A sophomore at Florida State University from Jacksonville, Florida...

Matt Schnippert

Hi, I'm Matt Schnippert from Florida State University, and you're watching me on jeopardy.com.

What's your major?
I'm double majoring in chemistry and biochemistry, and I hope after getting my Ph.D. to either become a college professor or a high school chemistry teacher.

How did you prepare for today's game?
Um, I actually really didn't prepare for today that much. I watched game shows, I watched Jeopardy! when it came on, I watched other--other rival game shows, and I didn't really do much book studying because I realized I was at the point where too much studying would just get me confused.

How did you find out you were chosen as a contestant?
I found out that I was selected as a contestant after having a long, bad day at school, and after being disappointed that I didn't get the FedEx package, when my fiancée called my mother at home, and the package had actually arrived at my parents' house. And so, after a long day, I found out that I got a nice pick-me-up at the end of the day and found out that I had made it on Jeopardy!

Win one for Florida State, Matt!

2001 College Championship 1st runner-up: $19,801.

Matt was 19 at the time of the 2001 College Championship.

2001 College Championship Online Tournament user name: freedbyjcjr

Matt appeared in the following 4 archived games:
#3962, aired 2001-11-20 Vinita Kailasanath vs. Thomas Zamora vs. Matt Schnippert 2001 College Championship final game 2. From the campus at UCLA.
#3961, aired 2001-11-19 Vinita Kailasanath vs. Thomas Zamora vs. Matt Schnippert 2001 College Championship final game 1. From the campus at...
#3960, aired 2001-11-16 Sara Dean vs. Mysti Kofford vs. Matt Schnippert 2001 College Championship semifinal game 3. From the campus at UCLA.
#3956, aired 2001-11-12 Tony Nagatani vs. Brittany Rogers vs. Matt Schnippert 2001 College Championship quarterfinal game 4. From the campus at UCLA.

[player statistics]

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