What happened when you found out you were going to be a contestant?
Uh, well actually, my, uh, what happened was, I was trying to get my dad to sign a permission slip to go on a field trip that conflicted with this thing, and so he was like, "I can't sign this," and I was just like, "What?" And he was like, he said, "Well, because, you're going to be on Jeopardy!" And I was l--I said, "I can't believe it! What are you talking about? Are you serious? Are you serious?" And he was like, "Yeah," and I thought he was, like, joking with me. But, yeah, this is how I found out, I was like, freaking out. My sister, actually, she was more excited than I was. She was going crazy.
Did you do anything to prepare for today?
Um, well, not really. I read a couple of, like, trivia books, like almanacs and stuff, and I had some of my old, like, quiz bowl stuff, so I looked over that, and I watched the show, but really I was just thinking that there's really no way to prepare because you don't really know what's going to come up, but hopefully my categories will come up.
Do you have a favorite Jeopardy! category?
Did anyone give you any special advice on playing the game?
Uh, not really, they just said "Don't lose all your money before Final Jeopardy!"
What will you do with the money if you win big?
Um, if I have like a lot of money, then I'd like to travel somewhere, like, probably go to, like, Morocco or Tunisia or something like that, and also my friend made me promise that if I got like at least $10,000 that I have to buy her a Pittsburgh Steelers jersey.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Um, hopefully I'll be out of college. I want to be a medical doctor and also get, like, a degree in public health and ultimately I'd like to, um, work for the World Health Organization.
Is there anyone you'd like to say "Hi" to?
Oh, yeah, Catherine! I might get that jersey for you! And also, I'd like to say "Hi" to Yi and, um, Kimbya, my other friends. |