An energy demonstrator from Waverly, Ohio...

Greg Hopkins

Season 1 1-time champion: $8,400.

Greg was the first champion on the Alex Trebek version of Jeopardy! and was also one of the very few players to lose a $0-$0-$0 game.

In the series premiere, he "demonstrated" how energy is made by using a balloon to represent an excited uranium atom.

Greg's total winnings of $8,400 as reported in the J! Archive reflect the total displayed on the show, but his actual winnings were $8,500. Greg responded correctly to INVENTIONS $100 in his first game but his score was not credited. In the 2024-05-18 episode of the podcast Tell Us About Yourself, Greg related that his winnings check did include this extra $100 (minus taxes).

Greg appeared in the following 2 archived games:
#2, aired 1984-09-11 Greg Hopkins vs. Lynne Crawford vs. Paul Schaeffer Second episode. Three-way tie at zero.
#1, aired 1984-09-10 Greg Hopkins vs. Lois Feinstein vs. Frank Selevan Premiere episode with Alex Trebek as host.

[player statistics]

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