Suggest correction - #654 - 1987-06-11

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    $800 23
The Oct. 27, 1986 cover of Time called this "True Stories" director "Rock's Renaissance Man"

Show #654 - Thursday, June 11, 1987

Jonathan Fellows game 4.


Stu Silverstein, an attorney and foreign affairs writer originally from Chicago, Illinois

Steve Smith, a linguist interpreter originally from Medway, Ohio

Jonathan Fellows, a legislative assistant originally from Bellevue, Washington (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $29,001)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
"Long Tom"
    $100 23
Not surprisingly, Blake Carrington had this perfume made especially for Krystle
    $100 18
As the '50s ended, it's what Connie Stevens asked Kookie to lend her
    $100 13
Type of book for which 19th c. William McGuffey was most famous
    $100 7
72,000 eggs were hard-boiled for the biggest ever of these Sunday springtime events
    $100 6
"Was this the face that launched..."
    $200 2
"Little Van"
    $200 24
Not surprisingly, Krystle had this cologne made especially for Blake
    $200 19
Connie Francis said lipstick found there "told a tale on you"
    $200 14
Country in which, in 1837, the first kindergarten opened
    $200 11
The world's most poisonous venom comes from 1 of these amphibians not from a snake
    $200 8
"Though I've belted you flayed you an' flayed you, by the livin' gawd that made you you're a better man than I am..."
    $300 3
"The Man from Missouri"
    $300 25
At a roundup, a cowboy might wear these or this same-named Ralph Lauren after-shave
    $300 20
The Impalas "Ran all the way home just to say" this
    DD: $200 15
1st school subject mentioned in the following song:

"Don't know much trigonometry /Don't know much about algebra / Don't know what a slide rule is for / But I do know one and one is two..."
    $300 26
The American woodcock is the slowest of all birds at doing this, going 5 mph "without sinking"
    $300 9
"Once I built a railroad, now it's done brother..."
    $400 4
"The Trust Buster"
    $400 28
"Unwind" & "Wildfire" are 2 of his scents that might be "thrillers" for you
    $400 21
In 1959, Lloyd Price kept saying "over and over" --over and over-- "'cause you got" this
    $400 16
It's claimed world's richest scholarship foundation for women is this Atlantic City-based one
    $400 27
It took Rev. Ronald Gallagher 120 hours to deliver the longest of these ever recorded
    $400 10
Dorothy Parker penned, "Guns aren't lawful; nooses give; gas smells awful; you might as well..."
    $500 5
"Son of His Grandfather", who was also a president
    $500 22
1955 song title that falls between "My tears fell like rain" & "You're the 1 to blame"
    $500 17
Encyclopedia Americana calls "The Academy", founded by this philosopher, the first university
    $500 12
"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and..."

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Jonathan Steve Stu
$2,300 $0 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jonathan Steve Stu
$2,700 $600 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
Menes, who ruled some 3000 years B.C., was first known king of this country
    $200 18
It was blamed in deaths of both Md. basketball star Len Bias, & Cleveland Browns' back Don Rogers
    $200 26
"Little Shop of Horrors" director Frank Oz is best known as the voice of this porcine Muppet
    $200 2
If the Rams hosted the Raiders, team that would supply the football
    $200 6
All nations of Africa, except this 1, belong to OAU, founded in 1963 to eradicate colonialism
    $200 7
In the 16th c., the Council of Trent said this was the maximum number of godfathers a person could have
    $400 13
Julius Caesar occasionally suffered from non-military attacks--of this brain disorder
    $400 21
On Feb. 15, 1986, Philippine Nat'l Assembly declared this candidate winner in the presidential election
    $400 19
This prankster once gave Tippi Hedren's daughter a doll made to look like her mother in a toy coffin
    $400 1
Fans wear dog masks & toss dog biscuits to players in "Dog House" section of this Midwest city's stadium
    $400 8
Of France, Australia, or the U.S., the 1 country with no territorial claims in Antarctica
    $400 24
The 1st rite a Catholic godfather formally participates in with his godchild
    $600 14
Athens' 1st written legal code said to have been "written in blood" by Draco, gave us this word
    $600 22
In April 1986, he gave his first concert in Russia since leaving that country 61 years earlier
    $600 20
Yilmaz Guney, accused of murder, directed his award-winning Turkish film "Yol" from this odd location
    $600 3
In his 18 years of scrambling in the NFL, he ran for more yards than any other quarterback
    $600 9
The 1 Scandinavian country not to be occupied by Germany during WWII
    $600 25
Ronald Reagan's Screen Actors Guild V.P., this "Golden Boy" was Patti Davis' godfather
    DD: $800 15
Ancient Greek weight of about 57 lbs., it sounds like an aptitude or ability
    $800 17
Rivals Eastern Airlines & People Express were both bought by this company
    $800 23
The Oct. 27, 1986 cover of Time called this "True Stories" director "Rock's Renaissance Man"
    $800 4
Penalty signaled by an official grasping his wrist with his other hand
    DD: $1,500 10
4 of the 6 South American countries that lie completely south of the equator
    $800 29
Killed in 1979, he was godfather, great uncle & "honorary grandfather" to Prince Charles
    $1000 27
Father of Alexander the Great who hired Aristotle to tutor his son
    $1000 16
Feb. 26, 1986, Robert Penn Warren became 1st American named to this national position
    $1000 28
Born Michael Igor Peschkowsky in Germany, his 1st film was "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"
    $1000 5
For the point after touchdown, the pros put the ball on this yard line
    $1000 11
The only country in the world that begins with "Q"
    $1000 30
A godfather is formally called this, from the Latin "spondere", meaning "to promise"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jonathan Steve Stu
$8,500 $3,400 $3,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This marionette was the mystery guest on "What's My Line?" on August 15, 1954

Final scores:

Jonathan Steve Stu
$10,200 $6,100 $2,000
4-day champion: $39,201 2nd place: trip on Eastern to the U.S. Virgin Islands & stay at the Frenchman's Reef in St. Thomas 3rd place: Daniel Mink his & hers watches

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jonathan Steve Stu
$8,600 $3,400 $5,300
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
9 R,
2 W
17 R,
7 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $17,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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