Suggest correction - #2880 - 1997-02-21

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    $400 24
This Peter Benchley book about a giant killer squid was turned into a 1996 TV miniseries

Show #2880 - Friday, February 21, 1997

Grace Veach game 5.


Claudia Traudt, a humanities lecturer and artist from Chicago, Illinois

Michael Grinde, a retired letter carrier from Redondo Beach, California

Grace Veach, a librarian from Decatur, Illinois (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $41,601)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 23
In 1775 David Bushnell built the first of these underwater craft used by the military
    $100 19
After it molts this colorful crab is the most popular soft-shell variety in the U.S.
    $100 2
He served as FBI director under every president from Coolidge to Nixon
    $100 7
He told Walter Matthau in "The Sunshine Boys", "You know what you are, Willie? You're a 73-year-old schmo"
    $100 1
When visiting this New England capital, stop at Charlestown Navy Yard to see "Old Ironsides"
    $100 13
The flood & the birth of Isaac are covered in this book
    $200 24
In 1812 Congress denied his patent renewal for the cotton gin
    $200 20
Named for its consistency, it's a beverage made by blending fruit with yogurt, milk or both
    $200 3
She received her nickname "Little Sure Shot" from Sitting Bull
    $200 8
Film in which Jimmy Stewart told Henry Travers, "Well, you look about like the kind of angel I'd get"
    $200 12
This Washington D.C. theater has been restored to appear as it did on the night of April 14, 1865
    $200 15
Obadiah, the shortest Old Testament book with 21 verses, is the fourth of the 12 "minor" ones of these
    $300 25
This Italian established wireless communication across the English Channel in 1899
    $300 28
To top off a French meal, you might try this pancake dish served flaming in an orange sauce
    $300 4
In 1948 he became the first Democrat elected to the Senate from Minnesota
    $300 9
He remarked to Esther Muir in "A Day At The Races", "If I hold you any closer, I'll be in back of you"
    $300 14
Open to the public, the U.S. Mint in this city stands near the site of its original 1792 building
    $300 16
These 2 books chronicle the monarchs of Israel & Judah, beginning with David & ending with Jehoiachin
    $400 26
In 1925 this frozen food developer began marketing packaged frozen fish
    $400 29
Lamb served in a pita & topped with onions, peppers & sauce makes up this Greek sandwich
    $400 5
This photographer was a director of the Sierra Club from 1936 to 1970
    $400 10
In this film Vivien Leigh cracked, "Stanley Kowalski, survivor of the Stone Age"
    $400 21
This bronze symbol of Copenhagen, located in its harbor, was designed by Edvard Eriksen
    $400 17
Chapters 8-10 of this Old Testament book continue the narrative from Exodus 29
    $500 27
In 1953 he was commissioned to design a rotunda dome in Dearborn, Michigan
    $500 30
Lynchburg, Tennessee is home to the distillery that makes this brand of sour mash whiskey
    $500 6
This man famous for his classification system founded Columbia Univ.'s School of Library Economy
    $500 11
Elizabeth Taylor said to James Dean in this film, "Money isn't all, you know, Jett"
    $500 22
The graves of Wild Bill Hickok & Calamity Jane can be seen at Mount Moriah Cemetery in this South Dakota city
    DD: $500 18
You'll find the quotation "To every thing there is a season" in Chapter 3 of this book

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Grace Michael Claudia
$2,100 $1,000 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Grace Michael Claudia
$5,000 $1,000 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
In 146 B.C. what's now Greece was conquered by this western Mediterranean power
    $200 10
This high female voice may be classified as lyric, dramatic or coloratura
    $200 1
Canada's James Bay was named for Thomas James, who explored it while looking for this passage
    $200 9
In March 1996 this husband of Kim Basinger was acquitted of battering a photographer
    $200 21
This country's University of Havana was authorized by the Pope in 1721 & founded 7 years later
    $200 23
In 1996 this master of horror turned to serial fiction with a 6-part thriller called "The Green Mile"
    $400 4
Around 430 this large temple on the Acropolis was converted into a Christian church
    $400 11
Parlando is a direction to sing with clear enunciation as if doing this, as its name implies
    $400 3
It flows around the Ile de la Cite
    $400 17
On Oct. 25, 1993 John Shalikashvili became the first foreign-born chairman of this group
    $400 22
The Meadows Museum at this church-founded Dallas school houses a large collection of Spanish art
    $400 24
This Peter Benchley book about a giant killer squid was turned into a 1996 TV miniseries
    $600 5
This city-state's men were required to eat in the soldiers' barracks until age 60
    $600 12
The name of this type of sailors' work song is derived from the French word for "sing"
    $600 6
Ulm in this country is home to the cathedral with the tallest spire in the world
    $600 18
Christine Todd Whitman was elected the 50th governor of this state in 1993
    $600 28
The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory is located at this Boston-area "institute"
    $600 25
He dedicated his bestseller "The Rainmaker" "To American Trial Lawyers"
    $800 7
This civilization flourished on Crete beginning around 1900 B.C.
    $800 13
In 1910 "The Pipe of Desire" became the 1st American opera performed at this American opera house
    $800 15
The Golden Gate of Yaroslav the Wise can be seen in this largest city in the Ukraine
    $800 19
This PBS late night talk show host previously worked for Bill Moyers on 3 series
    $800 29
This Hanover, New Hampshire college was established in 1770 when Eleazer Wheelock erected a single log hut
    DD: $1,000 26
Newsweek's Joe Klein turned out to be the "Anonymous" author of this 1996 "Novel of Politics"
    $1000 8
This plain northeast of Athens was the site of the Athenians' victory over the Persian army in 490 B.C.
    $1000 14
A fado is a type of melancholy song closely associated with this European capital
    DD: $1,000 16
You can find the Wilhelmina Mountains in this South American country
    $1000 20
In 1989 Daniel Arap Moi named this paleo-anthropologist head of the Kenya Wildlife Service
    $1000 30
This De Land, Florida university is named for a 19th century Philadelphia hat maker
    $1000 27
Betty J. Eadie touched many lives with this 1992 mega-bestseller about her near-death experience

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Grace Michael Claudia
$10,400 $3,400 $4,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In a 1940 eulogy of this man, Churchill spoke of his "Love of peace... toil for peace... strife for peace"

Final scores:

Grace Michael Claudia
$10,000 $3,400 $2,399
5-day champion: $51,601 2nd place: Whirlpool Appliances & Wolfgang Puck Cookware 3rd place: Samsung 27-inch Color TV

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Grace Michael Claudia
$10,200 $3,400 $4,600
29 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
8 R,
0 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $18,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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