An Air Force contracting officer originally from Georgetown, Massachusetts...

Glen Savory

Season 16 3-time champion: $33,600 + a trip to Sweptaway, Jamaica.

Glen appeared in the following 4 archived games:
#3664, aired 2000-07-06 Glen Savory vs. Cori Collins vs. Doug Lach Doug Lach game 1.
#3663, aired 2000-07-05 Glen Savory vs. Cindy Olson vs. Bill Wilcox Johnny Gilbert accidentally announces Alex as "Glenn Trebek".
#3662, aired 2000-07-04 Glen Savory vs. Mike Fazioli vs. Ron Landers
#3661, aired 2000-07-03 Jeeks Rajagopal vs. Glen Savory vs. Mike Fazioli

[player statistics]

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