A writer from Fishkill, New York...

David Abolafia

Hey there, New York. This is David Abolafia from Fishkill. You may know me from the Hudson Line train as the Jeopardy! guy. Now I’m ready for the real thing. Watch me on Jeopardy!

Season 20 2-time champion: $42,000 + $2,000.

David appeared on The Chase on 2023-01-05 along with Traci Mack & Tanya Melendez and they were caught by chaser Victoria Groce in the 3-person Final Chase going for $120,000.

Jeopardy! Message Board user name: ChadGuay

David appeared in the following 3 archived games:
#4528, aired 2004-04-21 David Abolafia vs. Tom Baker vs. Wendy Ruopp Tom Baker game 1. Tribute to recently deceased writer Steven Dorfman.
#4527, aired 2004-04-20 David Abolafia vs. Nancy Fink vs. Dan Rowley
#4526, aired 2004-04-19 Geoff Strain vs. Wilson Lee vs. David Abolafia

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