Suggest correction - #8416 - 2021-06-07

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    $400 17
Jodie Whittaker first took on the title role of this series in a special 2017 episode

Show #8416 - Monday, June 7, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to National Alliance on Mental Illness.


Verlinda Johnson Henning, a human resources consultant from Memphis, Tennessee

Derek Allen, an accountant from Cassopolis, Mighigan

Julia Markham Cameron, an attorney from Brooklyn, New York (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $26,250)

Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: These responses will start with "on".)
    $200 11
This suspension bridge links San Francisco & Marin County
    $200 18
Here's a twist--in 2019, the top name for boys was this, like Dickens' young Mr. Twist
    $200 23
In 2020 this Canadian province purchased a hotel in the capital of Victoria to house its homeless population
    $200 14
Sept. 22, 1776: The British take the life of this American spy at what is now the corner of 66th & 3rd in Manhattan
    $200 1
The Hard Rock Hotel in Tulsa featured guitars signed by Miley Cyrus & this man, her father
    $200 6
In the mid-1990s CALCampus became one of the first schools to offer real-time college courses this way
    $400 12
Recent research suggests segments of this British landmark were moved 150 miles from Wales--quite a job
    $400 19
Popular floral names include Rose, Lily & this one, like the flower seen here
    $400 24
Looking for a Jigglypuff on this app craze led a pair of players to "go" save a wounded puppy--awwww...
    $400 15
Oct. 20, 1632: This future architect is born in England & within a few years, probably begins to design buildings on the floor
    $400 2
Playing with this Beatle's son Dhani, Paul McCartney repeated the line, "It looks like he stayed young and we all got old"
    $400 7
It means the beginning of, often in regards to an illness
    $600 13
In its own country, it's known as Wan-li Chang cheng
    $600 20
While Freya is on the rise, this name shared by Blunt & Mortimer dropped a few notches
    $600 25
In 2020, a pygmy one of these--an endangered species--was born at the San Diego Zoo for the first time in over 30 years
    $600 28
July 30, 1898: This ex-Prussian prime minister sinks into destiny
    $600 3
Daughter Rosanne played guitar & duetted with this country legend on "September When It Comes"
    $600 8
In the title of a hymn, it precedes "Christian Soldiers"
    DD: $1,600 16
Commissioned to celebrate France's military victories, it stands smack in the middle of Place Charles de Gaulle
    $800 21
"How sweet the sound" of this name meaning a divine favor or blessing
    $800 26
A therapy dog named Moose got an honorary doctorate in veterinary medicine from this school based in Blacksburg
    $800 29
Nov. 2, 1865: It's a bouncing baby future president in Corsica, Ohio & like so many newborns, he gets the middle name Gamaliel
    $800 4
This Jamaican singer taught his son Ziggy how to play guitar & drums & by age 10, Ziggy was sitting in on recording sessions
    $800 9
It's a synonym for observer or spectator
    $1000 17
A surveyor named this monolith for a south Australian prime minister; its Aboriginal name has no direct English translation
    $1000 22
This boy's name popular in Wales belonged to Welsh national hero Glendower
    $1000 27
A city in Costa Rica has given citizenship to bees due to this role they play in the ecosystem
    $1000 30
August 8, 1866: He is born to sharecropper parents in Maryland; the North Pole awaits
    $1000 5
This famous Jr. of country music sang "Waylon's Guitar", but that instrument was bought by Keith Urban
    $1000 10
This 10-letter word is used for the process of orienting & integrating a new employee into a company

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Julia Derek Verlinda
$1,800 $1,600 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Julia Derek Verlinda
$6,600 $5,000 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 22
From 1229 to 1241 Ogodei expanded the Mongol Empire as the son & successor of this man
    $400 13
This economic -ism is also known as free enterprise
    $400 17
Jodie Whittaker first took on the title role of this series in a special 2017 episode
    $400 8
The Caribbean has lost more than 50% of these structures due to problems like overfishing, pollution & thermal stress
    $400 4
Mark Twain's memoir "Life on" it tells tales of one of America's great rivers
    $400 1
It describes a person who's anywhere from 45 to 65
    $800 23
Meaning "lily flower", this emblem was adopted by French kings more than 900 years ago
    $800 14
An erroneous reference in time, like showing a German shepherd in the film "Gladiator" (the breed didn't exist yet)
    $800 18
"Match of the Day" presents interviews & highlights from this British soccer league
    $800 12
Topped by a year-round ski slope, CopenHill is a waste-to-energy plant in this European nation
    $800 7
Jonathan Schneer's history of this river includes an account of the 1215 negotiation of the Magna Carta on its banks
    $800 2
Adjective for carpeting that covers the entire floor
    $1200 24
La Malinche was a native woman from the Mexican Gulf Coast, who translated for & advised this conquistador
    $1200 15
Saying "blushing crow" instead of "crushing blow" is one of these, named for an Anglican clergyman
    $1200 19
She hosted a British version of "The Weakest Link" before doing one in the States--goodbye!
    DD: $2,000 27
A common measure of walking was coined when a Japanese company called its pedometer the Manpo-kei, or this many steps "meter"
    $1200 9
Whistle a happy tune & name this Pierre Boulle World War II P.O.W. novel that was made into an Oscar-winning film
    $1200 3
It lines certain shells, like the abalone, seen here
    $1600 25
This restored king of Great Britain reigned during the great plague & Great Fire that struck London in the 1660s
    DD: $4,000 16
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from outside the Great Synagogue in Budapest, Hungary.) The Jewish Museum in Budapest, which is part of the Great Synagogue Complex, is built on the site of the house where Theodore Herzl, father of this movement, was born in 1860
    $1600 20
In season one of this series, Olivia Colman investigated a boy's murder in a seaside town
    $1600 29
In 1893 this genius made a copper egg stand on end by using his rotating magnetic field device to rapidly spin it
    $1600 10
Alan Moorehead published histories of these 2 main branches of the world's longest river
    $1600 5
It's the familial relationship of Peter Sarsgaard to Jake Gyllenhaal
    $2000 26
Beginning in 1168 Calixtus III ruled as one of these in opposition to Alexander III
    $2000 21
CAT scans can help diagnose pulmonary these -isms, obstructions of arteries
    $2000 28
Jack Davenport & Sarah Alexander were 2 of the 6 stars of this Britcom, a sort of U.K. version of "Friends"
    $2000 30
In 2018 scientists discovered Przewalski's this animal is not truly wild but was once domesticated over 5,000 years ago
    $2000 11
4 men on a canoe trip in this James Dickey novel fight to survive the wild Cahulawassee River & scary locals
    $2000 6
This French name of the deadly pit viper seen here refers to the shape of its head

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Julia Derek Verlinda
$17,400 $11,000 $15,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 2013 the Victoria & Albert Museum acquired her archives, including letters from Laurence Olivier & Tennessee Williams

Final scores:

Julia Derek Verlinda
$4,799 $0 $17,500
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $17,500

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Julia Derek Verlinda
$17,000 $10,200 $15,000
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
18 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $42,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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