Suggest correction - #5541 - 2008-10-13

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    $800 24
If you're a slick, pressed-overalls Manhattan M.A.B., you have a Master of Agribusiness degree from here, K-State for short

Show #5541 - Monday, October 13, 2008

"Think!" music remixed to de-emphasize "leaky faucet" percussion.


Mary Tuohy, a retired teacher from Groton, Connecticut

Todd Covert, a bookkeeper from Valley Glen, California

Luciano D'Orazio, a social studies teacher from Deer Park, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $27,200)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will be a word that can be formed from the letters in "geography".)
(Kelly: ...from Marine Corps Base Quantico, where every Marine officer is trained. Semper fi.) (Marines: Oo-rah!)
    $200 6
If you don't make your car payments, watch out for this type of man played on film by Emilio Estevez
    $200 1
Jack Kent Cooke once owned the L.A. Lakers & this pro football team based in our nation's capital
    $200 11
Cat & cheese county bordering Wales
    $200 16
It took Pizarro about 4 years to find this empire before he could conquer it
    $200 21
John Tyson started taking these from Arkansas north for better prices & the rest is agribusiness
    $200 26
(Jon of the Clue Crew reports from the firing range at the Marine Corps Base at Quantico, VA.) Each year, Marines must score 250 out of 350 on a point scale to qualify as this type of "man"
    $400 7
The tunneling of this rodent ruins many a garden--it especially likes root crops
    $400 2
In the NFL a touchdown is 6 points, a field goal is 3 & this defensive play scores 2
    $400 12
Pudding & terrier namesake place
    $400 17
In 1933 aviator Wiley Post became the first person to do this twice
    $400 22
In 1966 Robert Mondavi started the first major winery in this valley since Prohibition
    $400 27
(Jon of the Clue Crew reports from a streetlike training area at the Marine Corps Base at Quantico, VA.) As the world's shores become more populated, the Marines must be expert at operating in this type of area, the U in MOUT training
    $600 8
This word can precede "timer" or "nog"
    $600 3
The highest-rated Super Bowl, with a 49.1 rating, aired on Jan. 24, 1982, when he QB'd the 49ers over the Bengals
    $600 13
Things get "saucy" in Malvern & Bromsgrove in this county
    $600 18
Domenico Fontana was an engineer who helped carry out this 16th c. artist's plans for the dome of St. Peter's
    $600 23
The AngusPride brand of this is one of the products from the 158,000 employees of Cargill
    $600 28
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from a forested training area at the Marine Corps Base at Quantico, VA.) Every Marine officer completes six months training at Quantico to qualify to lead this unit, usually made up of three squads
    $800 9
To remove the skin of an apple
    $800 4
Led by this quarterback, the Pittsburgh Steelers won back-to-back Super Bowls in 1975 & '76
    $800 14
Robin Hood did his robbin' in this neighborhood
    $800 19
Grace Murray Hopper is credited with applying this 3-letter term to a mysterious computer problem
    $800 24
If you're a slick, pressed-overalls Manhattan M.A.B., you have a Master of Agribusiness degree from here, K-State for short
    $800 29
(Kelly of the Clue Crew stands next to a huge land vehicle at the Marine Corps Base at Quantico, VA.) To protect Marines from insurgent IEDs, the MRAP vehicle has a V-shaped this, a term more associated with ships, to disperse blast force
    $1000 10
Anticipating a joyous event, you might be this "with excitement"
    $1000 5
In 1986 Richard Dent was Super Bowl MVP as part of this team's dominating defense
    DD: $2,000 15
In an A.E. Housman book of poetry, a title lad was from this place
    $1000 20
A memo Sherron Watkins sent to her boss at this energy co. became a "smoking gun" in the investigation into its troubles
    $1000 25
Ocean Spray & Land O'Lakes are this type of business where groups of producers work together
    $1000 30
(Jon of the Clue Crew holds a firearm at the Marine Corps Base at Quantico, VA.) Marines here at Quantico train with this standard Marine sidearm, whose name goes back to a 16th-century Venetian gun barrel maker

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Luciano Todd Mary
$0 $4,400 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Luciano Todd Mary
$4,200 $8,800 $0

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: But not words that can be made from the letters in "geography".)
    $400 2
It's the geographic Germanic alternate name for a hot dog
    $400 8
Will Smith's dog Sam is bitten by infected dogs in this 2007 blockbuster
    $400 26
The influence on a body causing it to accelerate
    $400 21
The Retail Tobacco Dealers of America changed its name to incorporate these 2 types of fancy smokes
    $400 13
These mountains on India's northern border have a name from the Sanskrit for "snow abode"
    $400 1
Surus was said to be the bravest of the war elephants that crossed the Alps with this Carthaginian
    $800 3
This word for a love affair comes from the name of the "eternal city"
    $800 9
The rage virus makes it across the English Channel at the end of this 2007 sequel
    DD: $2,000 27
The study of waves & of flow phenomena are part of this type of dynamics
    $800 22
What began as the American Birth Control League, we now know as this
    $800 14
Check out this mausoleum complex in Agra, one of the finest examples of Mughal architecture
    $800 4
Ashes of this elephant, P.T. Barnum's most famous, are kept in a Peter Pan peanut butter jar at Tufts Univ.
    $1200 5
The course of a river in present-day Turkey gave us this word meaning to wander in an aimless, circuitous way
    $1200 10
Milla Jovovich was in 3 movies based on this 2-word Capcom game that involves fighting zombies & devil dogs
    $1200 28
The effect name for this 19th century British physicist is sometimes called magnetic rotation
    $1200 23
Formed by these workers, the Service Employees International Union used to have "Building" before its name
    $1200 15
Mother Teresa tended to the sick & dying in the slums of this city for about 50 years, dying there herself in 1997
    $1200 18
On Jan. 4, 1903 this inventor executed an elephant named Topsy to prove the "dangers" of alternating current
    DD: $3,000 6
To accuse someone of being dopey, crude or just unevolved, you can call him this, from a valley near Dusseldorf
    $1600 11
Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, this 1985 cult film finds Dr. Herbert West getting ahead by bringing things to life
    $1600 29
These light-emitting types of dyes like rhodamine & aniline blue are used to label proteins
    $1600 24
The American Assoc. on Mental Retardation became AAIDD, IDD for intellectual & developmental these
    $1600 16
In 1984 thousands were killed by a gas leak at the Union Carbide plant in this city
    $1600 19
In 798 a rare white Asian elephant named Abul-Abbas was presented to this Holy Roman Emperor by the Caliph of Baghdad
    $2000 7
Soloi, a Greek colony whose residents didn't talk good, gave us this word for an improper statement
    $2000 12
This New Zealand movie about flesh-eating ruminants shares a title with a Chris Farley/David Spade flick
    $2000 30
Quarks are divided into 6 different types called these; chocolate & strawberry are not options, however
    $2000 25
In 2000 the Leukemia Society of America added this other "L" ailment to its name
    $2000 17
In the summer, Srinagar is the administrative capital of the Indian state called Jammu & this
    $2000 20
Elephants hate climbing hills, but the remains of "Icy Mike" were found at 14,000' on this, Africa's 2nd-highest peak

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Luciano Todd Mary
$16,200 $17,400 $2,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

In "Henry VI, Part I" this woman is described as "a holy prophetess new risen up"

Final scores:

Luciano Todd Mary
$0 $32,401 $2,800
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $32,401 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Luciano Todd Mary
$20,200 $16,000 $2,800
30 R,
5 W
(including 2 DDs)
20 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
2 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $39,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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