Suggest correction - #2195 - 1994-03-04

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    $200 6
His book on his travels gave medieval Europe its first firsthand look at China

Show #2195 - Friday, March 4, 1994

Fred Frank game 2.


Paul Koester, a computer operator originally from Wichita, Kansas

Debbie Smith, a Ph.D. candidate originally from Indianapolis, Indiana

Fred Frank, a painter from San Francisco, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $11,800)

Jeopardy! Round

1980s FILMS
(Alex: Each word will begin with those two letters of the alphabet.)
    $100 9
Capitals of this republic included Washington-on-the-Brazos & Houston
    $100 11
Films directed by this actor in the 1980s include "Staying Alive" & "Rocky III"
    $100 21
To find a suspect, the police may issue an APB, which stands for this
    $100 26
The San Andreas is an example of the strike- slip type of these geologic features
    $100 5
"Hurry" if you know this is the 4-letter name for cornmeal porridge
    $100 16
Lacewings, locusts & leafhoppers are types of these
    $200 4
In 1811 a subsidiary of his American Fur Company founded Fort Astoria on the Columbia River
    $200 12
Marlee Matlin won an Oscar as "Best Actress" in this 1986 film, her debut
    $200 22
This division sends its detectives out to investigate murders
    $200 27
These long sea inlets found in Norway develop by glaciation of a previous river system
    $200 6
Genoa, kosher & Milanese are three types of this cold cut
    $200 17
It's what you often do to the first line of a paragraph
    $300 1
On June 30, 1859 tightrope walker Charles Blondin crossed this site 160 feet above the water
    $300 13
The voice of Gizmo in this 1984 Joe Dante movie was provided by Howie Mandel
    $300 23
The record of a criminal's arrests is known as this kind of "sheet"
    $300 28
These events generate 3 main types of wave motion: L waves, S waves & P waves
    $300 7
It's the Italian term for large prawns often sauteed in butter & garlic
    $300 18
A ritual recitation used in magic, such as "double, double toil and trouble"
    $400 2
This landmark in the nation's capital was dedicated on February 21, 1885
    $400 14
"Coal Miner's Daughter" was the film biography of this country music star
    $400 24
The name of these French policemen comes from the words for "men of arms"
    $400 29
This period from 195 to 135 million years ago was named by Brongniart for the Jura Mountains
    $400 8
You might enjoy these "Swedish" style or in albondigas soup
    $400 19
Jean Anouilh called this "a force that poets have invented to give themselves importance"
    DD: $700 3
In November 1899 Garret A. Hobart, this man's Vice President, died while in office
    $500 15
This 1989 Kevin Costner film was based on W.P. Kinsella's book "Shoeless Joe"
    $500 25
When this 4-letter word ends in "C", it's slang for a drugs officer; when it ends in "K", it's an informant
    $500 30
This is the term in mining for the solid rock below the soil & gravel
    $500 10
It's the type of legume found in the southern dish Hopping John
    $500 20
Meaning "to engrave", it's any gemstone with a design carved into its surface

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Fred Debbie Paul
$3,300 $400 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Fred Debbie Paul
$4,300 $1,400 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Tibet's Mount Kailas in this range is sacred to both Hindus & Buddhists
    $200 19
In 1992 this hairstylist celebrated his 50th year in the business with an exhibition & world tour
    $200 6
His book on his travels gave medieval Europe its first firsthand look at China
    $200 11
This tax is the largest single source of federal revenue
    $200 12
This theatre associated with Shakespeare was built by Richard & Cuthbert Burbage in 1599
    $200 17
In 1958 it was the first U.S. state alphabetically
    $400 2
Basel on the Rhine River is this country's most important port & a leading industrial center
    $400 23
Hosiery "the lady prefers"
    $400 7
In the 1920s Umberto Nobile flew over this geographic extreme twice in a dirigible, once with R. Amundsen
    $400 14
This branch checks the other 2 with the power of impeachment
    $400 30
Interlocutor & Mr. Bones provided humor in this type of "show" popular in the 19th century
    $400 18
Alphabetically, it's first among the signs of the zodiac
    $600 3
The Sudeten mountain range lies on the border of Poland & this new European Republic
    $600 24
Intimo is Valentino's line of this
    $600 8
Lodovico di Varthema once pretended to be a Muslim so he could enter this city
    DD: $2,500 13
If, after one of these, a state gains or loses a House member, it has to redistrict
    $600 28
Tyrone Guthrie directed the first production at the Stratford Festival in this Canadian province
    $600 20
He's alphabetically first among the Wimbledon men's singles winners
    $800 4
The city of Montevideo, Uruguay lies at the junction of the Atlantic Ocean & this estuary
    $800 25
Martin Scorsese's "Made in Milan" was a documentary on this designer who has A/X stores
    $800 9
Sailing from England in 1497, possibly with his son Sebastian, he reached North America
    $800 15
The Senate of the 103rd Congress has 16 standing ones of these
    $800 27
This author of "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" was born Thomas Straussler
    $800 21
Among the 6 Secretaries-General of the U.N., he's alphabetically first
    DD: $1,600 5
This Balkan country shares Lake Prespa with Macedonia & Greece
    $1000 29
This '90s style out of Seattle's music scene features plaid flannel shirts, jeans & boots
    $1000 10
Verrazzano named an island in Narragansett Bay after this Greek isle that it resembled in shape
    $1000 16
A little horse sense may tell you this is the common name for non-germane amendments
    $1000 26
One of this Moscow Art Theatre founder's notable acting roles was Gaev in "The Cherry Orchard"
    $1000 22
It's alphabetically first among the countries in Asia

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Fred Debbie Paul
$12,200 $6,600 $2,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

Penguin's edition of this 1830's classic includes a glossary of thieves' slang

Final scores:

Fred Debbie Paul
$11,199 $0 $5,390
2-day champion: $22,999 3rd place: Croton watch + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis 2nd place: trip to Oasis Water Resort Villa Hotel in Palm Springs + RCA camcorder

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Fred Debbie Paul
$10,100 $6,000 $2,700
27 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
15 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $18,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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