Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Season 25

Out of 230 Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:

Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #16.47, on average (standard deviation: 8.6).

Number of times each player found the J! Round DD:
Left lectern: 74; middle lectern: 83; right lectern: 72.

Average scores for each player when J! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $2,556 (standard deviation: $2,227); middle lectern: $2,130 (standard deviation: $2,035); right lectern: $1,878 (standard deviation: $1,816).

In the Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 61% of their score on the Daily Double (standard deviation: 32%).

Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown

Row# cor./# rev.% cor.% rev.Avg. wag.Std. dev.Min. wag.Max. wag.Avg. gain/lossTDDsFearfuls

On average, the J! Round DD was located 3.97 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 0.92).

Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Season 25

Out of 230 Double Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:

First Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #11.15, on average (standard deviation: 6.54).

Number of times each player found the first DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 84; middle lectern: 63; right lectern: 80.

Average DJ! Round first DD wager: $2,759 (standard deviation: $1,479); wager range: $0 to $9,000; average gain/loss: $908

Average scores for each player when first DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $7,948 (standard deviation: $4,302); middle lectern: $6,147 (standard deviation: $3,380); right lectern: $6,493 (standard deviation: $3,940).

Second Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #22.22, on average (standard deviation: 5.98).

Number of times each player found the second DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 83; middle lectern: 68; right lectern: 76.

Average DJ! Round second DD wager: $2,727 (standard deviation: $1,843); wager range: $22 to $10,800; average gain/loss: $816

Average scores for each player when second DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $11,015 (standard deviation: $5,733); middle lectern: $9,004 (standard deviation: $4,916); right lectern: $8,873 (standard deviation: $5,205).

In the Double Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 38% of their score on the first Daily Double (standard deviation: 23%) and 31% of their score on the second Daily Double (standard deviation: 25%). Among all Daily Doubles, the average wager as a percentage of the player's score was 44% (standard deviation: 30%).

Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown

Row# cor./# rev.% cor.% rev.Avg. wag.Std. dev.Min. wag.Max. wag.Avg. gain/lossTDDsFearfuls

On average, the DJ! Round DDs were located 3.71 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 0.98).

Highest Daily Double wagers for Season 25

WagerTDDPlayer nameGameDDClue #CategoryScoreLeadResponse
1.$10,800YJudy Mermelstein#5576, aired 2008-12-01DJ!227A "P.C." CATEGORY$10,800-$5,600R
$10,800YZac Showers#5578, aired 2008-12-03DJ!214LITERATURE IN OTHER WORDS$10,800-$1,800W
3.$10,000Jack Feerick#5618, aired 2009-01-28DJ!230FOLKLORE$22,600$12,400R
4.$9,200Kevin Joyce#5674, aired 2009-04-16DJ!218GIVE ME SOME DIRECTION$12,200$3,800R
5.$9,000Ben Bishop#5655, aired 2009-03-20DJ!119KINGS$10,600-$400R
6.$8,000Ben Bishop#5577, aired 2008-12-02DJ!118WORLD GEOGRAPHY$14,400$8,800R
$8,000Ben Bishop#5580, aired 2008-12-05DJ!120BRASS$22,000$19,800W
$8,000Garrett Laws Weinberg#5621, aired 2009-02-02DJ!227MYTHOLOGY$10,600-$5,800W
$8,000Mark Wales#5655, aired 2009-03-20DJ!224CLASSICAL MUSIC$8,200-$13,400R
$8,000John Mariz#5705, aired 2009-05-29DJ!229EATING PLACES$8,400-$20,000R
11.$7,000YLeland Graham III#5640, aired 2009-02-27DJ!222HAMLET$7,000-$7,200R
$7,000YDave Simpson#5654, aired 2009-03-19DJ!15THE CRUSADES$7,000-$3,800R
$7,000Kevin Joyce#5673, aired 2009-04-15DJ!112ARTHUR-IAN AUTHORS$17,000$11,800R
14.$6,600YMax Johansen#5521, aired 2008-09-15DJ!110PRESIDENTS & FIRST LADIES$6,600$600R
15.$6,400Mikey Stewart#5595, aired 2008-12-26DJ!122GERMANIA$9,000-$6,400R
$6,400Kevin Joyce#5675, aired 2009-04-17DJ!112AMERICANA$13,400$10,800R
17.$6,000Greg Lindsay#5516, aired 2008-09-08DJ!230COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG$6,200-$13,000R
$6,000David Skaar#5558, aired 2008-11-05DJ!219A WORD ODDITY$23,600$19,200W
$6,000Daniel Ogorzalek#5590, aired 2008-12-19DJ!225COSMETIC PROCEDURE$10,200-$15,800R
$6,000Matt Kohlstedt#5649, aired 2009-03-12DJ!221BEGINS & ENDS WITH "E"$9,000-$12,400R

Season 25 games in which the Jeopardy! Round Daily Double was not uncovered

#5647, aired 2009-03-10 Aisha Tyler vs. Tom Bergeron vs. Elizabeth Perkins 2009 Celebrity Jeopardy! From CES in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Season 25 games in which one Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double was not uncovered

#5707, aired 2009-06-02 Sara Doran vs. Harris Cohen vs. Ana Catalina Posada
#5662, aired 2009-03-31 Anne Reilly vs. Heather Menzel vs. Adam Pan
#5601, aired 2009-01-05 Michael Portnoy vs. Victoria Harkavy vs. Andrew Kasson

[Click here to see the Daily Double statistics limited to regular play games only]

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