A writer from Queens, New York...

Brian Levinson

Hey, New York. I'm Brian Levinson from Queens. Watch me represent the Outer Boroughs on Jeopardy!


Hi New York! I'm returning champion Brian Levinson from Queens. Watch me go for win number 4 [holds up four fingers] tonight on Jeopardy!

Season 25 3-time champion: $72,801 + $1,000.

Brian is the cousin of Season 30 1-time champion Diane Levinson.

According to news reports, Brian was injured with burns to his face and arms in a 2011 apartment fire.

Brian appeared in the following 4 archived games:
#5531, aired 2008-09-29 Brian Levinson vs. Kit Carlson vs. Wes Pierce
#5530, aired 2008-09-26 Brian Levinson vs. Andrew Hoekzema vs. Tami Deeb
#5529, aired 2008-09-25 Brian Levinson vs. Mark Raabe vs. Pam Winters
#5528, aired 2008-09-24 Elza Reeves vs. Brian Levinson vs. Rebecca Molloy

[player statistics]

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