Garden tool for Father Time (6) |
a scythe
He has the simple job of controlling a "Wizard of Oz" character with whip & chair |
the Cowardly Lion tamer
Here's a twist: he created Clara Copperfield |
Charles Dickens
A 1984 eruption of this 13,677-foot volcanic mountain sent lava flowing within 4 miles of Hilo, Hawaii |
(Bruce: What is Haleakala?)
Mauna Loa
This duo had 4 No. 1 hits, including "Cathy's Clown" & "Bird Dog" |
The Everly Brothers
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Idfu, Egypt.) Egyptians made daily temple offerings to the gods of these two things, their own daily food & drink, which begin with the same letter |
(Alex: Their daily food and drink was [*]. Those Egyptians knew how to live.)
bread & beer
Plain, or steak (9) |
(Alex: [*]. [*] Plain, [*] steak.)
This tool-like man with a cross-shaped point is in charge of the front-of-the-house restaurant staff |
the Phillips-head waiter
In "The Canterbury Tales", "The Knight's Tale" is followed by this "floury" one |
"The Miller's Tale"
A 3-term U.S. Representative, she made a failed run at national office in 1984 |
(Diane: Who is Shirley Chisholm?)
(Geraldine) Ferraro
Dennis' big bro, he played a pilot who saved the world in 1996's "Independence Day" |
Randy Quaid
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Abu Simbel, Egypt.) The cow goddess Hothor becoming part-woman was one of Egypt's first examples of this--worship of gods in human form |
(Diane: What is anthrotheological-anthropology-I-don't-know?) (Alex: All right. But you made a valiant stab at it with all kinds of terminology. Were you looking for [*]?) (Diane: Yes, exactly!) (Alex: I knew you were.) (Diane: Thank you. Thank you, Alex.)
Letter opener (10) |
a salutation
Cabinet officer in charge of Boost & Red Bull |
the Secretary of Energy Drinks
The alternate title of "Twelfth Night" means roughly the same as the title of this other Shakespeare play |
(Diane: As you wish.) (Alex: "As you wish"? That's not a Shakespeare play.) (Diane: [*] was what I was going to say.) (Alex: Yeah, but I ruled it a no on the first part. The play is [*]. You forgot to phrase it in the form of a question also.) (Diane: Oh, my, well, that would have been wrong all around, so I deserve that, don't I?) (Alex: Well, you made two mistakes on that one, which is pretty good.)
As You Like It
This world leader was assassinated on Halloween by 2 of her security guards |
(Indira) Gandhi
Only family in the musical sense, this group gave us "China Grove" & "Black Water" |
The Doobie Brothers
Cheerful, or bloody (8) |
This leggy beauty may wear a new fashion creation on 25 Right at LAX |
(Alex: 25 Right is an airport runway. That would be [*].)
an airport runway model
The creepy early novels of this author of "Atonement" got him dubbed "Ian Macabre" |
Ian McEwan
His fortune would balloon after he formed Virgin Atlantic Airlines in '84 |
(Richard) Branson
The Coen Brothers co-wrote this 1987 comedy set in the American Southwest |
Raising Arizona
Biblical blame bearer (9) |
a scapegoat
With little effort & big pay, this railroad man will take your ticket |
(Diane: I'd like to be on that right now. Thank you, Alex.)
a gravy train conductor
In 1728 Alexander Pope satirized his enemies not in "The Dopiad" or "The Fooliad", but in this mock-heroic poem |
The Dunciad
Here's the "catch": in 1984 he penned "God Knows" in the form of an autobiography of King David |
(Joseph) Heller
Look for Aretha, Ray, James Brown, Cab Calloway &, of course, Twiggy & Frank Oz in this 1980 film comedy |
The Blues Brothers