Suggest correction - #8824 - 2023-03-09

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    $400 27
Ballet dancers in the preparatory position called "bras bas" hold these down low, as its French name says

Show #8824 - Thursday, March 9, 2023

2023 High School Reunion Tournament final game 2.


Justin Bolsen, a first-year student at Brown University from Canton, Georgia (subtotal of $13,570)

Maya Wright, a senior at Emory University from Peachtree City, Georgia (subtotal of $3,370)

Jackson Jones, a junior at Vanderbilt University from Louisville, Kentucky (subtotal of $24,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
Alliterative nickname for just the last 2 rounds of the NCAA basketball championship, featuring a quartet of teams
    $200 29
This term applied to many female activists of the early century is from Latin for "right of voting"
    $200 28
It can mean a pupil or a follower of anyone, not just of Jesus
    $200 22
Yum! tries to live up to its name, owning Taco Bell & this chain that boasts "Pepperoni Lover's" slices
    $200 25
It includes the pharynx & parts of the trachea & the esophagus
    $200 24
Baseball players call an unhittable pitch this adjective also found before "rich"
    $400 16
In 2022 this numeric conference announced plans to grow to 16 schools, 2 in Calif.; no word about a possible name change
    $400 27
This predecessor to the U.N. met for the first time in November 1920
    $400 26
This word ends the first line of Shakespeare's "Richard III"
    $400 21
This oil company wants to be "a net-zero energy emissions business by 2050 or sooner", & become one "of its former self"
    $400 13
Named for its shape, it spans from the heel to the ball of the foot
    $400 23
Maggot farmer was one of the options Mike Rowe explored as the host of this Discovery Channel TV show
    $600 12
The NCAA needs permission from Major League Baseball to use this name for an event held each summer in Omaha
    $600 15
Announced in a 1947 speech, this president's "Doctrine" provided the basis for U.S. Cold War policy
    $600 14
To protect sensitive information, you may be asked to sign an NDA, a non-this agreement
    $600 20
"We are" this insurance company with a shield logo, bum pa-dum, etc.
    $600 6
It's one of the layers of cartilage seen here
    $600 19
Synonymous with handheld vacuum for many, it's been picking up spilled cat litter & coffee grounds since 1979
    $800 10
This SEC school won the 2023 NCAA football title game in convincing fashion with a 65-7 drubbing of TCU
    $800 2
The 1998 Good Friday Agreement helped quell decades of violence in this U.K. country
    $800 3
It can be a break or interruption, or the boundary between the Earth's crust & the mantle called the Moho, or Mohorovicic this
    $800 9
Talk about making a connection! In 2020 T-Mobile ran some numbers by this competitor, which agreed to a $26 billion merger
    $800 5
The occipital one in the brain processes visual information
    $800 18
"The Seven Dirty Words You Can Never Say on Television" was a routine by this late, great humorist
    $1000 11
Gable Steveson won the 2022 NCAA heavyweight title in this, with 2 quick takedowns to beat Greco specialist Cohlton Schultz
    $1000 1
Ford's 1913 adoption of this continuous workflow process reduced the time to build a car from 12-plus hours to 1 1/2
    $1000 7
Disturbing the peace & loitering can be part of the crime known as this type of "conduct"
    $1000 8
In 2020 Lululemon spent $500 million to buy this fitness company whose wall-mounted device streams exercise classes
    DD: $1,600 4
Macrophages destroy old or damaged cells when blood passes through this organ
    $1000 17
For a traditional Cajun dish, add chicken liver or gizzards to this, making it "dirty"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jackson Maya Justin
$3,400 $1,400 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jackson Maya Justin
$3,600 $2,400 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 24
It's from the Latin for "beginning", or a letter like the L in Samuel L. Jackson
    $400 22
U.S. island bearing the name of a Polynesian demigod
    $400 28
This 1815 Jane Austen title is just the heroine's first name
    $400 27
Ballet dancers in the preparatory position called "bras bas" hold these down low, as its French name says
    $400 21
Last name Sanchez, this gassy scientist creates a robot whose sole purpose is to pass butter
    $400 30
This word can refer to someone in charge of a train, or Susanna Malkki when she's leading a philharmonic
    $800 23
Inception is a synonym for this, also an event at the end of a college career
    $800 7
Baltic capital 600,000 strong
    $800 25
Annie is the real name of this Henry James title character who goes by a flowery nickname
    $800 26
Amneris in "Aida" is usually sung in this hyphenated vocal range, middle of the pack for women
    $800 20
In his spare time, Bumblebee of Autobot fame likes to disguise himself as a Beetle from this carmaker
    $800 29
A German version of Caesar, Kaiser was an official royal title until the end of this conflict
    $1200 16
It's the first of a product before copies are made; KFC used it to describe their "first" recipe
    $1200 6
Archipelago nation about 1,300 miles north of Auckland
    $1200 8
The names of 2 lovers are in the title of this Shakespeare tragedy set during the Trojan War
    $1200 17
Meaning "great" in Russian, this ballet company survived the Russian Revolution, World Wars & the Soviet breakup
    $1200 15
WALL-E's robot girlfriend had this palindromic name
    DD: $3,000 12
As her son Chlotar II was an infant when he became king in 584 A.D., his mom Fredegund served as this type of queen until he came of age
    $1600 2
To begin the bidding in a card game or at an auction
    $1600 5
Major industrial river valley region of northwest Germany
    $1600 9
Chaim Potok's "My Name is" this traces the inner struggle of a young Jew whose artistry conflicts with his Orthodox faith
    DD: $3,200 18
This 8-letter piece of music comes before an opera & contains themes of the entire piece
    $1600 14
On "The Mandalorian" IG-11 is a lethal robot performing tasks for this guild, the same one the title character belongs to
    $1600 11
As shown in a 17th century painting, Jesus is taken before Caiaphas who is this religious boss, kohen gadol, in Hebrew
    $2000 1
Seen here are the skin cells described by this fundamental adjective
    $2000 4
Colorado ski resort town in Eagle County
    $2000 10
This Aristophanes play is named for the character who inspires the women of Athens & Sparta to end a war between the cities
    $2000 19
The opposite of legato, it's the term for the short, clipped articulation employed by opera singers
    $2000 13
The motions of the robot Baymax in this 2014 Disney movie were based on the movements of baby penguins
    $2000 3
This type of govt. official sent to a foreign land shares its name with an elected leader in the days of the Roman Republic

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jackson Maya Justin
$5,600 $14,200 $11,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

After its completion in the late 19th c., it was called a "truly tragic street lamp" & a "high & skinny pyramid of iron ladders"

Final scores:

Jackson Maya Justin
$11,198 $21,240 $21,991

Cumulative scores:

Jackson Maya Justin
$35,198 $24,610 $35,561
1st runner-up: $50,000 2nd runner-up: $25,000 Tournament champion: $100,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jackson Maya Justin
$10,400 $12,400 $11,000
20 R,
7 W
(including 2 DDs)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
18 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $33,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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