Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (28 results returned)

#9120, aired 2024-06-07MICHIGAN $400: Someone told me it's all happening at this 'zoo, birthplace of Edna Ferber & home to Western Michigan University Kalamazoo
#8913, aired 2023-07-12DOUBLE-VOWEL PLACES $1600: The lions & tigers are kept in a different part of Michigan than this city known as both "The Celery City" & "The Mall City" Kalamazoo
#8408, aired 2021-05-26IT'S A MIRAGE $1600: The name of this city that's home to Western Michigan University may be from a Potawatomi word for "mirage" Kalamazoo
#7835, aired 2018-10-05POTPOURRI $400: Generous donors pay for college for almost every graduate from public schools in Kalamazoo in this state Michigan
#7712, aired 2018-03-06DIRECT ME TO THE DIRECTIONAL UNIVERSITY $800: See the map? You'll find this school off I-94 in Kalamazoo, over near the left edge of the state Western Michigan
#7602, aired 2017-10-03IS THAT A THING? $1200: No, it's a place, right before Kalkaska on the alphabetical list of Michigan counties Kalamazoo
#6978, aired 2015-01-07LAKES $400: Large rivers that enter this lake include the St. Joseph, Muskegon & Kalamazoo Lake Michigan
#6514, aired 2013-01-03STATE OF THE ART MUSEUM $400: The Kalamazoo Institute of Arts Michigan
#6408, aired 2012-06-27THE RIVER OF HISTORY $800: The name of this Michigan waterway that meets up with the Kalamazoo River refers to a fight that involved 4 guys Battle Creek
#5690, aired 2009-05-08A STATE OF COLLEGE-NESS $800: Wayne State, Kalamazoo College, Madonna University (it's Franciscan Catholic, not Material Girl) Michigan
#5141, aired 2007-01-08AIRPORTS $600: Kalamazoo, Michigan shares its airport with this "Cereal City" Battle Creek
#4881, aired 2005-11-28TAKE A MICHIGANDER AT THIS $3,000 (Daily Double): We don't know if this novelist was "So Big" at her Aug. 15, 1887 birth, but we do know it was in a zoo: Kalamazoo Edna Ferber
#4722, aired 2005-03-01GO JUMP IN A GREAT LAKE! $800: Rivers draining into this lake include the Muskegon, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph in the East Michigan
#4693, aired 2005-01-19U.S. CITIES $600: Had this Michigan city kept its earlier name, there might have been a song "I've Got A Gal In Bronson" Kalamazoo
#4495, aired 2004-03-05I LIKE "U" $1600: This pharmaceutical company was founded in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 1886 Upjohn
#4279, aired 2003-03-20EDUCATION $400: The Kalamazoo case of 1874 allowed this state to use local property taxes to support secondary schools Michigan
#4158, aired 2002-10-02STATE THE COLLEGE $200: Olivet, Albion, Kalamazoo Michigan
#4141, aired 2002-09-09U.S. UNIVERSITIES $400: Western Michigan is in Kalamazoo; Northern Michigan is in Marquette; this university is in Ypsilanti Eastern Michigan University
#3785, aired 2001-02-02U.S. GEOGRAPHY $100: The Chicago River flows out of this great lake; the Kalamazoo River flows in Lake Michigan
#2887, aired 1997-03-04TRANSPORTATION $500: In 1922 Russian-born American Morris Markin began making these cabs in Kalamazoo, Michigan Checker cabs
#2733, aired 1996-06-19MICHIGAN CITIES $200: A top tune in 1942 was "I've Got a Gal in" this Michigan city Kalamazoo
#2518, aired 1995-07-12CROSSWORD CLUES "K" $400: Michigan gal's town (9) Kalamazoo
#2095, aired 1993-10-15ANNUAL EVENTS $100: The Norwegian Pumpkin Rolling Festival & the Kalamazoo Kitefest are annual events in this state Michigan
#2040, aired 1993-06-18AUTHORS' BIRTHPLACES $800: Her father was a Hungarian immigrant & this "Show Boat" author was a gal from Kalamazoo Edna Ferber
#1904, aired 1992-12-10EDUCATION $400: In 1874 this state's supreme court ruled that the city of Kalamazoo could pay for public high schools Michigan
#1843, aired 1992-09-16ENDS ON "OO" $500: It's the seat of Western Michigan University Kalamazoo
#1521, aired 1991-03-25EDUCATION $200: The Kalamazoo case of 1874 established this state's right to use local taxes to establish high schools Michigan
#1115, aired 1989-06-09COUNTIES $200: Mackinac, Saginaw & Kalamazoo counties are in this state Michigan

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

Players (10 results returned)

Donna Innes, a criminal defense attorney from Kalamazoo, Michigan Season 30 player (2014-04-22).
Randi Rae Arnold, a freelance writer from Kalamazoo, Michigan Season 33 player (2016-10-06).
Jean Whitcomb, a teller supervisor from Kalamazoo, Michigan Season 24 1-time champion: $21,201 + $1,000.
Carl Holmgren, an investment advisor from Kalamazoo, Michigan Season 32 player (2016-01-01).
Bill Vincent, a university professor originally from Kalamazoo, Michigan Season 7 player (1991-02-06).
Sally Hadden, a college history professor from Kalamazoo, Michigan Season 19 1-time champion: $13,000 + $1,000.
Girts Lorencis, a computer analyst from Kalamazoo, Michigan Season 12 player (1996-04-30).
Tim Faulkner, a paperboy from Kalamazoo, Michigan Season 39 player (2022-09-12).
David Burgess, a publications coordinator from Kalamazoo, Michigan Season 18 player (2002-05-21).
Annette Meyer, an immunologist from Kalamazoo, Michigan Season 5 player (1989-01-03).

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