Suggest correction - #2 - 2022-02-08

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    $2000 29
The superstar DJ with the album "Joytime" is known for the white helmet that goes with this stage name

National College Championship game #2 - Tuesday, February 8, 2022

2022 National College Championship quarterfinal game 2.


Stephen Privat, a junior at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Jasmine Manansala, a junior at Rice University in Houston, Texas

Ella Feiner, a senior at Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey

Jeopardy! Round

(Josh Clark: Hi, I'm Josh, and we'll have clues from our podcast, [*]. It's not so much "should" like "stuff we already expected you to know".) (Chuck Bryant: And I'm Chuck. It's more like "[*] because you'll be glad you did".)
    $200 5
Total up all the numbers in a set & divide by the number of numbers to get this, also called the mean
    $200 10
To cut, or a short segment of a movie or TV show
    $200 30
Seen here, South Africa's Umhlanga Pier has an archway named for this animal's bones
    $200 20
There's not just "one" strategy for this game, but a few, like discarding "wild draw 4" cards & using "reverse" & "skip" adeptly
    $200 28
2013, set in the 1840s & 1850s:
Chiwetel Ejiofor,
Michael Fassbender
    $200 29
(Josh Clark reads the clue.) Sure, some birds can mimic speech, but Puck, this type of bird, like the one we're showing, knew more than 1,500 words, & that's a mouthful
    $400 4
This property says that the order in which you multiply 3 or more numbers doesn't matter; the product will be the same
    $400 9
Happening at present, or something that's measured in amperes
    $400 27
This ride on The Hague's pier in the resort district of Scheveningen is 50 meters tall with 36 air-conditioned gondolas
    $400 19
Here's the skip lining up a shot in this icy sport
    $400 13
Sally Hawkins,
Doug Jones, who probably got wet a lot
    $400 22
(Chuck Bryant reads the clue.) This pair surmised they had traveled 4,162 miles from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean; pretty close, guys--only off by about 40 miles
    $600 3
You'll learn about matrices & vectors in the linear form of this branch of math
    $600 8
The creator of a company, or to sink
    $600 23
At over 1,000 feet in length, Myrtle Beach's Springmaid Pier is one of this state's longest
    $600 11
Skippy is a brand of this, available in Creamy & Super Chunk
    $600 14
Bill Murray,
Dan Aykroyd,
Sigourney Weaver
    $600 16
(Josh Clark reads the clue.) High-tech trains like one in Shanghai eliminate most friction & get up to impressive speeds by using high-power these to levitate over the rails
    DD: $1,000 1
A top predator might perch on this, the uppermost vertex of a pyramid or cone
    $800 7
A substance applied to give a shine to a surface, or an explanation of a difficult passage in a text
    $800 24
Brighton Palace Pier can be found on this body of water sometimes called "La Manche"
    $800 12
To survive outside of water, the fish called a mudskipper traps air in the chambers of these organs
    $800 15
Michael Keaton,
Edward Norton,
Emma Stone
    $800 17
(Chuck Bryant reads the clue.) Making genetically identical offspring via a shared root system, a grove in Utah of the quaking species of this tree is considered one of the largest organisms in the world
    $1000 2
The wavy lines in the expression seen here stand for this
    $1000 6
To complain, or a bird also known as the prairie chicken
    $1000 25
A pier in Cayo Guillermo, Cuba is named for this American author who was known to fish in its waters
    $1000 21
If it feels as if your heart has skipped a beat, you might have heart these, from the Latin for "throbbing"
    $1000 26
Haley Joel Osment,
Bruce Willis
    $1000 18
(Chuck Bryant reads the clue.) In 2014, a so-called "hurricane" 600 miles wide arose in the ionosphere over the North Pole; the cyclone was composed of this substance dubbed "the 4th state of matter"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ella Jasmine Stephen
$400 $3,000 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ella Jasmine Stephen
$2,400 $4,600 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
Lewis & Clark College prof. Zaher Wahab was among many who returned here after 2001 to build post-Taliban education
    $400 19
In a metaphor close to Will's heart, "All the world's" this, "and all the men and women merely players"
    $400 22
It's the only U.S. state whose flag has a different design on its reverse; it depicts a beaver
    $400 25
It comes between Swedish & Mafia in the name of a DJ supertrio & is the kind of music they play
    $400 14
Now a university, this Alabama school opened in 1881 with about 30 students & one teacher, Booker T. Washington
    $400 11
"Moon" adjective
(5 letters)
    $800 27
Civil engineering professor Marc Edwards has exposed dangerous levels of this element in the drinking water of D.C. & Flint, Mich.
    $800 6
In 1889 John Singer Sargent painted "Ellen Terry as" this ambitious character
    $800 17
The flag of Tunisia depicts these 2 celestial figures associated with Islam
    $800 15
This D.G. was No. 1 on DJ mag's Top 100 of 2021
    $800 9
A Boston newspaper coined this phrase for the period of optimism during James Monroe's presidency
    $800 2
"Flesh devouring" adjective
(11 letters)
    $1200 10
Fatima Meer, the first non-white teacher at a white South African university, wrote the first authorized bio of this man
    DD: $2,000 7
The first scene of this late play ends with the line "The wills above be done, but I would fain die a dry death"
    DD: $1,500 8
That's the St. Andrew's Cross in reversed colors on the flag of this Canadian province
    $1200 16
An actor in both indies & blockbusters, he also has serious DJ cred
    $1200 5
Favoring free silver, in a rousing 1896 speech this orator & statesman said, "you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold"
    $1200 1
"Before the war"
(10 letters)
    $1600 4
Professor Sebald Brugmans pioneered methods to stop this, tissue death around a wound, & saved many after the Battle of Waterloo
    $1600 20
A Stratford-upon-Avon statue of the Bard is surrounded by four characters, including this young prince from the history plays
    $1600 18
The flag of this African nation depicts a mokorotlo, a Basotho hat
    $1600 28
DJ Snake teamed up with Lil Jon to make a massive hit of this rhetorical question
    $1600 23
The first woman in America to receive a medical degree, she would later open a hospital for women & children with her sister Emily
    $1600 12
(12 letters)
    $2000 3
Organic chemists John Roberts & this double Nobel winner made Caltech accept its first female Ph.D. candidate, Dorothy Semenow
    $2000 21
This Roman tragedy premiered Jan. 24, 1594 & the stage blood has been flowing since
    $2000 30
The flag of Palau uses a similar design as, but a different color palate than, this country, independent since 1971
    $2000 29
The superstar DJ with the album "Joytime" is known for the white helmet that goes with this stage name
    $2000 24
Killing 146 workers, mostly women, this tragic fire at a New York City garment factory in 1911 led to new safety laws
    $2000 13
"The knowledge of laws"
(13 letters)

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ella Jasmine Stephen
$5,600 $6,200 $14,300
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Dionaea, the genus of this plant, is a reference to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, the daughter of Dione

Final scores:

Ella Jasmine Stephen
$0 $12,399 $14,300
3rd place: $10,000 2nd place: $10,000 Winner: semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ella Jasmine Stephen
$5,400 $6,200 $17,800
17 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
11 R,
1 W
19 R,
5 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $29,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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