, the 2 brightest stars in this "lesser" group are Kochab &amp; Pherkad, the "Guardians of the Pole"
    $800 20
In a song from "The Music Man", these "led the big parade with a 110 cornets close at hand"
    $800 24
Margot Robbie enjoys a luxurious bath while explaining mortgage bonds in this film
    $1200 1
This vast swamp on the Virginia &amp; North Carolina border got its depressing name in 1728 from Colonel William Byrd
    $1200 13
Heated anger in the "Show-Me" state
    DD: $2,700 15
Characters in this 4-act play include Judge Hathorne, Giles Corey &
    $1200 19
Different velocities of fluids are needed to create this force, so it needs motion, like when planes zoom down runways to take off
    $1200 9
Named for a valley in Switzerland, this cheese is made with cow's milk
    $1200 6
Hannah croons "Wonderwall" in her Brooklyn bathtub in a poignant moment on this HBO show
    $1600 3
The bald type of this tree populates a swamp named for it in Florida
    $1600 5
Dire predicament faced by a Cavalier
    $1600 14
The first act of this Rostand play is set in 1640, at the Hotel de Bourgogne
    DD: $4,500 2
It's separation of waves according to their wavelength, as in a rainbow; also, what police may want a crowd to do, meaning scattering
    $1600 10
Harry Haller, the central figure in "Steppenwolf", has the same initials as his creator, this author
    $1600 7
On "Star Trek: Voyager", this captain is rudely interrupted by Q while she's taking an interstellar soak
    $2000 4
You can retrace the passage of this "Swamp Fox" on the swampy Palmetto Trail in the South Carolina national forest named for him
    $2000 16
A surgeon who watches over you while you take tests
    $2000 17
The title character of this Shaw play is in the Army--the Salvation Army, that is
    $2000 18
Cliffs of soft rock tend to slope gently &amp; tend to get hammered by coastal erosion, as in England's bulge called East this
    $2000 11
This Spaniard depicted rebellion in his country on the second &amp; third of May in 1808
    $2000 8
She said that after her infamous scene in "Psycho", "I stopped taking showers &amp; I only take baths"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Adam Marko! Will
$18,600 $24,400 $5,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

He wrote of his intent "to reserve &amp; throw away my first fire, &amp; I have thoughts even of reserving my second fire"

Final scores:

Adam Marko! Will
$0 $24,400 $0
2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Adam Marko! Will
$18,600 $19,800 $5,400
22 R,
3 W
24 R
(including 3 DDs),
3 W
9 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $43,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-11-12
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