Suggest correction - #8634 - 2022-05-05

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    $1000 20
Pre-Waterloo, this man made his name commanding the British in the 1808-14 Peninsular War in Spain & Portugal

Show #8634 - Thursday, May 5, 2022

Mattea Roach game 23.


Sarah Snider, a middle school humanities teacher from Fishers, Indiana

T.J. Lovejoy, a mortgage lender from Chandler, Arizona

Mattea Roach, a tutor from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (22-day champion whose cash winnings total $534,984)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: The responses sound like they contain gluten, but they don't.)
    $200 6
"Gray Weather, Grand Jatte" tried to show nature's vivid outdoor clarity in all its nuances, according to this painter
    $200 17
A Russian general killed at the 1812 Battle of Borodino, Prince Bagration found immortality as a character in this Tolstoy tome
    $200 27
Seen here, it'd be weird to get one à la mode
    $200 9
Close encounters have been had at the UFO-themed McDonald's in this New Mexico town
    $200 1
bubble screen,
option route
    $200 22
The government says you can't get that info because it has this 10-letter designation, like a newspaper ad section
    $400 3
Born in Crete, he worked in Spain but that country's king did not care for his 1580s "Martyrdom of St. Maurice"
    $400 16
One of Adm. Nelson's early triumphs was the 1798 Battle of Aboukir Bay, better known as the battle of this African river
    $400 26
These tasty-sounding bits of info stored on a computer can help maintain a user's browser session
    $400 14
Bigfoot Wallace, one of these Texas lawmen, once had to walk the mail to El Paso & had a 27-egg meal on the way
    $400 7
    $400 21
An article of clothing & a pointy weapon form this intrigue-laden idiom
    $600 2
Moving from Europe to New York in 1940, Piet Mondrian cut loose & painted 2 major works whose titles contain this rhyming music style
    $600 18
In 1801 Napoleon sent his brother Jerome to this West Indian colony then known as Saint Domingue to stop a slave revolt
    $600 28
This actor won't trigger your celiac disease
    DD: $2,000 12
This icon that strikes an E flat has words on it like "Pensylvania", which was an accepted spelling at the time
    $600 8
    $600 23
This double-talk term can be a command for silence, but more often refers to a matter of utmost secrecy
    $800 4
It was for the USA's centennial that Archibald Willard painted this work showing 3 marching musicians
    $800 19
This country's Archduke Charles was one of the few Allied commanders able to go head-to-head with Napoleon's top generals
    $800 29
This former name of the Hawaiian Islands sounds glutenous, but fret not
    $800 13
Weehawken, New Jersey is the place to see the dueling grounds where this statesman lost his life in 1804
    $800 10
Time trial,
brain bucket
    $800 24
"P" is for this word that refers to communication that's protected from compelled disclosure in a court of law
    $1000 5
In the "Education of Achilles" by this Flemish master, a highly cultivated man, the lyre represents music education
    $1000 20
Pre-Waterloo, this man made his name commanding the British in the 1808-14 Peninsular War in Spain & Portugal
    $1000 30
This type of logic is named for its twisted nature & numerous holes
    $1000 15
Ground that's frozen year round is called this; for research in Alaska, the Army Corps of Engineers built a tunnel in it
    $1000 11
eastern grip
    $1000 25
Secret agents have been known to travel this way, from Latin for "unknown"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mattea T.J. Sarah
$1,400 $400 $5,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mattea T.J. Sarah
$5,000 $400 $8,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each correct response will end with those letters--"I-T".)
    $400 9
On this innermost planet, a solar day lasts twice as long as its year & is equal to about 176 earth days
    $400 8
1953: Sharks plunder elderly Santiago's catch
    $400 24
R.J. Reynolds & Liggett & Myers were 2 of the companies created when the trust for this crop was broken up in 1911
    $400 1
Tami Taylor, on this Texas-set drama: "It's part of my job to make sure that you don't grow up stupid. It's bad for the world"
    $400 12
San Francisco junior college track team member Don Bryant was the first of 200,000 to get across this on its 1937 opening day
    $400 23
The IRS generally has 3 years to initiate this proceeding
    $800 10
The brightest star in the night sky is this binary star in Canis Major
    $800 4
1988: Once enslaved, Sethe is plagued by memories of a plantation & a baby lost
    $800 25
The movie trust nicknamed for this inventor limited most films to 2 reels & was dissolved in 1917
    $800 2
Malory, mom of this title spy: "Who put out a burn notice on Sterling?... but I would never...! Oh, dear God"
    $800 13
In 1952, a quick-thinking bus driver saved 20 passengers by accelerating & jumping the gap when this drawbridge rose unexpectedly
    $800 22
To exonerate in court
    $1200 11
In 2019 Green Bank Observatory found the most massive of this superdense type of star (a teaspoon weighs more than all of humanity)
    $1200 5
2007: Lawless bands scour a ravaged America; a man & his son walk alone
    DD: $5,000 26
This 4-word phrase was used back in 1984 as Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust was rescued by the govt. due to its size
    $1200 3
Now this is a story all about how Janet Hubert split time with Daphne Reid as Vivian Banks on this '90s sitcom
    $1200 14
In March 1945 German troops failed to blow up the bridge at Remagen over this river, allowing U.S. troops an unexpected dry crossing
    $1200 19
Paul of Thebes, who lived alone in a desert cave, was a famous early one
    $1600 29
Going 1,000 mph, it would take more than 2.8 million years to travel the 4.2-light-year distance to this nearest star system
    $1600 6
2015: The lives of a German boy & a blind French girl intersect in World War II France
    $1600 27
The breaking up of Standard Oil of N.J. into 34 companies gave this man stock that made him the richest man in the world
    $1600 18
A sitcom with this title featuring single mom Ann Romano began in 1975; another, with single mom Penelope Alvarez, in 2017
    DD: $2,000 15
You'll have to wait to cross the Forbes Ave. bridge in this city; it collapsed in 2022 just before a presidential visit about infrastructure
    $1600 20
Theodore Roosevelt loved his "bully" one
    $2000 30
This comet with a hyphenated name was broken up by the gravity of Jupiter & fragments of it crashed into the planet in 1994
    $2000 7
1980: A book about Gary Gilmore, a real-life death row inmate
    $2000 28
This 3-letter event has ruined trusts as well as banks; in 1907 an $8 mil. one on the Knickerbocker Trust led to the panic of 1907
    $2000 17
When not helping special victims in about 500 episodes, this "Law & Order: SVU" character adopted an orphan named Noah
    $2000 16
A petition seeks to rename Selma's Edmund Pettus Bridge for this late congressman who was beaten trying to cross it in 1965
    $2000 21
2-word term for the traditional warm, welcoming disposition of the people of Hawaii

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mattea T.J. Sarah
$13,000 -$3,600 $22,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

A black & white newsreel in this film begins: "In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree"

Final scores:

Mattea T.J. Sarah
$25,999 -$3,600 $17,600
23-day champion: $560,983 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mattea T.J. Sarah
$15,000 -$3,600 $17,400
24 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
3 R,
3 W
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $28,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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