A retail specialist from Louisville, Kentucky...

Chris Miller

Hello, Louisville. I'm Chris Miller. Let's hope it doesn’t come down to a horse race when you watch me on Jeopardy!

2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Elite Eighteen (Round 2 winners) and Sweet Six (Round 3 winners) member: $93,844.
2004 Tournament of Champions wildcard semifinalist: $10,000.
Season 20 5-time champion: $123,597 + $2,000.

Chris lost his 6th regular-season game (#4519, aired 2004-04-08) to Scott "Renzo" Renzoni, despite a crushing lead of $27,200 to $14,200 going into Final Jeopardy!

Jeopardy! Message Board user name: Teapot37
JBoard user name: teapot37

Chris received $500 of $1,500 consolation prize on Pop Culture Jeopardy! in the Knock Out Round playing on team Pasta La Vista with Kyle Webb & Matty on 2024-12-25.

Chris appeared in the following 6 archived games:
#4519, aired 2004-04-08 Chris Miller vs. Scott Renzoni vs. Martha Blakeslee Chris Miller game 6. Scott Renzoni game 1.
#4518, aired 2004-04-07 Chris Miller vs. Glenn Howes vs. Diana Wynne Chris Miller game 5.
#4517, aired 2004-04-06 Chris Miller vs. Joy Schauer vs. Jonathan Turer Chris Miller game 4.
#4516, aired 2004-04-05 Chris Miller vs. Jenny Taylor vs. Bruce Williams Chris Miller game 3.
#4515, aired 2004-04-02 Chris Miller vs. Bobbie Lewis vs. William Nicks, Jr. Chris Miller game 2.
#4514, aired 2004-04-01 David Seminer vs. Sandi Hood vs. Chris Miller Chris Miller game 1.
Chris would later appear on Jeopardy! as Chris Miller in the following 2 archived games:
#4612, aired 2004-09-28 Tom Walsh vs. Anne Boyd vs. Chris Miller 2004 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 2.
#4609, aired 2004-09-23 Chris Miller vs. Tom Baker vs. Russ Schumacher 2004 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 4.

[player statistics]

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