Suggest correction - #901 - 1988-07-04

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    $800 10
"The Shire" is a county in Eriador where these small good-natured folk live

Show #901 - Monday, July 4, 1988


Kevin Frear, a U.S. Army captain from Baumholder, Germany

Rod Graf, a landscaper from Claremont, California

Carol Reeve, a homemaker from Orinda, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $19,700)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
Wallets made from slime eels may do this to your bank cards
    $100 1
It's the only continent where monotremes, egg-laying mammals, are found
    $100 6
The largest indoor set ever built was the UFO landing site for the climax of this '77 blockbuster
    $100 11
The World Almanac lists this man, born circa 1860, as a botanist, chemurgist & educator
    $100 21
One can hold a stamp in an album or a door to its frame
    $200 17
Of spit, spat or sput, the proper term for a young oyster
    $200 2
Of 3, 6, or 10, the number of mainland countries on North America
    $200 7
The hills of Cardiff, Wales are alive with the fact that Myra Franklin has seen this movie 940 times
    $200 12
It was under this name that Elijah Poole led the Black Muslims
    $200 22
It's 2 strips, one with nylon hooks & the other with nylon pile
    $300 18
This cephalopod is sometimes called "pearly" & sometimes called "chambered"
    $300 3
The 12 countries that signed the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 represent this many continents
    $300 8
A Shelley Duvall scene in this Stanley Kubrick 1980 thriller, set the record for most takes in a talkie--127
    $300 13
Hiram Revels, who finished out Jefferson Davis' term in 1879, was 1st Black elected as this
    $300 23
Working on a vacuum principle, they hold your Garfield doll to your car window
    $400 19
When a coelacanth fish was caught near Africa in 1938, scientists were interested for this reason
    $400 4
It's the continent with the greatest population density
    $400 9
"Lights of New York", which came out a year after "The Jazz Singer", was the 1st one
    $400 14
One of the 1st Blacks to get a patent, Henry Blair got his 2nd in 1836 for a device to plant this crop
    $400 24
Its name might have come from the Latin "scrofa" meaning "sow", since its threads look like a sow's tail
    $500 20
Some folks call this mollusk the devilfish, perhaps because of its scary-looking appendages
    $500 5
Though basically centered in 1 country, it has the most adherents of any religion in Asia
    $500 10
This spaghetti Western starring Henry Fonda & Jason Robards had the longest screen credits, 12 minutes
    $500 15
A founder of this group, W.E.B. Du Bois, edited its magazine "The Crisis"
    $500 25
The long metal pin that holds your shish kebab together

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Carol Rod Kevin
-$300 -$500 $1,100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carol Rod Kevin
$500 -$600 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
Everything is edible in the town of Bunbury, located in this land created by L. Frank Baum
    $200 2
Speaking to journalists in 1973, Richard Nixon said "I'm not a..." this
    $200 12
Founded by the Aztecs in the 1300s, Tenochtitlan is now called this
    $200 13
I became a leading man riding down the streets of N.Y. on horseback as Marshal Sam McCloud
    $400 8
Book you'd have to read to "visit" Brobdingnag
    $400 3
In a November 1987 Playboy interview, Jessica Hahn said, "I am not a..." this
    $400 17
In 1917, this country asked Mexico to enter WWI on its side to win back land Mexico had lost to the U.S.
    $400 14
I played bouillabaseball for the Melmac Orbiters under my real name Gordon Shumway
    DD: $1,000 9
The town in this famous poetic "Anthology" was inspired by two Illinois cities, Lewistown & Petersburg
    $600 21
Hypermetropia & hyperopia are fancy terms for this condition
    $600 4
By local statute, you can't open one in Palm Springs, California: so call it a "hotel"
    $600 1
This city, whose name means "True Cross", was 1st Spanish settlement in Mexico
    $600 26
Of a barbarian, a monk, or a merchant, the only 1 for whom a Chinese scholar was allowed to play his zither
    $600 18
In 1929, I made my 1st appearance on television in Chicago; it wasn't on a Tuesday night
    $800 10
"The Shire" is a county in Eriador where these small good-natured folk live
    $800 22
This dread epidemic caused by "Pasteurella pestis" 1st entered the U.S. in 1899
    $800 5
It's Justin Wilson's cuisine, I gar-on-tee
    DD: $1,000 15
This future U.S. president became a national hero in his battle against Santa Anna in 1847
    $800 25
Deuteronomy 14 says it's OK to do this to a pygarg but not to a cormorant
    $800 19
I was Martin Mull's sidekick on "Fernwood 2-Night" & Sarah Purcell's on "Real People"
    $1000 11
The Silent Ones watch over these, which were found by Allan Quartermain's African expedition
    $1000 23
Technically known as "syncope", it's caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure
    $1000 6
This word meaning "old woman" is a nickname for Bridget
    $1000 16
The French invaded Mexico when this Indian reform leader suspended loan payments to Europe
    $1000 24
One major taboo treated in his 1913 book "Totem & Taboo" is incest
    $1000 20
I gave Elizabeth Taylor a purple Harley to celebrate her "Passion"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carol Rod Kevin
$1,300 $600 $4,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

John Flamsteed was appointed the 1st Astronomer Royal in 1675, when this was founded

Final scores:

Carol Rod Kevin
$2,600 $1,200 $6,100
2nd place: Broyhill secretary desk & hutch + Baldwin Oxford lamp 3rd place: Helbros his & hers watches New champion: $6,100

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Carol Rod Kevin
$1,300 $1,600 $5,400
16 R,
8 W
5 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $8,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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