A data and translation coordinator from Eastpointe, Michigan...

Sandie Baker

2014 Tournament of Champions wildcard semifinalist: $10,000.
Season 30 6-time champion: $140,200 + $2,000.

Not to be confused with Season 40 player Sandee Baker.

Sandie appeared in the following 2 archived games:
#6943, aired 2014-11-19 Ben Ingram vs. Joshua Brakhage vs. Sandie Baker 2014 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 3.
#6940, aired 2014-11-14 Jared Hall vs. Sandie Baker vs. Mark Japinga 2014 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 5.
Sandie previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Sandie Baker in the following 7 archived games:
#6819, aired 2014-04-17 Sandie Baker vs. Frédérique Delaprée vs. Kristin McAuliffe Sandie Baker game 7.
#6818, aired 2014-04-16 Sandie Baker vs. Matt Farr vs. Kathryn Schoenberger Sandie Baker game 6.
#6817, aired 2014-04-15 Sandie Baker vs. Jennie Crabbe vs. J.D. Lape Sandie Baker game 5.
#6816, aired 2014-04-14 Sandie Baker vs. Chrissy Swisher vs. Devin Baker Sandie Baker game 4.
#6815, aired 2014-04-11 Sandie Baker vs. Rebecca Baird vs. Monique Aldred Sandie Baker game 3.
#6814, aired 2014-04-10 Sandie Baker vs. Bruce Leaman vs. Jessica Guard Sandie Baker game 2.
#6813, aired 2014-04-09 Derrick Shivar vs. Sandie Baker vs. Ed Hagar Sandie Baker game 1.

[player statistics]

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