Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Season 38 regular play

Out of 220 Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:

Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #13.57, on average (standard deviation: 8.07).

Number of times each player found the J! Round DD:
Left lectern: 111; middle lectern: 47; right lectern: 62.

Average scores for each player when J! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $2,939 (standard deviation: $2,533); middle lectern: $1,228 (standard deviation: $1,450); right lectern: $1,312 (standard deviation: $1,612).

In the Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 76% of their score on the Daily Double (standard deviation: 29%).

Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown

Row# cor./# rev.% cor.% rev.Avg. wag.Std. dev.Min. wag.Max. wag.Avg. gain/lossTDDsFearfuls

On average, the J! Round DD was located 3.55 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 0.97).

Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Season 38 regular play

Out of 220 Double Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:

First Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #9.15, on average (standard deviation: 6.25).

Number of times each player found the first DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 108; middle lectern: 45; right lectern: 67.

Average DJ! Round first DD wager: $3,364 (standard deviation: $1,785); wager range: $1,000 to $12,400; average gain/loss: $1,198

Average scores for each player when first DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $10,534 (standard deviation: $5,493); middle lectern: $4,437 (standard deviation: $3,510); right lectern: $4,672 (standard deviation: $3,414).

Second Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #19.55, on average (standard deviation: 6.35).

Number of times each player found the second DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 107; middle lectern: 57; right lectern: 56.

Average DJ! Round second DD wager: $3,665 (standard deviation: $2,351); wager range: $200 to $15,000; average gain/loss: $1,450

Average scores for each player when second DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $15,562 (standard deviation: $7,675); middle lectern: $6,245 (standard deviation: $4,621); right lectern: $6,376 (standard deviation: $4,841).

In the Double Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 50% of their score on the first Daily Double (standard deviation: 30%) and 40% of their score on the second Daily Double (standard deviation: 30%). Among all Daily Doubles, the average wager as a percentage of the player's score was 56% (standard deviation: 33%).

Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown

Row# cor./# rev.% cor.% rev.Avg. wag.Std. dev.Min. wag.Max. wag.Avg. gain/lossTDDsFearfuls

On average, the DJ! Round DDs were located 3.49 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 1).

Highest Daily Double wagers for Season 38 regular play

WagerTDDPlayer nameGameDDClue #CategoryScoreLeadResponse
1.$15,000Matt Amodio#8472, aired 2021-09-21DJ!219AWARDS & PRIZES$36,200$34,200W
2.$14,000YAndrew He#8511, aired 2021-11-15DJ!218COMPOSERS$14,000$1,200R
3.$13,800YDane Reighard#8508, aired 2021-11-10DJ!225WORD ORIGINS$13,800-$11,400R
4.$12,400YAndrew He#8508, aired 2021-11-10DJ!120SCIENCE & NATURE$12,400-$1,000R
5.$10,800YAndrew He#8513, aired 2021-11-17DJ!215SCIENCE$10,800-$2,000R
6.$10,600YMatt Amodio#8469, aired 2021-09-16DJ!112LET'S VISIT CENTRAL EUROPE$10,600$3,600R
7.$10,400YMatt Amodio#8474, aired 2021-09-23DJ!215REVIVAL$10,400$900R
8.$10,000Matt Amodio#8473, aired 2021-09-22DJ!213THE FACT OF THE MATTER$17,200$8,600R
$10,000Matt Amodio#8477, aired 2021-09-28DJ!211HISTORIC SPEECHES$30,800$26,800R
$10,000Matt Amodio#8482, aired 2021-10-05DJ!215HERE COMES THE SONNET$24,600$15,000R
$10,000Adrian Alcalá#8590, aired 2022-03-04DJ!221GENUS & SPECIES$11,000-$10,600W
12.$9,000Amy Schneider#8524, aired 2021-12-02DJ!215WORDS IN ELEMENTS$19,400$15,600R
$9,000YJeff Weinstock#8669, aired 2022-06-23DJ!228PUBLISHED POSTHUMOUSLY$9,000-$2,000R
14.$8,800YEric Ahasic#8659, aired 2022-06-09DJ!12COUNTRY OF THE WATERFALL$8,800$5,000R
$8,800Ketty Pan#8666, aired 2022-06-20DJ!125THE ZODIAC SIGN...$12,200$1,800W
16.$8,000Matt Amodio#8470, aired 2021-09-17DJ!14LET'S VISIT MARS$14,000$6,200R
$8,000YMatt Amodio#8473, aired 2021-09-22J!16ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS$8,000$6,400W
$8,000Anjolie Chidambaram#8493, aired 2021-10-20DJ!222THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE$9,200-$12,400R
$8,000Amy Schneider#8545, aired 2021-12-31DJ!19MODERN FOLK HEROES$24,000$18,400R
$8,000Mattea Roach#8628, aired 2022-04-27DJ!224AN ANATOMY OF WORDS$15,600$1,200R
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