An attorney from New Canaan, Connecticut...

Lou Pryor

1991 Tournament of Champions 2nd runner-up (semifinalist by wildcard): $9,700.
1991 Seniors Tournament winner: $26,601.

Lou died 2014-01-10 at the age of 79 after a long illness. Obituary.

Lou appeared in the following 4 archived games:
#1605, aired 1991-07-19 Mary Webster vs. Lou Pryor vs. Bob Olsen 1991 Seniors Tournament final game 2. Last game of Season...
#1604, aired 1991-07-18 Mary Webster vs. Lou Pryor vs. Bob Olsen 1991 Seniors Tournament final game 1.
#1601, aired 1991-07-15 Babs McClellan vs. Lou Pryor vs. Malcolm Post 1991 Seniors Tournament semifinal game 1.
#1598, aired 1991-07-10 Bill Lyons vs. Lou Pryor vs. Val Sullivan 1991 Seniors Tournament quarterfinal game 3.
Lou would later appear on Jeopardy! as Lou Pryor in the following 4 archived games:
#1660, aired 1991-11-15 Steve Robin vs. Lou Pryor vs. Jim Scott 1991 Tournament of Champions final game 2.
#1659, aired 1991-11-14 Steve Robin vs. Lou Pryor vs. Jim Scott 1991 Tournament of Champions final game 1.
#1657, aired 1991-11-12 Mark Born vs. Jonathan Jacobs vs. Lou Pryor 1991 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 2.
#1651, aired 1991-11-04 Leslie Frates vs. John LeDonne vs. Lou Pryor 1991 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 1.

[player statistics]

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