Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (28 results returned)

#9287, aired 2025-03-11FROM THE HEADLINES $200: October 25, 1929, Buffalo Evening News: "Curious Throng" this street "as Crash Wipes Out Fortunes" Wall Street
#9287, aired 2025-03-11FROM THE HEADLINES $400: May 1915, The Taunton Courier: This ship "torpedoed without warning... what will America do?" the Lusitania
#9287, aired 2025-03-11FROM THE HEADLINES $600: July 23, 1934, the Chicago Daily Tribune: "Kill" this man "Here"--"2 women wounded as outlaw falls on Lincoln Ave." Dillinger
#9287, aired 2025-03-11FROM THE HEADLINES $800: December 28, 1989, The Statesman Journal: "Troops attack" this Central American leader "with rock music" Noriega
#9287, aired 2025-03-11FROM THE HEADLINES $1000: 1954, The Rutland Herald: "U.S. airlifting paratroops from France to" this Colonial region Indochina
#8914, aired 2023-07-13FROM THE HEADLINES $200: The Washington Post, November 10, 1989: "East Germany opens" this "and borders" the Berlin Wall
#8914, aired 2023-07-13FROM THE HEADLINES $400: The Tampa Tribune, May 24, 1934: this pair "die with hands clutching guns" Bonnie & Clyde
#8914, aired 2023-07-13FROM THE HEADLINES $600: The Oregonian, May 19, 1980: "Eruption decapitates" this peak Mount St. Helens
#8914, aired 2023-07-13FROM THE HEADLINES $800: This U.S. city's Free Press, November 7, 1973: "Young elected city's first Black mayor" Detroit
#8914, aired 2023-07-13FROM THE HEADLINES $1000: The San Francisco Chronicle, October 11, 1973: this man from Maryland "resigns" Spiro Agnew
#8647, aired 2022-05-24RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES $200: These animals "Lose Their Jobs as Milk Prices Drop" cows
#8647, aired 2022-05-24RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES $400: "Marijuana Issue Sent to" this "Committee", generally composed of members of both houses of a legislature joint committee
#8647, aired 2022-05-24RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES $600: Hips don't lie, nor does this singer, who "says 'People Were Just Watching' & didn't help when wild boars robbed her in Barcelona" Shakira
#8647, aired 2022-05-24RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES $800: "California" these birds "Are Very Rare, But 10% of Them Are Trashing" a house in Tehachapi condors
#8647, aired 2022-05-24RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES $1000: "Thanks to a Glitch, Some Seattle Mazda Drivers Can't Tune Their Radios Away From" NPR, so at 7 A.M., it's this show or nothing Morning Edition
#7711, aired 2018-03-05RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES $400: The Washington Herald, April 11, 1912: "New Liner ____ on First Journey" the Titanic
#7711, aired 2018-03-05RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES $800: The Helena Weekly Herald, July 20, 1876: "Particulars of the Massacre of ____'s Command" Custer
#7711, aired 2018-03-05RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES $1200: The Morgantown Monitor, May 20, 1863: "Writ of ____ ____ Refused" habeas corpus
#7711, aired 2018-03-05RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES $1600: The Morning Tulsa Daily World, August 4, 1921: "Baseball Scorns Freed Black ____" Sox
#7711, aired 2018-03-05RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES $2000: The National Whig, May 19, 1847: "For President in 1848, Major General ____ ____" Zachary Taylor
#6861, aired 2014-06-16HEADLINES FROM THE ONION $200: "It's Not Too Late To Reverse The Alarming Trend Of" this "Change, Scientists Who Know It's Too Late Announce" climate change
#6861, aired 2014-06-16HEADLINES FROM THE ONION $400: This NBA star "Unable To Enjoy MVP Knowing Boston Globe's Gary Washburn Didn't Vote For Him" LeBron James
#6861, aired 2014-06-16HEADLINES FROM THE ONION $600: "Obama Orders Reinvasion Of" this country "After Illuminating Trip Through Bush Presidential Library" Iraq
#6861, aired 2014-06-16HEADLINES FROM THE ONION $800: This government agency established in 1970 "Warns Americans Not To Breathe" the EPA
#6861, aired 2014-06-16HEADLINES FROM THE ONION $1000: This "Blood Meridian" author "Flaunts Sexy New Beach Body" Cormac McCarthy
#4842, aired 2005-10-04THE ONION HEADLINES FROM THE YEAR 2056 $600: "Refugees Row" this entire island "to Miami" Cuba
#4842, aired 2005-10-04THE ONION HEADLINES FROM THE YEAR 2056 $800: Boston rejoices as this team "Lose(s) In 50th Straight Pennant Race; Fans Blame 'Curse of Jeter'" the Yankees
#4842, aired 2005-10-04THE ONION HEADLINES FROM THE YEAR 2056 $1000: This country "Bombed Back into the Renaissance" Italy

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#4474, aired 2004-02-05RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES: A November 2003 report said better tree trimming may have prevented this event that affected 50 million people in August the power blackout

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