Suggest correction - #8727 - 2022-10-25

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    $200 30
On "Adventure Time", the Ice King was voiced by Tom Kenny, also the voice of this title guy since 1999... are ya ready, kids?!

Show #8727 - Tuesday, October 25, 2022

2022 Second Chance competition week 2, semifinal game 2.


Jack Weller, a law student originally from San Diego, California

Alicia O'Hare, a social worker from Long Beach, New York

Tom Philipose, a writing professor from Forest Hills, New York

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
A state in Australia & an African waterfall both bear her name
    $200 30
On "Adventure Time", the Ice King was voiced by Tom Kenny, also the voice of this title guy since 1999... are ya ready, kids?!
    $200 29
Nathan "Nearest" Green is recognized as this Tennessee brand's first master distiller & taught the man it's named for how to make it
    $200 28
Swedish chemist Carl Scheele proved that air was made of 2 gases: "fire air", oxygen, & "foul air", this element
    $200 24
In this country you might ask "Where's the beef?" because there isn't any but there is dosa masala on a bun
    $200 23
    $400 8
Honoring Ms. Peron, Ciudad Evita is a small town in this country
    $400 25
After nearly dying in a car wreck in 1961, Mel Blanc, in a body cast at home, voiced this guy, Fred Flintstone's best pal
    $400 26
A dozen green clovers dot the logo of this NBA team
    $400 27
While working with pitchblende in 1898, the Curies discovered polonium & this other element
    $400 18
In Hawaii you can start off your day with a platter of eggs, rice & this meat brand from a can
    $400 22
    $600 7
Marie Byrd Land on this continent was named for the wife of Admiral Byrd
    $600 21
Businesses next to this title Fox eatery: A Site for Sore Thighs, A Small Price Toupee & Baby Got Back Problems Physical Therapy
    $600 20
We're still in love with this soulful 11-time Grammy winner
    $600 10
This other name for mercury includes the name of a different element
    $600 3
At McDonald's in Canada, you'll of course find this dish of French fries covered with gravy & cheese curds
    $600 4
    $800 2
Located about 4 miles off the coast of Massachusetts, it's one of the few U.S. place names to have an apostrophe
    $800 1
A close-up of the clenched fist of this PBS character before he punched D.W. became a giant meme of anger expression
    $800 9
After fighting for the U.S. in the American Revolution, this leader of the Green Mountain Boys tried to get Canada to annex Vermont
    $800 11
In the 19th century busy chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius discovered silicon, thorium & this element, symbol Se
    $800 17
At the Macca's, as they call it Down Under, this traditional savory spread has been offered with an English muffin
    $800 5
    $1000 6
This capital of South Australia was named for the wife of Britain's King William IV
    $1000 14
Going big on many levels, this title guy hung out with "The Masters of the Universe" & holding a sword, bellowed, "I have the power!"
    $1000 19
A Kentucky college town & a Manhattan park share this sporty name
    DD: $4,000 12
A small amount of this element is sometimes added to table salt to make up for human deficiencies of it
    $1000 13
Breakfast in Venezuela includes cheese these, Spanish-named turnovers
    $1000 15

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tom Alicia Jack
$2,800 $2,000 $9,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Alicia Jack
$2,400 $6,200 $9,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each response in this category has two words that both rhyme with the word "delight".)
    $400 13
Not even bearded yet, in 1953 he led a failed revolt by storming Cuba's Moncada Barracks
    $400 27
In "The Rise of Gru" Pierre Coffin dug in as the voice of these title creatures
    $400 26
You'll be well over a mile high at the top of 714-foot Republic Plaza, this city's tallest building
    $400 30
China's Lantern Festival honors deceased relatives & marks the end of this larger festival
    $400 29
George Orwell's essay in which a police officer in Burma shoots this large mammal is seen as a metaphor for British colonialism
    $400 28
Feline conflict at the witching hour
    $800 10
In 1680 this New Mexico capital was taken in the anti-Catholic Pueblo Revolt led by Popé; you know he insisted on that accented E
    $800 3
Like life, he, uh, found a way to return as Dr. Ian Malcolm in "Jurassic World Dominion"
    $800 18
Saguaro cactus & this tequila-producing desert plant both depend on the lesser long-nosed bat for pollination
    $800 25
Since the 1950s towering sculptures have been part of the annual Snow Festival at this Japanese city also known for beer
    $800 4
The title of David Foster Wallace's "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" refers to a 7-night one of these
    $800 21
Speed up the process of getting the nitroglycerine explosives
    DD: $5,000 7
The -ists named for this month failed to topple the czar in 1825 but inspired the name of a 21st century band
    $1200 2
This actor was killer (among killers) as Ladybug aboard a "Bullet Train" in 2022
    $1200 17
By 1934 the New Deal with its administrative creations like the NRA & CCC had been dubbed this food
    $1200 24
The USAFF stands for the U.S. Association of these "edgy" festivals of which Tucson & Cincy are but a few of the participating cities
    $1200 5
He criticized Harriet Beecher Stowe & Richard Wright in a book of essays called "Notes of a Native Son"
    $1200 1
"Colorfully" authorize a personal or corporate location on the Internet
    $1600 6
Much of Rome's grain came from this large island 300 miles away, so it was a big deal when its slaves revolted in the Servile Wars
    $1600 14
brought this Sung Kang character back from getting blown to bits in "Tokyo Drift"; #justiceforhim!
    $1600 16
This Italian's 1867 opera "Don Carlos" was written in French, & in 2022 the Metropolitan Opera finally sang it that way
    $1600 23
Confetti & tunes flow freely at the massive music festival named for this southwestern town of England
    DD: $3,000 8
This essay by Thoreau says, "Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison"
    $1600 19
Technology-averse (or even destructive) dramatist
    $2000 9
Kossuth Square in Budapest is named for the man who in the 1840s led a revolt against the rule of Hungary by this Austrian family
    $2000 12
In 2022 she was "Everything Everywhere All at Once" as Evelyn Wang
    $2000 15
Only identified around 1920, this condition of uterine lining growing where it shouldn't affects as many as one woman in 10
    $2000 22
Each year at a festival in Pamplona comes the religious procession honoring this saint
    $2000 11
She called a 2003 book of essays "The Opposite of Fate"
    $2000 20
A quite rude follower of King James II

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Alicia Jack
$10,000 $13,000 $26,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The Kattegat & Skagerrak Straits separate these 2 seas

Final scores:

Tom Alicia Jack
$6,999 $0 $26,500
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 Finalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tom Alicia Jack
$10,000 $13,000 $18,200
16 R,
3 W
18 R,
3 W
21 R
(including 3 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $41,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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