Suggest correction - #6354 - 2012-04-12

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    $600 23
This late "Meet the Press" host told the N.Y. Times he sometimes felt like shaking his guests & saying, "Answer the question"

Show #6354 - Thursday, April 12, 2012


Megan Davenport, an administrative coordinator and graduate student from Ruston, Louisiana

Judy Nichols, a mystery writer from Wilmington, North Carolina

Sean Hansen, an assistant professor of management information systems originally from Cleveland, Ohio (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $30,001)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Cashmere comes from the downy undercoat of the Kashmir type of this animal
    $200 6
In "Bleak House" this author used the word "swipes" for weak beer
    $200 1
Zapata & Villa were part of this country's revolution of 1910-1920, said to have claimed a million lives
    $200 21
In February 2011 he sat down for a somewhat grumpy interview with his replacement, Piers Morgan
    $200 11
In the fall of 2011, these sisters, Zooey & Emily, both had shows on Fox
    $200 16
This, like the one Gov. Schwarzenegger declared in Santa Barbara County on July 3, 2008 due to wildfires
    $400 7
In "The Age of Innocence", society women must be "properly coiffees"--meaning this must look just right
    $400 2
The power loom & steam engine helped fuel this "revolution" of economic & social changes starting around 1760
    $400 22
(Hi. I'm Anderson Cooper.) Hosting a 2009 special on the Time 100, I got to interview Barbara Walters & her co-hosts on this show about their influence
    $400 12
A contract signed in 2011 will keep her perking up viewers' mornings through 2017
    $400 17
This, the annual message required by the Constitution in Article II, Section 3
    $600 8
This author wasn't charitable to readers when he used "eleemosynary" in the first line of "Tom Jones"
    $600 3
Tahrir is Arabic for "liberation"; Tahrir Square was the center of this country's 2011 revolution, culminating Feb. 11
    $600 23
This late "Meet the Press" host told the N.Y. Times he sometimes felt like shaking his guests & saying, "Answer the question"
    $600 13
Her recurring characters on "SNL" include the excitable Target Lady & Lawrence Welk singer Dooneese
    $600 18
This, the condition of being in God's favor or one of the Elect
    $800 28
The book "Baby Cashmere" tells of Loro Piana's yearly trek to buy cashmere in this large landlocked country
    $800 9
Emily Bronte uses "flaysome", meaning dreadful, several times in this novel
    $800 4
This chairman's "Little Red Book" (& big Red Guards) were big parts of China's Cultural Revolution that began in 1966
    DD: $2,000 24
About his famous interviews with Richard Nixon, he said he felt empathy, not sympathy, for Nixon
    $800 14
This Colombian beauty is actually a natural blonde but dyed her hair darker to get acting jobs
    $800 19
This, the physiological effect made by the passage of an electric current through the body
    $1000 27
Paintings by this 3-named American include "The Cashmere Shawl" & "Rose-Marie Ormond Reading in a Cashmere Shawl"
    $1000 10
This adjective meaning "frenzied" is in the title of an 1874 Thomas Hardy novel
    $1000 5
In 1775 he led 1,100 men on an invasion of Canada, so really he ticked off 3 countries during the revolution
    $1000 25
In 2005 Mike Wallace got the treatment he'd often dished out--from this "Fox News Sunday" interviewer
    $1000 15
This co-anchor of "Good Morning America" was a hoops star at Southeastern Louisiana University
    $1000 20
This, a phrase meaning the latest & most sophisticated stage of a technology

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sean Judy Megan
$6,000 $600 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sean Judy Megan
$8,000 $5,000 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The correct response will appear within a word in the clue in...)
(Alex: Each response will be half of a famous duo.)
    $400 1
This ATM favorite was the first bill redesigned with background colors for greater security
    $400 6
The Nazca Plate's movement under the South American plate is causing this over 4,000-mile mountain range to rise
    $400 7
"The Entertainer" & "Gladiolus Rag" by Scott Joplin
    $400 17
Everyone was fortunate when Hurley cooked a delicious dinner featuring this fish
    $400 12
He's chronicled White House decision making in "Bush at War" & "Obama's Wars"
    $800 2
Discontinued in 1966, the $2 bill was brought back 10 years later with the signing of this document on the reverse
    $800 27
It's an area where bitumen seeps to the surface, sometimes trapping animals; there's one about 5 miles from us
    $800 8
"Circle Of Life"
    $800 18
We're leaving this place if you embarrass me by drinking too much
    $800 13
He composed the music for the 1867 operetta "The Contrabandista"
    $1200 3
The 1869 $10 note is called the "jackass note" because this bird looks like a donkey when the bill is upside down
    $1200 26
So much water was frozen in the Pleistocene epoch glaciers that this was at least 330 feet lower than today
    $1200 9
"You're A Grand Old Flag", "Over There"
    $1200 19
Broderick's credit rating was atrocious; he was always "in the" this
    $1200 28
In 1892 Robert Peary proved that this was an island, not an Arctic continent, by traversing its northeast corner
    $1200 14
On December 3, 1926 he was arrested for the first time, in Dallas for auto theft
    $1600 4
In 2007 the Mint issued a $5 commemorative coin celebrating the 400th anniv. of the founding of this colony
    $1600 25
Chromite, from which we get chromium, is formed when this cools & solidifies underground
    $1600 10
"We'll Meet Again" & "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again"
    $1600 20
My compatriot, Mr. Henderson, isn't so believable, as he tends to do this
    DD: $4,800 23
Mount Erebus, the southernmost active volcano, was discovered in 1841 by this man for whom an ice shelf is named
    DD: $3,000 15
In 2007, at age 79, this American scientist saw his personal genome posted online
    $2000 5
The 1900 Lafayette dollar was the first authorized U.S. coin to feature this man; today he appears on another coin
    $2000 24
This term refers to the layering that occurs in most sedimentary rocks & has produced Oregon's Painted Hills
    $2000 11
"Suicide Is Painless", with lyrics by Mike Altman
    $2000 21
The drought extended for decades, ruining the economy & making it this on all of us
    $2000 22
(Sarah of the Clue Crew gives the clue from the Fram Museum in Oslo, Norway.) I'm at the helm of the famous ship appropriately named Fram, meaning "forward", that was used on the first successful quest to reach the South Pole, led by this Norwegian explorer
    $2000 16
In 1849 this man with a good name for an accountant set up business in London

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sean Judy Megan
$15,600 $12,800 $13,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The only 2 plays whose titles repeat a word, excluding articles & prepositions, are "Measure for Measure" & this

Final scores:

Sean Judy Megan
$3,999 $25,300 $23,600
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $25,300 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sean Judy Megan
$15,600 $10,200 $10,400
21 R,
1 W
14 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $36,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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