from Salt Lake City, Utah...

Brian Wangsgard

First appearance:
January 20, 1989

Total winnings:
$62,398 (5-day) + $7,500 (ToC) = $69,898

Do you have a nickname associated with your appearance?
My kids are pretty sure I'm a geek.

5-time champ; contestant on Super Jeopardy! (1990)

Favorite anecdote associated with being on the show:
One friend who saw my appearance told another friend, “I thought he was smart, but not that smart!”

While waiting “backstage” to appear in the ToC, we contestants were watching the 1989 World Series, when the Bay Area earthquake put the game off the air.

In an on-air conversation with Alex during the ToC, I mentioned the name of a friend, Talmage Jones, with terminal bone cancer. When the show aired, many of his old friends from around the country phoned him and renewed their relationships. He died not long afterwards.

How did being on Jeopardy! effect your life?
People are still interested, even after 16 years.

Did you do anything crazy with your winnings?
New vinyl for the kitchen floor.

Anything else you want people to know about you?
The only undefeated (regular shows) champion from Salt Lake City. Ken Jennings, eat your heart out!

"He was the biggest winner in the 1988-1989 season, and a Tournament of Champions finalist in 1989. Another great Jeopardy! champion, from Salt Lake City, Utah..."

2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1 player: $5,000.
1990 Super Jeopardy! quarterfinalist: $5,000.
1989 Tournament of Champions 2nd runner-up: $7,500.
Season 5 5-time champion: $62,398.

Brian appeared in the following archived game:
#4715, aired 2005-02-18 Brian Wangsgard vs. Jeremy Bate vs. Dan Melia 2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1, game 8.
Brian previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Brian Wangsgard in the following archived game:
Super Jeopardy! #2, aired 1990-06-23 Frank Spangenberg vs. Brian Wangsgard vs. Eugene Finerman vs. Kate Waits Super Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 2.

[player statistics]

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