Suggest correction - #1939 - 1993-01-28

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    $200 7
In 1991 England's 1st astronaut, Helen Sharman, took off for space aboard one of this country's Soyuz capsules

Show #1939 - Thursday, January 28, 1993

Diane Siegel game 4.


Nat Deutsch, an employee relations officer from Washington, D.C.

Allison Byerley, a systems engineer from Houston, Texas

Diane Siegel, a homemaker from Northridge, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $43,379)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the country in which that medal or decoration is awarded.)
    $100 6
The center of this, our home galaxy, is near the constellation Sagittarius
    $100 11
This show's theme song was rewritten to include "The Professor and Mary Ann"
    $100 16
Appropriately, the cocktail named for this biblical couple is made with a liqueur called forbidden fruit
    $100 21
In North America it's the time zone between Mountain & Eastern
    $100 1
Falcons are native to every continent except this one
    $100 26
The order of Pius
    $200 7
In 1991 England's 1st astronaut, Helen Sharman, took off for space aboard one of this country's Soyuz capsules
    $200 12
She's the next character named in "The Jetsons" theme song after "Meet George Jetson"
    $200 17
This ingredient in a Bacardi cocktail should be made by Bacardi
    $200 22
O'clock is a contraction of this
    $200 2
Barn owls are distinguished from typical owls by their faces, which have this "romantic" shape
    $200 27
The Order of the Chrysanthemum
    $300 8
The first Surveyor probe was sent to this body in 1966 in preparation for the manned landing
    $300 13
According to its theme song, this romantic vessel "promises something for everyone"
    $300 18
This liqueur puts the green in a greenback & a green fizz
    $300 23
"A month of" these refers to a long time or never
    $300 3
The hill species of this black bird is the best known, perhaps because it does so much talking
    $300 28
The Order of the House of Orange
    $400 9
This type of spacecraft is also known as the Space Transportation System
    $400 14
The 4 words Mister Ed sings at the end of his TV theme song
    $400 19
Cocktails with "London" in their names are often made with this liquor
    $400 24
"Their finest hour" came from a speech he made June 18, 1940
    $400 4
The white ibis has a red face while this ibis is almost completely red
    $400 29
The Order of Vasco Nunez de Balboa
    $500 10
With its brilliant coloring, Io has been called the most spectacular of this planet's Galilean moons
    $500 15
In the "Green Acres" theme song, Eva Gabor sings, "I get allergic smelling" this
    $500 20
A thistle cocktail calls for sweet vermouth & this liquor --"fling" in some bitters, too
    DD: $1,000 25
It's the only country on the continent of Europe that's in the same time zone as England
    $500 5
This bird that's nicknamed "budgie" is also known as the shell parakeet
    $500 30
The Order of the Liberator General San Martin

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Diane Allison Nat
$400 $1,500 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Diane Allison Nat
$1,200 $2,000 $500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In 1961 part of this Massachusetts cape was designated a National Seashore
    $200 18
In computer terminology, a printout on paper is this type of copy
    $200 17
260 of its crew of about 350 were killed February 15, 1898
    $200 6
Boccaccio & Dante helped popularize the Tuscan, or Florentine, form of this language
    $200 11
King Arthur's mortally wounded body was borne away to this island
    $200 16
Discouraged, he left politics in 1953; 5 years later he was Premier of France
    $400 2
The Catskills & Poconos are part of this mountain system
    $400 19
You need one of these, a secret string of characters, to log on to many computer systems
    $400 21
It's the famous nickname of Col. Leonard Wood's regiment; many of them were cowboys
    $400 7
This national language is also known as Svensk
    $400 12
Grace Metalious populated this town with Mackenzies & Harringtons
    $400 22
Leslie Halliwell quoted him as saying, "Give me any couple of pages of the Bible and I'll give you a picture"
    $600 3
At 95 feet, Vermont's lowest elevation is along this lake
    $600 20
On current IBM keyboards, these keys are marked F1 through F12
    $600 23
Spain started the peace talks through Jules Cambon, this country's ambassador in Washington
    $600 8
Wales has 2 official languages, but most of the people in Wales speak only this one
    $600 13
The island of Aeaea was home to this sorceress who taught Ulysses' men pig Greek
    $600 24
He died May 21, 1542, about a year after seeing the Mississippi for the first time
    $800 4
This arm of the Atlantic forms most of Connecticut's southern border
    $800 25
This "happy" type of input device is useful for playing computer games
    DD: $2,000 28
Under the peace treaty, Spain had to cede one of the Marianas Islands to the U.S.; they chose this one
    $800 9
This classical language of India & many other Indic languages are written in the Devanagari script
    DD: $1,500 14
Shakespeare called an island in this play Bermoothes, perhaps after the newly discovered Bermudas
    $800 29
This radio pioneer called his tube the Audion; today it's known as the Triode
    $1000 5
Nicknamed the "Sunshine City", it's located on the south end of Florida's Pinellas Peninsula
    $1000 26
This device allows a computer to read a printed page or picture
    $1000 27
The famous line "You may fire when you are ready, Gridley" was said during this battle
    $1000 10
This American Indian linguist was a silversmith before he invented the Cherokee syllabary
    $1000 15
Going to the Celestial City in this book, one crosses the Slough of Despond
    $1000 30
In 1969 this artificial heart pump inventor was appointed president of Baylor's School of Medicine

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Diane Allison Nat
$5,900 $5,000 $7,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

In April 1992 McDonald's opened its biggest restaurant ever in this world capital

Final scores:

Diane Allison Nat
$11,800 $2,499 $2,500
4-day champion: $55,179 3rd place: Outdoor Products travel gear + Jeopardy! computerized version or home game 2nd place: Broyhill bedroom set + Burlington House comforter ensemble + Jeopardy! computerized version or home game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Diane Allison Nat
$5,200 $5,000 $7,300
20 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
15 R,
2 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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