A police officer from Los Angeles, California...

Frank Epstein

Date of first appearance:

Total Winnings:
$73,400 (plus $1,000 for getting kicked all over the set in the tournament).

Records held:
5-time champ.

Favorite anecdote:
Having a wino give me a bleary-eyed stare as he exclaimed "You da Jepuddy po-leece" (true story, although probably not usable on camera). However, it might be amusing to relate that, due to the riots, the largest check I have ever received in my life sat undeposited on top of my television for a week or more. I wasn't able to get to a bank.

Effect on my life:
I used the winnings to rise from renter to homeowner.

Anything crazy with the winnings:
See above. I think I had about $14.00 left which I spent in riotous living.

Anything else:
At the risk of inciting a nationwide gnashing of teeth and rending of garments... sorry ladies. I'm married now.

"He was a 5-time champion in 1992, and is still serving the city of Los Angeles as a police officer. From Los Angeles, California..."

The official UToC web site lists Frank's residence as Burbank, California.

2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1 player: $5,000.
1992 Tournament of Champions quarterfinalist: $1,000.
Season 8 5-time champion: $73,400.

Frank Epstein's regular-play games were rerun the week of August 31-September 4, 1992, a rare week of regular-play game reruns post-Summer 1986.

Frank appeared in the following archived game:
#4712, aired 2005-02-15 Frank Epstein vs. Bob Harris vs. Tom Cubbage 2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1, game 5.
Frank previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Frank Epstein in the following archived game:
#1885, aired 1992-11-13 Leszek Pawlowicz vs. Frank Epstein vs. Billy Baxter 1992 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 5.

[player statistics]

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