Suggest correction - #8995 - 2023-12-15

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    $200 30
In the song "Winter Wonderland", these "ring, are you listening"

Show #8995 - Friday, December 15, 2023

2023 Champions Wildcard Hearts final game 1.


Gary Hollis, a chemistry professor from Roanoke, Virginia

Tyler Vandenberg, a Marine officer currently serving in Stuttgart, Germany

Yungsheng Wang, a deputy public defender originally from Lafayette, Louisiana

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 24
Add a letter to the country shown here & you get this painful wrenching of the ligaments around a joint
    $200 28
This country diva serenades this "Huck Finn" author with her hit "You're Still The One"
    $200 29
On Jan. 1, 1863 Lincoln issued this edict, & would later call it "the central act of my administration"
    $200 30
In the song "Winter Wonderland", these "ring, are you listening"
    $200 26
This international radio distress signal used by ships & aircraft comes from the French for "help me"
    $200 27
A hatching dinosaur is a highlight in a trailer for this 1993 blockbuster movie
    $400 19
Add a letter to the country highlighted here & you'll get this acronym for a device usable offshore
    $400 20
This "Fame" co-star & choreographer shows this leader of the Green Mountain Boys how to dance
    $400 10
A draft document called the Articles of the Barons preceded this one to which the king set his seal in 1215
    $400 25
This long-necked lute of India is played with a plectrum
    $400 15
From Greek words for "true" & "study", it's the study of the origin & development of words
    $400 14
A "Mansfield Park" trailer noted that this author valued the story above "Emma" & "Sense and Sensibility"
    $600 6
Add a letter to the country featured here & you get this word for a female
    $600 18
This film legend asks this TV Batman to come up & see her sometime
    $600 3
Robert Livingston, U.S. minister to France, James Monroe & a French treasury minister signed the treaty for this 1803 deal
    $600 23
This is a term for a stringed musical instrument with a keyboard, including "The Well-Tempered" one
    $600 21
Mozart's "Haffner", for example
    $600 13
In a trailer for this animated feature from 1999, Satan is in bed with Saddam Hussein
    $800 5
Add a letter to the country shown here & you get this word describing a fully-equipped business opportunity
    $800 4
It's a whirlwind courtship for this actress who plays Captain Marvel & this cartoonist behind The Far Side
    $800 2
A 1945 charter says, "We the peoples of" these "determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war"
    DD: $2,600 8
Ricola ads have featured this Swiss horn
    $800 17
Ingrained prejudice against women
    $800 12
A trailer for the adaptation of this Neil Simon play opens with Robert Redford & Jane Fonda smooching in NYC
    $1000 7
Add a letter to the country that's highlighted & you get this word meaning "harmless"
    $1000 11
This NASA mathematician of "Hidden Figures" fame is swept off her feet by this blond-mopped recent British leader
    $1000 9
Name given U.S. Public Law 88-408, passed in 1964 giving LBJ the power to prevent further aggression
    $1000 22
Head to the end of the alphabet for this stringed instrument
    $1000 16
A peculiar habit or mannerism
    $1000 1
Julian Fellowes penned this 2001 Robert Altman murder mystery with a trailer showing Clive Owen as a valet

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Yungsheng 永勝 Tyler Gary
$4,400 $1,600 $6,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Yungsheng 永勝 Tyler Gary
$6,800 $2,000 $9,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
The Mission Bay neighborhood is home to champions, with MLB's Giants in Oracle Park & this NBA squad playing in nearby Chase Center
    $400 28
They "bolt"ed into the NHL in 1992
    $400 27
It's the controlled application of water for agricultural purposes through manmade systems
    $400 26
It's noted for the size & color of its autumnal flowers
    $400 25
Linguist Marc Okrand created this language spoken by Worf (among others) on television
    $400 29
Sage advice from Fran Lebowitz: "Ask your child what he wants for dinner only if he's" doing this
    $800 12
It's a 1.7-mile walk across this; it's windy, so wear layers--& remember, there are restrooms at both ends, but none in the middle
    $800 24
They were still based in the Midwest when they won the first NBA title in 1950
    $800 23
This adjective for water safe to consume is from the Latin for "drink"
    $800 22
The name of this flower comes from the Greek geranos, or "crane"
    $800 3
You can be like Daenerys & actually learn about 4,000 words of this language of Khal Drogo
    $800 21
When asked what his favorite one of these was, Jack Palance joked, "Poppy seed"
    $1200 11
An elaborate 1915 San Francisco expo celebrated the completion of this, which made it much easier to sail to the city
    $1200 18
They chop down opponents for Cal Poly Humboldt, & they're okay
    $1200 8
Any smaller river or branch that's a feeder of a larger river or stream
    DD: $3,000 14
Oh, the vanity! These flowers represent egotism, as their mythological name indicates
    $1200 4
Harry Potter acquired the ability to speak this language of snakes from Voldemort
    DD: $3,000 20
H.L. Mencken defined Puritanism as "the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be" this word
    $1600 2
28 S.F. restaurants have received a total of 39 of these coveted awards, including 3 for chef Corey Lee's Benu on Hawthorne Street
    $1600 7
It's the gender-specific name of the University of Tennessee's women's basketball team
    $1600 9
Using pressure & a membrane to remove particulates from seawater is called reverse osmosis, one method of this process
    $1600 13
The moccasin flower is also known by this other shoe name
    $1600 5
Tolkien created this language whose forms include Quenya before writing his books, not the other way around
    $1600 15
Attributed to Jeremy Bentham: these are "the only persons in whom ignorance of the law is not punished"
    $2000 1
Known for hotels & great shopping, this iconic square got its name from the pro-North rallies held there during the Civil War
    $2000 19
They howl for the University of New Mexico, entiende?
    $2000 10
Channels called these ways take water around a dam when the reservoir is full
    $2000 17
Rise & shine & sing out the name of this flower that often blooms early in the day
    $2000 6
This language in "Avatar" was created by linguist Paul Frommer & consists of several thousand words
    $2000 16
Eubie Blake, 1887-1983, is among those credited with "If I'd known I was gonna live this long", he'd have done this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Yungsheng 永勝 Tyler Gary
$16,800 $8,800 $14,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1888's "Ranch Life & the Hunting-Trail" Teddy Roosevelt wrote his 2 ranch hands were "able to travel" like this animal

Final scores:

Yungsheng 永勝 Tyler Gary
$8,000 $17,600 $6,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Yungsheng 永勝 Tyler Gary
$16,800 $8,800 $14,000
20 R,
2 W
11 R,
2 W
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $39,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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