A financial analyst originally from Louisville, Kentucky...

Matt Morris

Date of first appearance:
February 1994

Total winnings:
$30,601 ($29,601 on the Teen Tournament and $1,000 for Outstanding Participation in the ToC)

1994 Teen Tournament Champion

Do you have a favorite anecdote associated with being on the show?
Celebrity sightings when I was in town for taping: Rodney Dangerfield and Mr. Rogers at the hotel and Ben Stein (back when he was just the “Bueller…Bueller?” guy) at the Hard Rock Ca

Did being on Jeopardy! have any effect on your life?
I figure my 15 minutes went the way of most Teen Tourney winners--local celebrity, fan mail (some interesting, some frightening), and a bunch of people saying “Wait! You were the guy on Jeopardy!” during my first couple of months in college. One pretty unique result was a fairly embarrassing appearance on The Jon Stewart Show back when he was on MTV.

Did you do anything crazy with your winnings?
Hmm. I think the check was made payable to the Office of the Bursar at Princeton, so I guess the answer is no.

"In 1994, he won the Teen Tournament. Today, he's a financial analyst originally from Louisville, Kentucky, now living in New York City..."

2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1 player: $5,000.
1994 Tournament of Champions quarterfinalist: $1,000.
1994 Teen Tournament winner: $29,601.

Matt appeared in the following archived game:
#4732, aired 2005-03-15 Matt Morris vs. Leah Greenwald vs. Doug Lach 2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1, game 25.
Matt previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Matt Morris in the following archived game:
#2346, aired 1994-11-14 Jean Grewe vs. Tom Nichols vs. Matt Morris 1994 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 1.

[player statistics]

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