An office automation specialist from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories...

Robert Slaven

2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Elite Eighteen (Round 2 winners) member: $66,201.
1993 10th Anniversary Tournament semifinalist: $5,000.
1992 Tournament of Champions semifinalist: $5,000.
Season 8 5-time champion: $53,202.

Jeopardy! Message Board user name: Robnorth
JBoard user name: robertyknwt

Robert appeared in the following 5 archived games:
#1756, aired 1992-03-30 Robert Slaven vs. Jon Ramos vs. Kathy Martin Robert Slaven game 5.
#1755, aired 1992-03-27 Robert Slaven vs. Bill Westerman vs. Al Haggerty Robert Slaven game 4.
#1754, aired 1992-03-26 Robert Slaven vs. Dave Janka vs. Jean Hernon Robert Slaven game 3.
#1753, aired 1992-03-25 Robert Slaven vs. Jonathan Dworak vs. Barbara Reinertsen Robert Slaven game 2.
#1752, aired 1992-03-24 Thom Stark vs. Robert Slaven vs. Lynn Carpenter Robert Slaven game 1.
Robert would later appear on Jeopardy! as Robert Slaven in the following 2 archived games:
#1887, aired 1992-11-17 Jerome Vered vs. Robert Slaven vs. Leonard Schmidt 1992 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 2.
#1884, aired 1992-11-12 John Kelly vs. Richard Kaplan vs. Robert Slaven 1992 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 4. A clip of...

[player statistics]

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