Suggest correction - #4417 - 2003-11-18

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    $1200 18
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew at the Oklahoma City National Memorial) A place for quiet thoughts, this kind of pool here in Oklahoma City shares its name with one near the Lincoln Memorial

Show #4417 - Tuesday, November 18, 2003

2003 College Championship semifinal game 2.
From Yale University.


Ken Basin, a junior at the University of Southern California from Huntington Beach, California

Jim Fitzpatrick, a senior at Wake Forest University from Colts Neck, New Jersey

Keith Williams, a freshman at Middlebury College from Manchester, Vermont

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: "T' cubed or "T" 3; there will be 3 "T"s in each correct response.)
    $200 16
Under Kansas law, this document shall be conspicuously posted in your primary work station
    $200 1
There are "Two Scoops of Raisins" in this company's Raisin Bran
    $200 7
A 1928 campaign slogan promised this "in every pot and a car in every garage"
    $200 2
"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away"
    $200 26
Bach was born in 1685 in Thuringen in what is now this country
    $200 20
The Holy Bible is made up of the "Old" & "New" ones
    $400 17
That the American College of Hairstyling requires 60 hours of training in this shouldn't have you in a lather
    $400 12
Raisins came to the West in the 11th C. when knights brought them back after these military expeditions
    $400 8
Years of political rivalry led to the July 11, 1804 duel between these 2 men
    $400 3
"Don't go in the water"
    $400 27
A popular Bach cantata tells the story of a father's fear that his daughter is addicted to this morning drink
    $400 22
Gouverneur Morris was responsible for much of the wording of this in 1787
    $600 18
A barber in training might want to pick up a supply of styptic pencils; they help staunch this
    $600 13
With about half of the world's supply grown there, this U.S. state leads the world in raisin production
    $600 9
In 1776 this silversmith set up a mill to make gunpowder after the colonists ran out of it at Bunker Hill
    $600 4
"There are 3.7 trillion fish in the ocean, they're looking for one"
    $600 28
In his day, it's the instrument Bach was best known for playing; he was an expert on its design & construction
    DD: $3,000 23
While not an M.D., this person can still diagnose eye problems & prescribe glasses
    $800 19
Brands of these include Hask, Jerris & Lucky Tiger; & you don't mix them with gin
    $800 14
This Carthaginian general reportedly gave rations of raisins to his troops when they were crossing the Alps
    $800 10
The Confederate States of America were established in 1861 in this city, the first Confederate capital
    $800 5
"Power can be held in the smallest of things"
    $800 29
Bach wrote a well-known set of concertos for Christian Ludwig, the margrave of this region
    $800 24
It's the lever pilots use to control the power & speed of many planes
    $1000 21
Marvy's Model 55 one of these has a globe on top & runs about $500 (you might want one when you set up shop)
    $1000 15
From the Old French for "Raisins of Corinth", it's what Europeans call some raisins
    $1000 11
This leader of the Green Mountain Boys was a champion for the creation of the Green Mountain State
    $1000 6
"The inner beast will be released"
    $1000 30
This early 20th C. missionary to Africa was a great admirer of Bach's & often performed his works in concert
    $1000 25
To create an opera, you need a composer & this person who writes or adapts the text

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Keith Jim Ken
$4,600 $2,800 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Keith Jim Ken
$6,000 $3,400 $7,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
After the Arab conquest in the 7th century, the Berbers picked up this religion, but are a bit less orthodox about it
    $400 1
Natascha Badmann was a champ in the duathlon (running & biking), then added this sport to triumph in the triathlon
    $400 4
In 1931 this Indian pacifist signed an agreement with Lord Irwin to stop his campaign of civil disobedience
    $400 9
    $400 21
Thomas Hardy novel in which Jude Fawley lives to see all his childhood hopes & dreams dashed...then he dies
    $400 16
This word for stealing livestock also refers to a soft sound made by leaves
    $800 27
Berbers account for a quarter of Algeria's population & a third of this neighbor to the west
    $800 2
(Sarah of the Clue Crew at the Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, Rhode Island) She won the first of 9 Wimbledon singles trophies in 1978, 3 years after defecting from Czechoslovakia
    $800 5
While the Huang He is called "China's Sorrow", this river is "China's Fortune"
    $800 10
    $800 22
Hardy novel in which the title heroine makes a series of unfortunate decisions...then she's hanged
    $800 17
Also known as Cos lettuce, it's traditionally found in Caesar salad
    DD: $1,600 28
The North African area that was home to pirates was called this after the Berbers
    $1200 3
When her baby arrived early in June 2003, the father, also a sprinter, said, "I didn't expect him to be this fast"
    $1200 6
Russia claims & occupies all of the Kuril Islands, but this country lays claim to some of the southern islands
    $1200 11
    $1200 23
Hardy novel in which Clym returns to the heath where his mom dies from a snakebite... then his wife drowns
    $1200 18
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew at the Oklahoma City National Memorial) A place for quiet thoughts, this kind of pool here in Oklahoma City shares its name with one near the Lincoln Memorial
    $1600 29
Some say the Berbers were the first to breed these from polecats they captured in Spain
    $1600 14
Tennessee basketball's "3 Meeks" were Tamika Catchings, Semeka Randall & her
    $1600 7
The Al Bu Said family, based in Muscat, began ruling this country in the 1740s
    $1600 12
Think outside the box:
    DD: $1,200 24
Hardy novel in which the drunken Henchard sells his wife & baby, with truly ghastly results...then he wanders off, dies
    $1600 19
This Icelandic city's marathon has had a good run; it had its 20th anniversary in 2003
    $2000 30
The mother of this "City of God" saint was a Berber
    $2000 15
In 1998 this Korean golfer became the youngest winner of the LPGA's U.S. Women's Open
    $2000 8
Tibetans practice this form of Buddhism whose chief sect is the Yellow Hat
    $2000 13
A U.S. territory:
    $2000 25
Finally, a Hardy book that (sorta) ends happily! Bathsheba marries Gabriel! (everyone else is dead or institutionalized)
    $2000 20
From a Latin word for "reddish", it's another name for German measles

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Keith Jim Ken
$16,400 $9,000 $11,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

The name of this type of reference book comes from the Greek for "circle of instruction"

Final scores:

Keith Jim Ken
$22,401 $0 $4,399
Finalist 3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Keith Jim Ken
$17,200 $9,000 $8,800
22 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R,
1 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $35,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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