Suggest correction - #8272 - 2020-11-03

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    $1200 11
The cover of "Nevermind", a classic album from this band, featured a baby in a swimming pool reaching for some money

Show #8272 - Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Devin Rossiter, an academic coach from Bakersfield, California

Fernanda Trupiano, a business analyst from Van Nuys, California

Carmela Chan, a biotech researcher from San Diego, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $55,401)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Talk about prime delivery! Each year, this river with depths up to 300' provides 20% of the fresh water entering the ocean
    $200 21
After manually guiding the Eagle to the Moon, this first in command went on to get a Pres. Medal of Freedom that same year
    $200 1
Russian empress who covers 95,000 square miles of water as a North American quintet
    $200 10
2000: Starring Eric & Debra
    $200 6
A kids' book describes this gesture as "a special slap to celebrate when everything is going great"
    $200 16
In this job, a highway weigh station is called a "chicken coop" as you sit in a line hoping you don't exceed 80,000 pounds
    $400 29
In Colorado Mount Yale rises 14,200'; naturally, this "rival" mount that also got its name in 1869 had to be 200' taller
    $400 22
In 1971 the president pardoned this man with the provision that he stay out of union affairs until 1980
    $400 2
Central Florida NBA team used by Prince Husain in "One Thousand & One Nights"
    $400 11
2017: Your government at work
    $400 7
This 2-word gesture can be summed up as "knocking knuckles"
    $400 17
An old system used to weigh precious stones & metals is called this, like an ancient city where the Greeks horsed around
    $600 27
You can't miss it, it's the 14,400-foot mountain seen in the distance here
    $600 23
From 1985 to 1995 Wilma Mankiller was principal chief of this Native American nation based in Oklahoma
    $600 3
Symbol on the Israeli flag that sang "Let's Dance"
    $600 12
2006: The Best Comedy Award took a trip to Scranton
    $600 8
The University of Texas at Austin uses this gesture, also a slogan
    $600 18
Throw weight is the maximum payload of this, the "M" in ICBM
    DD: $2,700 28
The opening words to "America The Beautiful" were inspired by the view from this peak in the Rockies
    $800 24
The London Times mocked his mechanical reaper as "a cross between an Astley chariot, a wheelbarrow & a flying machine"
    $800 4
Spielberg movie about an effort to save a World War II soldier who's also a 12-medal-winning U.S. Olympic swimmer
    $800 13
2005: As the Barones bow out
    $800 9
Some schools have advocated replacing clapping with this Fosse-esque gesture, which is sign language for applause
    $800 19
This boxing class just below heavyweight includes the name of a warship class just below battleship
    $1000 30
The world's deepest river, exceeding 700 feet at its max, it's also Africa's 2nd-longest river at 2,900 miles
    $1000 25
Passions were inflamed in the 1940s when this researcher published his findings on Americans' sex lives
    $1000 5
An NPR station's push for donations has this window for motorists at Burger King
    $1000 14
1998: The doctor was in (& on the radio)
    $1000 15
The pinkie & thumb extend & the other fingers curl to form a Hawaiian gesture for this 2-word phrase about relaxing, aka shaka
    $1000 20
This name for a type of pound is from the French for "goods of weight"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Carmela Fernanda Devin
$2,600 $1,400 $3,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carmela Fernanda Devin
$7,100 -$400 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

1970: 50 YEARS AGO
    $400 18
Naturally, this animal is mentioned in the subtitle of "Moby-Dick"
    $400 12
Be a sweetheart on this date when national donor day is observed & consider giving the gift of life
    $400 20
A 1720s "General History of the Pyrates" spells this infamous "young" captain's last name with just one "D"
    $400 1
Both 27, this guitarist & Janis Joplin died of overdoses within weeks of each other in September & October
    $400 5
This "colorful" singer has used an exclamation point in her name starting with her 2000 debut album "Can't Take Me Home"
    $400 7
A dactylogram is another word for this
    $800 19
This Arthur C. Clarke sequel is subtitled "Odyssey Two"
    $800 13
Kicking off Memorial weekend, Don't Fry Day reminds us about sun safety to prevent this, basal or otherwise
    $800 21
In 1814 the British offered him $30,000 & a captaincy in the Royal Navy if he'd join them; he didn't say oui but turned on them
    $800 2
This Garry Trudeau comic strip debuted in 28 newspapers
    $800 6
The title of this Beatles album doesn't refer to a type of gun but rather to what a record does when being played
    $800 8
Used to clean clothes or to make music, it's the old-timey object seen here
    DD: $3,500 24
Sort of Shakespearean fan fiction, Lisa Fiedler's novel "Dating Hamlet" is subtitled this woman's "Story"
    $1200 23
Wear your ribbon proudly, especially during April, to spread awareness of this condition
    $1200 22
Proud to plunder the rich who plunder the poor, Black Sam Bellamy called himself this English forest guy of the sea
    $1200 3
National guardsmen shot & killed 4 people at a May protest at this Ohio university
    $1200 11
The cover of "Nevermind", a classic album from this band, featured a baby in a swimming pool reaching for some money
    DD: $4,000 9
An old term for a jailer, in real estate it's a house that's move-in ready
    $1600 28
"A King's Story", the autobiography of this onetime monarch, is subtitled "The Memoirs of the Duke of Windsor"
    $1600 27
January is the month to raise awareness of this sight-stealing disease caused by a buildup of pressure in the eye
    $1600 25
The Dread Pirate this, first name Bartholomew, was said to have captured more than 400 vessels in the early 1700s
    $1600 4
After challenging King Hussein, this organization under Yasser Arafat was driven out of Jordan in "Black September"
    $1600 14
In 2003 this rapper released the album "Get Rich or Die Tryin' "; the movie of the same name came 2 years later
    $1600 10
It's the designation of 4 U.S. states including Penn. & Mass. despite not having ties to the United Kingdom
    $2000 26
16th century pirate Khidr, aka Barbarossa, took Algiers from the Spanish with the help of this empire
    $2000 17
In November U.S. Army Lieutenant William Calley went on trial for his role in this 1968 massacre
    $2000 15
"Yankee Hotel Foxtrot" is an album from this band whose name sounds like it's trying to comply with a radio transmission
    $2000 16
It's a 10-letter word for a newbie as well as the second rank in Boy Scouts

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carmela Fernanda Devin
$12,700 $400 $17,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

After the removal of the dictator, in 2011 3 broad colored stripes & 2 white symbols were restored to this country's flag

Final scores:

Carmela Fernanda Devin
$24,599 $1 $25,405
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $25,405

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Carmela Fernanda Devin
$14,800 $400 $15,600
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
6 R,
3 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $30,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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