Miscellaneous statistics for Season 41

All gamesRegular play games
Average score $10,570
(std. dev. $9,406)
(std. dev. $9,406)
Average winning score $20,195
(std. dev. $7,782)
(std. dev. $7,782)
Highest score $39,488 $39,488
Lowest winning score $7,599 $7,599
Highest nonwinning score $23,600 $23,600
Lowest score -$400 -$400
Highest combined score $55,788 $55,788
Highest combined score for a competitive game
Lowest combined score $11,782 $11,782

Average score before FJ! $10,884
(std. dev. $7,233)
(std. dev. $7,233)
Average winning score before FJ! $17,574
(std. dev. $6,585)
(std. dev. $6,585)
Highest score before FJ! $30,600 $30,600
Highest winning score before FJ! $30,600 $30,600
Highest nonwinning score before FJ! $20,600 $20,600
Highest trailing (third-place) score before FJ! $10,200 $10,200
Lowest winning score before FJ! $5,800 $5,800
Highest combined score before FJ! $48,800 $48,800
Highest combined score before FJ! for a competitive game
Lowest combined score before FJ! $17,400 $17,400

Average Coryat score $10,817
(std. dev. $5,830)
(std. dev. $5,830)
Average high Coryat score $16,513
(std. dev. $4,099)
(std. dev. $4,099)
Highest Coryat score $26,800 $26,800
Lowest high Coryat score $8,400 $8,400
Highest nonwinning Coryat score $18,800 $18,800
Average combined Coryat $32,452
(std. dev. $5,821)
(std. dev. $5,821)
Highest combined Coryat $45,600 $45,600
Lowest combined Coryat $21,800 $21,800

Average number of J! Round clues correct 25.00
(std. dev. 1.88)
(std. dev. 1.88)
Highest number of J! Round clues correct 28 28
Lowest number of J! Round clues correct 22 22
Average number of DJ! Round clues correct 21.57
(std. dev. 3.07)
(std. dev. 3.07)
Highest number of DJ! Round clues correct 27 27
Lowest number of DJ! Round clues correct 16 16
Average number of clues correct in both rounds 46.57
(std. dev. 3.84)
(std. dev. 3.84)
Highest number of clues correct in both rounds 55 55
Lowest number of clues correct in both rounds 40 40

Average number of J! Round correct responses by all players 25.04
(std. dev. 1.82)
(std. dev. 1.82)
Highest number of J! Round correct responses by all players 28 28
Lowest number of J! Round correct responses by all players 22 22
Average number of DJ! Round correct responses by all players 21.57
(std. dev. 3.07)
(std. dev. 3.07)
Highest number of DJ! Round correct responses by all players 27 27
Lowest number of DJ! Round correct responses by all players 16 16
Average number of correct responses in both rounds by all players 46.61
(std. dev. 3.81)
(std. dev. 3.81)
Highest number of correct responses in both rounds by all players 55 55
Lowest number of correct responses in both rounds by all players 40 40

Average number of J! Round correct responses by the single player with the most 11.78
(std. dev. 2.19)
(std. dev. 2.19)
Highest number of J! Round correct responses by the single player with the most 16 16
Lowest number of J! Round correct responses by the single player with the most 8 8
Average number of DJ! Round correct responses by the single player with the most 10.78
(std. dev. 2.15)
(std. dev. 2.15)
Highest number of DJ! Round correct responses by the single player with the most 15 15
Lowest number of DJ! Round correct responses by the single player with the most 8 8
Average number of correct responses in both rounds by the single player with the most 21.22
(std. dev. 3.01)
(std. dev. 3.01)
Highest number of correct responses in both rounds by the single player with the most 29 29
Lowest number of correct responses in both rounds by the single player with the most 17 17
Highest number of correct responses by a nonwinner 23 23
Lowest number of correct responses by a winner 9 9

Average number of J! Round incorrect responses by all players 4.43
(std. dev. 2.13)
(std. dev. 2.13)
Highest number of J! Round incorrect responses by all players 9 9
Lowest number of J! Round incorrect responses by all players 2 2
Average number of DJ! Round incorrect responses by all players 4.04
(std. dev. 1.40)
(std. dev. 1.40)
Highest number of DJ! Round incorrect responses by all players 7 7
Lowest number of DJ! Round incorrect responses by all players 1 1
Average number of incorrect responses in both rounds by all players 8.48
(std. dev. 2.59)
(std. dev. 2.59)
Highest number of incorrect responses in both rounds by all players 16 16
Lowest number of incorrect responses in both rounds by all players 5 5

Average number of J! Round incorrect responses by the single player with the most 2.48
(std. dev. 1.24)
(std. dev. 1.24)
Highest number of J! Round incorrect responses by the single player with the most 5 5
Lowest number of J! Round incorrect responses by the single player with the most 1 1
Average number of DJ! Round incorrect responses by the single player with the most 2.39
(std. dev. 0.72)
(std. dev. 0.72)
Highest number of DJ! Round incorrect responses by the single player with the most 3 3
Lowest number of DJ! Round incorrect responses by the single player with the most 1 1
Average number of incorrect responses in both rounds by the single player with the most 4.48
(std. dev. 1.56)
(std. dev. 1.56)
Highest number of incorrect responses in both rounds by the single player with the most 8 8
Lowest number of incorrect responses in both rounds by the single player with the most 2 2
Highest number of incorrect responses in both rounds by a winner 7 7

Highest number of ring-ins in both rounds by the single player with the most 29 29
Lowest number of ring-ins in both rounds by the single player with the least 5 5

Average number of J! Round rebounds by the single player with the most 1.39
(std. dev. 0.84)
(std. dev. 0.84)
Highest number of J! Round rebounds by the single player with the most 3 3
Lowest number of J! Round rebounds by the single player with the most 0 0
Average number of DJ! Round rebounds by the single player with the most 0.91
(std. dev. 0.67)
(std. dev. 0.67)
Highest number of DJ! Round rebounds by the single player with the most 2 2
Lowest number of DJ! Round rebounds by the single player with the most 0 0
Average number of rebounds in both rounds by the single player with the most 2.09
(std. dev. 0.90)
(std. dev. 0.90)
Highest number of rebounds in both rounds by the single player with the most 3 3
Lowest number of rebounds in both rounds by the single player with the most 0 0

Average batting average .275
(std. dev. .096)
(std. dev. .096)
Average high batting average .372
(std. dev. .050)
(std. dev. .050)
Average low batting average .176
(std. dev. .046)
(std. dev. .046)
Highest batting average .500 .500
Lowest high batting average .293 .293
Highest low batting average .259 .259
Lowest batting average .069 .069
Average team batting average .758
(std. dev. .062)
(std. dev. .062)
Highest team batting average .889 .889
Lowest team batting average .651 .651

Average J! Round potential Lach Trash $3,400
(std. dev. $1,615)
(std. dev. $1,615)
Highest J! Round potential Lach Trash $6,000 $6,000
Lowest J! Round potential Lach Trash $400 $400
Average DJ! Round potential Lach Trash $10,487
(std. dev. $3,748)
(std. dev. $3,748)
Highest DJ! Round potential Lach Trash $16,800 $16,800
Lowest DJ! Round potential Lach Trash $2,400 $2,400
Average total potential Lach Trash $13,887
(std. dev. $4,149)
(std. dev. $4,149)
Highest total potential Lach Trash $21,200 $21,200
Lowest total potential Lach Trash $5,400 $5,400

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