Score progression for Show #7038 - Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Michael Bilow game 4.
Kerry Greene game 1.
Kerry Greene game 1.
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Max Henkel, a project manager from Madison, Wisconsin Kerry Greene, a volunteer guardian ad litem from Manchester, New Hampshire Michael Bilow, a Ph.D. student in computer science originally from Chicago, Illinois (whose 3-day cash winnings total $96,000) |
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Jeopardy! Round
1 | Kerry |
2 | Kerry |
3 | Michael |
4 | Kerry |
5 | Kerry |
6 | Kerry |
7 | Michael |
8 | Michael |
9 | Kerry |
10 | Max |
11 | Max |
12 | Kerry |
13 | Michael |
14 | Michael |
15 | Max |
16 | Michael |
17 | Michael |
18 | Triple Stumper |
19 | Michael |
20 | Michael |
21 | Max |
22 | Triple Stumper |
23 | Michael |
24 | Michael |
25 | Max |
26 | Kerry |
27 | Max |
28 | Max |
29 | Kerry |
30 | Triple Stumper |
Double Jeopardy! Round
1 | Kerry |
2 | Kerry |
3 | Max |
4 | Max |
5 | Kerry |
6 | Michael |
7 | Triple Stumper |
8 | Triple Stumper |
9 | Kerry |
10 | Triple Stumper |
11 | Kerry |
12 | Max |
13 | Michael |
14 | Max |
15 | Kerry |
16 | Triple Stumper |
17 | Kerry |
18 | Triple Stumper |
19 | Michael |
20 | Kerry |
21 | Triple Stumper |
22 | Michael |
23 | Max |
24 | Michael |
25 | Triple Stumper |
26 | Triple Stumper |
27 | Max |
28 | Triple Stumper |
29 | Kerry |
30 | Michael |
Final Jeopardy! Round
1 | Michael | Kerry | Max |
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