Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8034, aired 2019-07-11GRAB A SEAT $200: A Jason Aldean country song is called "Ask Any Ol'" this backless seat at a drinking establishment a barstool
#8034, aired 2019-07-11GRAB A SEAT $400: The Koken brand of these chairs was the first with the hydraulic lift; how about a shave with that, mister? a barber chair
#8034, aired 2019-07-11GRAB A SEAT $600: An idiom for a futile action in the face of disaster is "rearranging" these "on the Titanic" the deck chairs
#8034, aired 2019-07-11GRAB A SEAT $800: Perfect for Hamlet's dad, it's the type of chair seen here a ghost chair
#8034, aired 2019-07-11GRAB A SEAT $1000: It's "E"asy to name this chair that's molded to fit the body's shape & named for the married couple who designed it an Eames chair

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