Super Jeopardy! #13, aired 1990-09-08
Bob Verini vs. Bruce Seymour vs. Dave Traini
Super Jeopardy! final game. The conclusion of The $250,000 Challenge.
Super Jeopardy! #12, aired 1990-09-01
Dave Traini vs. Bob Blake vs. Jeff Richmond
Super Jeopardy! semifinal game 3.
Super Jeopardy! #11, aired 1990-08-25
Sandy Gore vs. Jeff Richmond vs. Bruce Fauman vs. Zeke Sevilla Jr.
Super Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 9.
Super Jeopardy! #10, aired 1990-08-18
Bob Blake vs. Michael Rankins vs. Keith Bell vs. Peggi Malys
Super Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 8.
Super Jeopardy! #9, aired 1990-08-11
Chuck Forrest vs. Dave Traini vs. Ron Black vs. Yael Sofaer
Super Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 7.
Super Jeopardy! #8, aired 1990-08-04
Keith Walker vs. Bruce Seymour vs. Roger Storm
Super Jeopardy! semifinal game 2.
Super Jeopardy! #7, aired 1990-07-28
Tom Cubbage vs. Leah Greenwald vs. Lionel Goldbart vs. Roger Storm
Super Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 6.
Super Jeopardy! #6, aired 1990-07-21
Rich Lerner vs. Bruce Seymour vs. Liz Caccese vs. Burns Cameron
Super Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 5.
Super Jeopardy! #5, aired 1990-07-14
Mark Lowenthal vs. Paul Rouffa vs. Cathy Boggs vs. Keith Walker
Super Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 4.
Super Jeopardy! #4, aired 1990-07-07
Bob Verini vs. Eugene Finerman vs. Eric Newhouse
Super Jeopardy! semifinal game 1.
Super Jeopardy! #3, aired 1990-06-30
Elise Beraru vs. Richard Perez-Peña vs. Gary Giardina vs. Eric Newhouse
Super Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 3.
Super Jeopardy! #2, aired 1990-06-23
Frank Spangenberg vs. Brian Wangsgard vs. Eugene Finerman vs. Kate Waits
Super Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 2.
Super Jeopardy! #1, aired 1990-06-16
Bob Verini vs. Bruce Naegeli vs. Steve Rogitz vs. Ouida Rellstab
Super Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 1.