Suggest correction - #6911 - 2014-10-06

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    $400 6
A faked segment in a Disney documentary helped perpetuate the myth that these rodents commit suicide

Show #6911 - Monday, October 6, 2014


Linda Fraley, a retired physician from Santa Rosa, California

Terri Pous, a social media editor from New York, New York

Shawn Choe, an attorney from New York, New York (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $26,400)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Brazil declared itself independent from this country in 1822 but said "sim" ("yes") to keeping its language
    $200 1
Height times width
    $200 15
He has a House & Museum in Hartford & a Boyhood Home & Museum in Hannibal
    $200 10
Clear out your garage & see that happy half face is also a "G" in the logo of this charity
    $200 23
A parched Alan Jackson:
"It's only half past 12 but I don't care, it's ____ o'clock somewhere"
    $200 2
In 1913 the Ford Motor Company used a moving one of these to mass produce the Model T
    $400 19
The Republic of Brazil consists of 26 states & 1 federal district, which consists of this capital
    $400 3
Continental currency
    $400 20
Once upon a time in 1908, his museum opened in Odense, Denmark, one of the first museums dedicated to a writer
    $400 11
See the "M" & "B" within the mitt in the logo of this Major League Baseball team
    $400 25
It took Sammy Hagar 16 hours to get to L.A.!
"I Can't Drive ____"
    $400 4
In the pre-Civil War period, the Ohio River & this line were considered the dividing line between free & slave states
    $600 16
From the small town of Horizontina, she's been called "the most beautiful woman in the world"
    $600 8
Pupu platters aplenty at this party
    $600 21
Appropriately, a tower in Ireland that was a setting in "Ulysses" houses a museum devoted to this author
    $600 12
The chocolates of this brand originated in a Swiss town, symbolized by the bear within the mountain
    $600 28
The White Stripes, mobilizing:
"____ Nation Army"
    $600 5
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) For much of its length, the 180th meridian of longitude is tracked by this line that varies where it diverges to avoid land
    $800 17
This venue of the 2014 World Cup final beat the previous most capacious stadium by 43,000 when it opened in 1950
    $800 9
Individual invisible emanation sensed by psychics
    $800 24
Items at her museum include Pa's fiddle, tools made by Almanzo & handwritten manuscripts for her novels
    $800 13
No sweat--this company's logo kind of forms a "U" & an "A"
    $800 29
A quick Fixx:
"Saved By ____"
    $800 6
On a classic Monopoly board, it's between Pennsylvania Ave. & Chance
    DD: $4,400 18
Good luck getting across town! The metro area of this city west of Rio covers more than 3,000 square miles
    $1000 22
An orchestra player blows a 3-octave range on this
    $1000 27
The actual camper he used in "Travels with Charley" is on display at his National Center in California
    $1000 14
Here's a partial view of the logo for this event; you'll see the rest after you respond
    $1000 30
Proofreader's nightmare Lynyrd Skynyrd:
"Gimme ____ Steps"
    $1000 7
This fortification covered the French frontier with Germany but not Belgium, so once it was flanked in WWII, it was useless

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Shawn Terri Linda
$3,800 $3,800 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Shawn Terri Linda
$6,200 $9,200 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
Taking office in 1809, he was the first U.S. president who had previously served in Congress
    $400 13
The classic BLT becomes a BLAT when you add this, perhaps the Hass kind
    $400 6
A faked segment in a Disney documentary helped perpetuate the myth that these rodents commit suicide
    $400 7
An unauthorized recording
    $400 24
This "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'" singer wore leather ones as part of her performing ensemble
    $400 18
Richard Bullington was project manager for the 9th & newest edition of this D.C. organization's renowned altas
    $800 2
Seen here, "Who Stole the People's Money?" was an 1871 Thomas Nast cartoon, depicting the corruption of this New York City politician
    $800 14
Do you put anything in your coffee? Perhaps NDC, this milk substitute
    $800 12
The Arctic type of this canine is the only native land mammal in Iceland
    $800 8
Super soaker for ink
    $800 25
The iconic leather motorcycle jacket he wore as Johnny in "The Wild One" is a Schott Perfecto
    $800 19
William, not Ayn, was the senior partner of this duo who started making maps in 1870s Chicago
    $1200 3
Before he became a U.S. senator, this stubby politician served on the Illinois Supreme Court from 1841 to 1843
    $1200 15
Controversy surrounds HFCS, this sweetener
    $1200 23
This "white whale" is known as the "canary of the sea" for the chirps & other sounds it makes
    $1200 9
An order of monks founded in 529, or their liqueur
    $1200 26
This collective title of James Fenimore Cooper's 5 novels about frontier life includes a kind of legwear
    $1200 20
Arthur Norton's 1910 atlas of these charted more than 6,500 of them, some as faint as the 7th magnitude
    $1600 4
This 1830s Secretary of War has a popular Christmas flower named for him; his name doesn't end "IA"
    $1600 16
ACV, this kind of vinegar, has lots of uses
    DD: $10,000 29
The fur of this largest weasel family land animal is used to trim parkas because it doesn't mat or freeze in the cold
    $1600 10
Doing this step to smooth Internet streaming: 63% complete
    $1600 27
He must have been delirious: he wore red leather for his 1983 comedy special "Delirious"
    $1600 21
It takes several people to move the nearly 6-foot-tall Klencke Atlas given to this king on his 1660 restoration
    $2000 5
This Kentuckian known as the "Great Pacificator" served as Speaker of the House 3 times between 1811 & 1825
    $2000 17
Often used for high-priced, seasonal items, the menu abbreviation "A.Q." is short for this
    $2000 30
The Eskimos of Alaska's North Slope call this beast an oomingmak, or "animal with skin like a beard"
    $2000 11
An exhortation to defenders is "man the" these structures
    $2000 28
This brand of stretchy gloves with leather trim gets its name in part from the word "isometric"
    DD: $3,000 22
This 16th century cartographer wasn't projecting when he coined the term "atlas" to describe a large book of maps

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Shawn Terri Linda
$12,800 $13,600 $10,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

John Williams said his music for this event, not a film, tried to capture "the spirit of cooperation, of heroic achievement"

Final scores:

Shawn Terri Linda
$4,000 $23,601 $0
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $23,601 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Shawn Terri Linda
$11,800 $20,200 $10,800
15 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
26 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $42,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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