Suggest correction - #5329 - 2007-11-08

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    $800 17
(Jon of the Clue Crew reads underneath an ornamented hanging boat at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.) This seaworthy 63-foot canoe was carved from a single tree trunk by the Haida, a native people from islands off this Canadian province

Show #5329 - Thursday, November 8, 2007

2007 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 4.


Steve Unite, a writer from Studio City, California

Sara Terrell, a veterinary technician from Windsor, Connecticut

Christian Haines, a college student originally from Newport News, Virginia

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
This Connecticut senator lost the 2006 Democratic primary but later won reelection as an independent
    $200 6
This show began by saying "Once upon a time, there were 3 little girls who went to the police academy"
    $200 11
At Cracker Barrel restaurants, you can fill up on comfort foods like biscuits & gravy & this hominy dish
    $200 21
Visit Stanley Park, one of the largest urban parks in North America, while in this British Columbia city
    $200 30
For everything else, there's MA, this company
    $200 16
The wooden skirting at the bottom of an interior wall
    $400 2
This North Carolina Republican is the wife of a former U.S. senator from Kansas
    $400 7
Bing Crosby was an early choice to play this detective but said no, so Peter Falk got the role
    $400 12
"Craig Claiborne's Southern Cooking" recipes including Dixie, Georgia & bourbon versions of this classic pie
    $400 23
Several articles on Bonaire focus on diving beneath the blue waters of this sea
    $400 28
If you want to snowboard or ski, go freestyle with KTO, this sporty company
    $400 17
A collection of digital info organized for convenient access
    $600 3
A senator must be a U.S. citizen for 9 years & be at least this age
    $600 8
Expecting cancellation, this Hawaiian eye was killed off in 1987 but oops! got renewed & resuscitated
    $600 13
You can add a little crunch to your cornbread using these crispy pieces of pork or poultry fat after it's been rendered
    $600 22
You can book a trip right on the website with a link to this site whose logo shows a plane & a globe
    $600 27
You can really clean up with this company, WHR
    $600 18
To lower someone or something in rank or esteem
    $800 4
While serving in Vietnam in the 1960s, this Republican senator from Nebraska received 2 Purple Hearts
    $800 9
Top fashion model Maddie Hayes became a reluctant P.I. paired with David Addison on this show
    $800 14
Some say this black-eyed peas & rice dish was named for a servant who kept on his toes while dishing it out
    $800 24
The Times reports that war-torn countries are reviving tourism, like this African nation ravaged by genocide in 1994
    $800 26
This company, RTN, believes in a strong defense
    $800 19
A parachutist who leaps from standing high structures, not out of a plane
    $1000 5
This senator was admitted to the New York bar in 1975 but has never practiced law
    $1000 10
"This is" this trailer-dwelling private eye. "At the tone, leave your name & message. I'll get back to you"
    $1000 15
From French for "to suffocate", it's a popular Cajun stew of crawfish & vegetables served over white rice
    $1000 25
On this island just east of Java, Seminyak Beach is a quieter alternative to touristy Kuta
    DD: $2,000 29
This company, TM, is a hybrid, as it also runs a financial services division
    $1000 20
2-word term for a chemical unit linking complementary strands of DNA

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Christian Sara Steve
$5,400 $0 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Christian Sara Steve
$11,400 $200 $5,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 16
(Jon of the Clue Crew reads from the marble-columned rotunda of the American Museum of Natural History in New York.) The rotunda is named after this U.S. president who collected specimens for the museum
    $400 21
Quick! Name this seasonal 1959 Elizabeth Taylor film based on a Tennessee Williams play
    $400 7
She played a lady in waiting, not a First Lady, in the Broadway musical "Lute Song"
    $400 6
Last name of brothers Jakob & Wilhelm, known for their German dictionary as well as their fairy tales
    $400 1
Olivier Messiaen studied these to imitate their sounds in works like "Catalogue d'oiseaux"
    $400 30
A mark of disgrace; its name is from the Greek for "tattoo mark"
    $800 17
(Jon of the Clue Crew reads underneath an ornamented hanging boat at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.) This seaworthy 63-foot canoe was carved from a single tree trunk by the Haida, a native people from islands off this Canadian province
    $800 22
Richard Gere & Winona Ryder have a May-December romance in this weepy 2000 drama
    $800 8
For 12 years, she was the wife of Washington, D.C. jeweler Norman Galt; he died in 1908
    $800 12
As a medical student at Moscow University, he wrote stories under the name Antosha Chekhonte
    $800 2
First name of Austro-American composer Schoenberg; he anagrammed it to name his son Ronald
    $800 29
"Pathetic" this is the attribution of human emotions or characteristics to inanimate objects
    $1200 18
(Hi, I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson.) I'm the director of this world-famous planetarium here at the museum, opened in 1935 & named for a philanthropist
    $1200 23
Glenn Close & Patrick Stewart played a battling royal couple in a TV remake of this 1968 film
    $1200 9
As one of her daughters tells it, she was born "in a miner's shack high in the mountains of Eastern Nevada"
    $1200 13
Keeping it in the family, Johann Wyss edited his dad's manuscript about this Swiss family
    $1200 3
Sir Ralph Vaughan Williams put these jazzy horns in his 9th symphony, with the instruction not to sound like "demented cats"
    DD: $2,400 26
In a fightin' mood? You can enter the fray or take part in this noisy disturbance, from the Italian for "to smash"
    $1600 19
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from the Hall of Ocean Life at the American Museum of Natural History.) One of the iconic exhibits in the Hall of Ocean Life is the coral reef diorama near a 30-times enlarged model of one of these creatures that make up reefs
    $1600 24
It's the English title of Ingmar Bergman's "Jungfrukallan"
    $1600 10
If there had been an inaugural ball in 1877 (there wasn't), she probably would have served lemonade
    $1600 14
While serving as an ambulance driver during WWI, he finished his novel "Of Human Bondage"
    DD: $3,000 4
Nickname of Roy Harris' Symphony No. 14, premiered in Washington, D.C. in 1976
    $1600 27
This adjective means both "bloody" & "cheerfully optimistic"
    $2000 20
The museum's 563-carat sapphire called the Star of India was actually found on this island
    $2000 25
Burgess Meredith re-created his Broadway role in this 1936 film based on a Maxwell Anderson play
    $2000 11
Mrs. Harding was nicknamed "Flossie", but this was her real first name
    $2000 15
In 1909 this author of "The Immoralist" co-founded the literary magazine The New French Revue
    $2000 5
He was buried in New York in 1945 & reburied in his beloved Hungary in 1988
    $2000 28
Both "mercenary" & this synonym come from Latin roots that refer to payment

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Christian Sara Steve
$18,800 -$1,000 $12,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Its national anthem begins, "O Lord, protect for us Our Majesty the Sultan"

Final scores:

Christian Sara Steve
$24,001 -$1,000 $10,000
Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000 + the Jeopardy! DVD Home Game System if eliminated 2nd place: $5,000 + the Jeopardy! DVD Home Game System if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Christian Sara Steve
$18,800 -$1,000 $12,000
28 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
5 R,
4 W
15 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $29,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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