Wagering calculator
Enter three post-DJ! Round scores below to see wagering suggestions for each player.
Darlene: You ought to try wagering between $801 and $2,800. This will top a $0 wager by Clif while still beating Mike and Clif on the Triple Stumper (should Mike wager to cover Clif's doubled score and Clif wager to cover your doubled score).
Clif: You're faced with a legitimate choice in strategy. You can either choose to cover Darlene, hoping that you give the correct response and Mike doesn't, in which case you'll want to wager $3,601 to cover Darlene's doubled score, but no more than $4,200 if you want to top Mike on a Triple Stumper; or bet up to $799 and win if both Mike and Darlene miss Final.
Mike: Wager $4,701 to cover Clif.
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