Show #9156 - Monday, September 9, 2024

First game of Season 41.


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Amanda White, a strategy consultant from Seattle, Washington

Adam Reiffen, a naval officer from San Diego, California

Rachel Bradley, an ESL instructor from Greenbelt, Maryland (whose 1-day cash winnings total $23,597)

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Jeopardy! Round

"MOM" & "DAD"
    $200 26
A Civil War fortress & the Bay Area Discovery Museum are on either side of this landmark with a main span of 4,200' that carries the 101
    $200 21
Tawny Newsome got animated & boldly went on the "Lower Decks" of this long-running sci-fi franchise as Beckett Mariner
    $200 28
The pound sign or octothorpe on your socials
    $200 30
It's got the strongest gravity of any planet, nearly 2 1/2 times ours
    $200 22
Early February brings the world day for parents to do this, a bonding & cognitive benefit, so yes, Berenstain Bears one more time
    $200 27
It's defined as an embarrassing, unoriginal attempt at humor--wanna hear one?
    $400 25
Just off the 101 is this filmmaking theme park, where tourists saw George the fisherman become shark food from 1976 to 2001
    $400 19
There's a fungus among us, & as Ellie, Bella Ramsey has to deal with it in many, many horrific ways on this HBO drama
    $400 20
Rapper Shawn Carter
    $400 1
The greenhouse effect, not just proximity to the sun, makes it the hottest of the planets
    $400 3
Let grandparents do this with candy & late nights--it's part of their role & face it, they won't--someday they--you know what I mean
    $400 14
Merriam-Webster defines this as "a typically suburban mother who accompanies her children to"
    $600 7
An hour north of Eureka, a different drive-through awaits you in Klamath near the national park named for this large type of tree
    $600 17
An escaped convict named Stagg R. Leigh writes "My Pafology" (or does he?) in this 2023 Jeffrey Wright film
    $600 2
    $600 12
It not only has an odd axis of rotation, it's also the coldest planet, with temps approaching -400 Fahrenheit
    $600 4
Is this OK in front of your kids? Ali Wentworth & Heidi Klum have publicly said it is for them & theirs
    $600 15
This paternal name for a rich benefactor comes from "Little Orphan Annie"
    DD: $1,000 8
Knowing this state capital is at the south end of Puget Sound is geography 101
    $800 16
In this 1998 film Jane Kaczmarek was Tobey Maguire's mom in color; Joan Allen was his mom in black & white
    $800 10
The court security officer
    $800 13
Mostly hydrogen & helium, it has the lowest average density of any planet in the solar system & would float in a really big tub
    $800 5
Resource family is now the term in California for these "parents" who take in kids often en route to adoption
    $800 23
Cripes! It's time to scram! To beat it! To do this, originally Civil War-era slang for retreating in haste
    $1000 9
Hop off the 101 onto the Pacific Coast Highway to see this landmark owned by a newspaper biz giant; it even had its own airport, built in the 1920s
    $1000 18
He took us to church & No. 2 on the Hot 100 in 2014, & in 2024, this one-named Irish singer went one slot higher with "Too Sweet"
    $1000 11
Conqueror Timur
    $1000 29
It has the most eccentric orbit of any planet, varying between 29 million & 43 million miles
    $1000 6
Some airports & other spaces have installed Pluie, a self-sanitizing type of this often desperately needed furniture item
    $1000 24
This spice of the ginger family is popular in Indian food

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Rachel Adam Amanda
$1,200 $2,200 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Rachel Adam Amanda
$2,800 $4,800 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
On Columbus' first transatlantic voyage, this ship in the fleet of 3 made it to the New World, but not back to the old
    $400 23
This term for an elaborate melody sung solo means "air" in Italian
    $400 21
Pluots & limequats are this type of fruit, created by crossing different plant species
    $400 29
Kay Redfield Jamison focuses on this disorder in her book on Robert Lowell, who said, "I write my best poetry when I'm manic"
    $400 20
Boston's oldest surviving house of worship, Christ Church was built in 1723 & is also called this
    $400 18
The lyric "I hope I die before I get old" is from their song "My Generation"
    $800 1
Formed in 43 B.C., the Second Roman Triumvirate was made up of Marcus Lepidus, Mark Antony & this future emperor
    $800 4
Now used to reply "the same", this 5-letter word once came before a machine that made copies
    $800 7
In other words, a theory, conjecture, supposition
    $800 11
Robert Gittings' bio makes much of this "Return of the Native" author's relations with Tryphena Sparks, a good heroine name
    $800 19
This house of worship in Venice was built in the 9th century to house the remains of its namesake
    $800 17
At the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival, Nina Simone performed the song titled "To Be Young" & these 2 things
    $1200 2
As Lenin faded from power, this man formed a troika with Zinoviev & Kamenev & you'll never guess what he later did to Zin & Kam
    $1200 5
Known to vodka drinkers, this word meaning "fine view" in Italian refers to a building that gazes out on lovely scenery
    $1200 8
Named for a mythological youth, they're the colorful & fragrant flower seen here
    $1200 12
His greatest work is about a 60-or-so-mile trek to Canterbury, but him: "A European Life" sees him in France, Italy & Spain
    $1200 22
This Moscow cathedral was commissioned by Ivan the Terrible to celebrate victories over Kazan & Astrakhan
    $1200 15
Billy Joel said that this song of his "wasn't so much anti-Catholic as pro-lust"
    DD: $3,000 3
The clergy, the nobility & the people were France's 3 of these representative divisions before the Revolution
    DD: $400 6
Medieval astrologers thought this, caused by mutating viral strains, was connected to the effect of the stars
    $1600 9
Illness anxiety disorder is now the preferred term for this
    $1600 13
Her affair with a niece of Napoleon III is one of the "Secrets of the Flesh" in a bio of this French author who went by 1 name
    $1600 26
Partly by the effort of the memorably named Cardinal Sin, Manila Cathedral was elevated to Basilica of this doctrine of Mary's purity
    $1600 14
This 2024 Coachella headliner's "Young And Beautiful" appeared on the soundtrack for "The Great Gatsby"
    $2000 25
3 countries were involved in the 1879-1883 War of the Pacific & this nation lost its access to that ocean as a result
    $2000 24
When the pope dies, this cardinal, treasurer of the Holy See, oversees the election of the new pope
    $2000 10
A rapid, massive increase in prices; Hungary had a bad case of it following WWII with prices doubling & tripling daily
    $2000 28
"Divine Invasions" is a good title for a bio of this man if not quite up to his own classic titles like "Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said"
    $2000 27
Built during Charlemagne's reign, the Palatine Chapel of this German city's cathedral was completed in time for his 814 burial
    $2000 16
"New Person, Same Old Mistakes" by this music project that's basically just Kevin Parker was covered by Rihanna

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Rachel Adam Amanda
$8,000 $10,600 $4,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Before her death in 2022, she pledged her collection of more than 200 pins to the National Museum of American Diplomacy

Final scores:

Rachel Adam Amanda
$5,398 $16,001 $0
2nd place: $3,000 New champion: $16,001 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Rachel Adam Amanda
$8,000 $9,200 $5,400
15 R,
4 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
10 R,
7 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $22,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-05-30
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