Suggest correction - #8583 - 2022-02-23

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    $800 29
It's not traditionally eaten for breakfast, but bacon & eggs go into this dish that even has "carb" in its name

Show #8583 - Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Christine Whelchel game 1.
Fourth regular-play game to end in a Tiebreaker Round.


Christine Whelchel, a piano teacher and church organist from Spring Hill, Tennessee

Patrick Byrnett, a school administrator from Alexandria, Virginia

Henry Rozycki, a physician and professor from Richmond, Virginia (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $27,301)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each correct response there will begin with the letters H-O-R, but will come before the word "horse" in the dictionary.)
    $200 11
Opened by the king in 1924, Italy's Autostrada dei Laghi or motorway of these can get you to some famous ones like Varese & Maggiore
    $200 8
By Hans Christian Andersen:
"The Ugly ____ "
    $200 19
A common species of this plant, seen here, is called windswept or broom
    $200 2
Popular groups in this genre from Asia include SuperM &, of course, BTS
    $200 3
Apples, lentils & brown rice provide vitamins & minerals as this complex carb; you use a different form to crisp up shirts
    $200 14
Good things are in store for you today after you realize it's a forecast of astrology
    $400 12
Dalal Street in Mumbai is to India what this street is to the U.S.; dalal means "a broker"
    $400 9
A thriller about an assassin:
"The Day of the ____"
    $400 20
This segment of "Fantasia" finds Mickey Mouse getting more than he bargained for when he uses magic on a broom
    $400 4
Seattle was the birthplace of this alternative rock style popularized in the early 1990s
    $400 24
Barley up to the bar! A 12-ounce can of this type of beverage can have 13 grams of carbs
    $400 15
Look far off into the distance & see it's from the Greek for "boundary"
    $600 27
Aviles Street in this Florida city claims the title of oldest street in the nation
    $600 1
By Steinbeck:
"The Red ____ "
    $600 21
Running for pres. of this South American country, Janio da Silva Quadros used a broom as a symbol of his pledge to sweep out corruption
    $600 5
A symbol of pride & culture, it's the Mexican style of music heard here
    $600 28
It's not surprising there are plenty of carbs in the Post cereal called "Honey" these 3 words
    $600 16
This Mexican delight is sort of a drinkable rice pudding
    DD: $2,000 26
Gulag labor was used to build this 7,000-mile highway with the same name as a famous railroad
    $800 10
Set in India & the basis for a 2021 film:
"The White ____"
    $800 22
Some players prefer hoghair or horsehair brooms for sweeping in this sport; others favor synthetic ones
    $800 6
Ma Rainey & Bessie Smith were among the first women to record music in this genre
    $800 29
It's not traditionally eaten for breakfast, but bacon & eggs go into this dish that even has "carb" in its name
    $800 17
Harold Lloyd & Jay-Z had at least this eyewear in common
    $1000 25
Known for shopping & architecture, this Edinburgh street was named for two sons of King George III
    $1000 13
A 1971 sequel:
"____ Redux"
    $1000 23
This African-American wedding tradition was featured in the miniseries "Roots"
    $1000 7
Pioneers of this jazz style included Dizzy Gillespie & Thelonious Monk
    $1000 30
In an ad, young Molly Ringwald hawked this fruit, "nature's candy", but didn't say 1/4 cup had about 33 grams of carbs!
    $1000 18
It's the fancier term for clockmaker

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Henry Patrick Christine
$3,000 $600 $3,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Henry Patrick Christine
$5,800 $2,000 $8,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 17
Describing one of her diamond jubilee celebrations in 1897, she said, "No one ever, I believe, has met with such an ovation"
    $400 8
This subfamily of grasses typically found in Asia can grow as much as a foot a day & reach 130 feet high
    $400 21
Iceland is "the land of" these 2 things also mentioned in a George R.R. Martin series
    $400 1
Current events:
Bloody Sunday just broke out in this country, outside the Winter Palace, no less!
    $400 9
Millicent Simmonds, co-star of "A Quiet Place II", suffered permanent loss of this as a baby
    $400 22
Another word for prison
    $800 12
Like her sister Parthenope who was named for Naples, this founder of modern nursing was named for the city of her birth
    $800 7
With a high level of charged particles, this atmospheric layer that begins about 30 miles up makes radio possible
    $800 14
Indonesia has been dubbed the "Emerald" of this great circle
    $800 2
It's the largest state in the union by area
    $800 30
A working actor to this day, Henry Thomas was 10 when he filmed this Spielberg classic
    $800 23
In the 1960s feminists defined this as a system designed to keep women down, hence the need to smash it
    DD: $3,000 13
On her death in 2005, this civil rights activist became the first woman to lie in honor in the U.S. Capitol
    $1200 3
She made important discoveries in Tanzania's Olduvai Gorge
    $1200 15
Canada's nickname has these 2 words before "North"
    $1200 4
Social studies:
It first appeared in "The Youth's Companion" only 13 years ago in 1892 & we say it in class every day
    $1200 29
McKenna Grace played preteen geniuses in the movie "Gifted" & opposite young Iain Armitage on this sitcom
    $1200 24
It's the pseudoscience of examining the shape of the head to determine intelligence & character
    $1600 18
It's the last name of Sir William, who discovered a planet, & his sister Caroline, the first woman to discover a comet
    $1600 10
Aqua fortis is an old name for this corrosive liquid, HNO3
    DD: $2,000 16
Don't be sad; this country is known as "India's teardrop"
    $1600 5
World Powers:
This empire stretches from North Africa to southeastern Europe & well into the Middle East
    $1600 28
"The Boys" is a memoir of child actorhood by Clint Howard (Mark on "Gentle Ben") & his brother Ron (Opie on this show)
    $1600 25
Another word for treachery
    $2000 19
This Swiss man was the "father of analytic psychology"
    $2000 11
With a name from Greek for "hedgehog" & "skin", this phylum of marine animals includes starfish & sea urchins
    $2000 20
Engulfed by Bolivia, Argentina & Brazil, this country is nicknamed "the island surrounded by land"
    $2000 6
This O. Henry story about a poor couple at Christmastime makes a good read in the New York Sunday World
    $2000 27
Miami-area kid Alex R. Hibbert played the child Chiron in this 2016 Oscar-winning movie set in that city
    $2000 26
This fancy word meaning invested with full authority is included in the title "ambassador extraordinary &..."

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Henry Patrick Christine
$17,000 $8,800 $19,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

A 1949 review noted the "wrong formulas for success" of this character & "fatal misconceptions about his place in the scheme of things"

Tiebreaker Round

After its inclusion in a 1915 poem, this red flower became a symbol of fallen World War I soldiers

Final scores:

Henry Patrick Christine
$34,000 $17,600 $34,000
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $34,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Henry Patrick Christine
$15,800 $8,800 $19,200
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
12 R,
2 W
27 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $43,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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