Show #8034 - Thursday, July 11, 2019

Sam Kavanaugh game 2.


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Steven Green, a software engineer from Millbrae, California

Kirsten Rose, a librarian from Williamstown, Massachusetts

Sam Kavanaugh, a teacher from Minneapolis, Minnesota (whose 1-day cash winnings total $38,001)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 13
A section of it runs for some 5,500 miles from Liaoning province to Gansu
    $200 8
Joe Pesci &amp; Daniel Stern were the bumbling burglars foiled by Macaulay Culkin in this 1990 film
    $200 16
Though sounding a bit RuPaul-ian, "Roll away to a half sashay" is actually a call made during this "shapely" dance
    $200 7
This type of updated work is from Latin for "see again"
    $200 2
A Jason Aldean country song is called "Ask Any Ol'" this backless seat at a drinking establishment
    $400 22
It was originally made of barbed wire on the night of August 12-13, 1961
    $400 9
Jonathan Taylor Thomas &amp; Zachery Ty Bryan played Tim Allen's kids on this sitcom
    $400 20
This "avian" party dance topped a 2017 list of what brides told DJs not to play
    $400 1
In a verb meaning to edit or censor, this writing tool follows both "blue" &amp; "red"
    $400 3
The Koken brand of these chairs was the first with the hydraulic lift; how about a shave with that, mister?
    $600 15
"Blessed are they that" do this 5-letter word: "for they shall be comforted"
    $600 21
A rabbinic belief is that the divine presence never departs from this wall in Jerusalem
    $600 10
The title of this Amazon series starring Julia Roberts refers to a facility that helps soldiers transition into civilian life
    $600 25
"They all want me, they can't have me" in this '90s hit song that became its own dance craze; hey!
    $600 17
There's a diner foodstuff in this verb meaning to go over something again &amp; again &...
    $600 4
An idiom for a futile action in the face of disaster is "rearranging" these "on the Titanic"
    $800 14
"Blessed are the meek: for they shall" this 3-word phrase
    $800 23
Sacsayhuaman is a walled fortress near Cuzco, ancient capital of this empire
    $800 11
Will Ferrell is the square stepdad &amp; Mark Wahlberg is the cool biological father in this 2015 comedy
    $800 26
A song that was No. 1 in the summer of 1960 begins, "Come on, baby, let's do" this dance
    $800 18
In Hollywood-speak, better take one more of these at that script of yours or you'll get one of these, a "no" from a studio
    $800 5
Perfect for Hamlet's dad, it's the type of chair seen here
    $1000 28
"Blessed are" these people: "for they shall be called the children of God"
    DD: $1,200 24
A book about Frank Calvert & Heinrich Schliemann is called "Finding the Walls of" this city
    $1000 12
In 2019 Solange released this album that was full of nostalgia of her native Houston
    $1000 27
Introduced to the U.S. from Cuba around 1914, this dance is done quick-quick-slow in 4/4 time; let's get ready to...!
    $1000 19
These 2 similar words have similar meanings; the one starting "A" can mean to make any change; the "E" is to change the text
    $1000 6
It's "E"asy to name this chair that's molded to fit the body's shape &amp; named for the married couple who designed it

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sam Kirsten Steven
$3,200 $200 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sam Kirsten Steven
$5,000 -$600 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

NO. 1 HITS OF THE '80s
    $400 25
The first attempt to break up this communications company was in 1949; it finally happened in the '80s
    $400 22
As this Chekhov play ends, trees on the Ranevskaya estate are being cut down to build a housing development
    $400 1
Not being much of a friend in 1981, Rick Springfield wished that he had this guy's "girl"
    $400 6
In the South, the American Civil War is sometimes called the War of Northern this 10-letter word
    $400 11
Astrophysicists debate how fast the universe is doing this; it's somewhere around 70 kilometers per second per megaparsec
    $400 14
To think an opponent is not as good as he actually is; it can lead to overconfidence
    $800 24
In 1989 these 2 actors decided to rekindle their relationship; actress Dakota Johnson resulted
    $800 23
He had some revolutionary ideas in his 1902 tract, "What Is To Be Done?"
    $800 2
It completes Billy Ocean's 1988 title request &/or demand, "Get Outta My Dreams..."
    $800 7
The Beaver Wars in Canada were also known as the French &amp; this Native American league wars
    $800 9
Sheldon Glashow gave this adorable name, C-quark for short, to a particle discovered in 1974
    $800 15
At the University of Washington, Spanish 101 is elementary, 201 is this & 301 is advanced
    $1200 16
In 2000 this company was ordered to split Windows &amp; Internet Explorer into 2 companies but appealed successfully
    $1200 28
His imprisonment &amp; subsequent exile to Siberia led to the writing of "The House of the Dead"
    $1200 3
He's seen here in 1982 around the time of his first No. 1 hit
    $1200 8
This country's 17th century civil wars are also known as "The Great Rebellion"
    DD: $5,800 10
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows two waves on the monitor.) In transverse waves, each particle moves perpendicular to the wave's direction; in this 12-letter type, reminiscent of lines on a map, each particle moves parallel to the wave
    $1200 17
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a model of a synapse on the monitor.) Defusing across synapses after being released by neurons, these substances stimulate other parts of the brain &amp; body to action
    $1600 18
This country was partitioned in 1772, with Austria getting Auschwitz; it was back together in 1918
    $1600 29
Just 10 days before he became a dead soul, this author burned sequels he had written for his "Dead Souls"
    $1600 4
Lipps, Inc. sang, "Well, I talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it... won't you take me to" this title place
    DD: $6,000 21
The Ramadan War of 1973 is also called this, after a holiday of a different religion
    $1600 12
Per a Richard Feynman lecture, a collision where bodies stick together is an example of conservation of this
    $1600 20
It's a synonym for adulterous, as in an affair
    $2000 19
After other failed attempts, a 1911 federal lawsuit finally split this oil trust into more than 30 companies
    $2000 5
In '82 there was no denying it: "Oh", this guy, "You're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind, hey" this guy! "Hey," this guy!
    $2000 27
The Great Narragansett War is another name for this king's war
    $2000 13
Magnetism is "action at" this; Einstein added "spooky" to dismiss the weird phenomenon quantum entanglement
    $2000 26
A wondrous change, specifically Jesus' appearance in glory observed each August 6

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sam Kirsten Steven
$20,800 $3,000 $16,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This character featured in a 1992 Time magazine cover story on "Hollywood &amp; Politics" returned to television in 2018

Final scores:

Sam Kirsten Steven
$7,999 $5,800 $0
2-day champion: $46,000 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Sam Kirsten Steven
$11,800 $3,000 $18,000
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
7 R,
4 W
18 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $32,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2019-03-27
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