Suggest correction - #2398 - 1995-01-25

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    $300 8
It's the bugle call that orders, "get up, get up, you sleepy-head!"

Show #2398 - Wednesday, January 25, 1995


Karal Garcia, a student from Omaha, Nebraska

Claud Argall, a financial services manager from Sparks, Nevada

Patrick McCauley, a research director from Arlington, Virginia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $11,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
"It is written that man shall not live by" this "alone, but by every word of God"
    $100 17
In 1960 James Garner sued to get out of his contract for this western & won
    $100 20
For about 50ยข you can take a gondola ride across the Grand Canal in this city
    $100 16
This striped mammal belongs to the genus Equus
    $100 4
Munching on some crackers may help with this malady of mothers-to-be
    $100 1
As its first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion is considered the father of this nation
    $200 12
The line following "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want"
    $200 18
This series was based on a book by Jeraldine Saunders about her experiences as a cruise hostess
    $200 21
In Coventry, England, you'll catch people peeping at an equestrian statue of this woman
    $200 27
Wallabies belong to a group of marsupials known as Macropodidae because of these large features
    $200 5
Musical in which you'd find the song "Good Morning Starshine"
    $200 2
The day before his 40th birthday in 1979, Joe Clark became this country's prime minister
    $300 13
Solomon asked the King of Tyre to "hew me cedar trees out of" this country to build his temple
    $300 19
National beauty title once held by "Murphy Brown" character Corky Sherwood
    DD: $600 24
The Royal Pantheon outside this capital contains the tombs of kings from Charles V to Alfonso XIII
    $300 30
Unlike other female deer, female reindeer have these
    $300 8
It's the bugle call that orders, "get up, get up, you sleepy-head!"
    $300 3
In 1951 American-born Eamon de Valera became this republic's prime minister
    $400 14
"Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and" this color "robe"
    $400 22
This dog on "Rocky and His Friends" invented the WABAC Machine
    $400 25
When exploring Germany, beware a sign that says, "Betreten verboten"; it means this
    $400 28
It's the proper term for a baby hippo or a baby whale
    $400 9
The initial odds posting before betting begins on a horse race
    $400 6
This father of India's first woman prime minister was India's first prime minister
    $500 15
"So Boaz took" this Moabite widow, "and she was his wife"
    $500 23
This former "Tonight Show" exec. producer has directed "The Jack Benny Program" & "My Three Sons"
    $500 26
Some of the finest coffee comes from this country & you can sample it for free at the El Dorado Airport
    $500 29
The coati, a raccoon relative, is also known by this longer name
    $500 10
She's the Roman goddess of dawn
    $500 7
In 1988 this person succeeded Gen. Mohammad Zia ul-Haq as prime minister of Pakistan

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Patrick Claud Karal
$1,200 -$300 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Patrick Claud Karal
$1,600 $1,900 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
George Jackson is credited with discovering this precious metal in the Rockies
    $200 15
Poe poem that tells us, "How we shiver with affright at the melancholy menace of their tone!"
    $200 23
Ancient Greek architects Ictinus & Callicrates built this temple dedicated to Athena
    $200 6
His band played "Auld Lang Syne" at the Roosevelt on New Year's Eve from 1929, moving to the Waldorf in 1965
    $200 12
In 1911 this state adopted a modified version of the Bear Flag Republic's flag
    $200 11
Among his tales are "The Swineherd" & "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"
    $400 2
Because wood was rare on the Plains, this new item patented in 1873 made cheap fencing possible
    $400 16
Longfellow also called this poem "The Ballad of the Schooner Hesperus"
    $400 24
After the Great Fire of London in 1666, he designed more than 50 new churches
    $400 7
The 12-bar type of this "colorful" African-American song style has 3 lines of 4 bars each
    $400 13
These 2 celestial objects adorn the flag of Nepal
    $400 10
Hans Christian Oersted discovered that this field is produced by an electric current
    $600 3
With one law book & a six-shooter, he held court at his saloon in Langtry, Texas
    $600 17
The Italian or Petrarchan type of this verse form consists of an octave followed by a sestet
    $600 14
Jefferson's design of this university's rotunda was inspired by the Pantheon in Rome
    $600 8
Toshiro Mayuzumi's "Tonepleromas 55" has parts for wind instruments & this musical carpenters' tool
    $600 20
The flag of the secretary of this current cabinet dept. depicts an eagle with 3 arrows in its talons
    $600 29
He really "clicked" in 1908 with a device to detect alpha particles
    $800 4
By 1876 this Nevada town had more than 23,000 people & 150 saloons; Mark Twain had already left
    $800 18
William Blake asked of this animal, "in what distant deeps or skies burnt the fire of thine eyes?"
    $800 28
He designed a geodesic dome that would have covered part of Manhattan Island
    $800 9
As a youngster this third "B" composer played piano in sailors' taverns
    $800 21
Iowa's flag resembles this country's tricolor because Iowa was once part of Louisiana
    DD: $600 25
Since the 1989 death of Franz Josef II, Prince Hans Adam has reigned over this small principality
    DD: $1,500 5
The Chisholm & Western Trails were routes used to move cattle mainly to this state from Texas
    $1000 19
It's the term for a pair of rhyming lines that may be closed, open or heroic
    $1000 27
Frei Otto designed structures with tent-like roofs for the 1972 Summer Olympics in this city
    $1000 26
"Petrouchka" composer Igor Stravinsky studied under this "Scheherazade" composer
    $1000 22
This East African nation's flag features a Masai shield & 2 spears
    $1000 30
Learning art from his father, he went on to paint Thomases More & Cromwell & Henry VIII

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Patrick Claud Karal
$4,800 $5,400 $7,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Once rejected as too far-fetched, his 1863 novel "Paris in the 20th Century" was published for the 1st time in 1994

Final scores:

Patrick Claud Karal
$6,000 $10,799 $3,500
2nd place: Gateway PC + Bush executive desk New champion: $10,799 3rd place: limousine ride from Carey Limousine

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Patrick Claud Karal
$5,000 $6,900 $6,900
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
21 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $18,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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