A wine tasting consultant from Dowagiac, Michigan...

Jennifer Quail

2024 Jeopardy! Invitational Tournament semifinalist: $10,000.
2021 Tournament of Champions 1st runner-up: $100,000.
Season 36 8-time champion: $228,800 + $2,000.

Jennifer appeared in the following 4 archived games:
#8410, aired 2021-05-28 Veronica Vichit-Vadakan vs. Jennifer Quail vs. Sam Kavanaugh 2021 Tournament of Champions final game 2. Last game with...
#8409, aired 2021-05-27 Veronica Vichit-Vadakan vs. Jennifer Quail vs. Sam Kavanaugh 2021 Tournament of Champions final game 1.
#8408, aired 2021-05-26 Jennifer Quail vs. Jason Zuffranieri vs. Nibir Sarma 2021 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 3.
#8403, aired 2021-05-19 Jennifer Quail vs. Paul Trifiletti vs. Ryan Hemmel 2021 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 3.
Jennifer previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Jennifer Quail in the following 9 archived games:
#8116, aired 2019-12-16 Jennifer Quail vs. Patrick Yurky vs. Kirby Copelin Jennifer Quail game 9.
#8115, aired 2019-12-13 Jennifer Quail vs. Jeanne Fuller vs. Lisa Murray Jennifer Quail game 8.
#8114, aired 2019-12-12 Jennifer Quail vs. Brad Cardwell vs. Kim Kindya Jennifer Quail game 7.
#8113, aired 2019-12-11 Jennifer Quail vs. Doug Beckner vs. Denise Page Jennifer Quail game 6.
#8112, aired 2019-12-10 Jennifer Quail vs. Ben Chung vs. Shane Mangin Jennifer Quail game 5.
#8111, aired 2019-12-09 Jennifer Quail vs. Jeff Kushner vs. Ann Baur Jennifer Quail game 4.
#8110, aired 2019-12-06 Jennifer Quail vs. Randy Hassell Jr. vs. Katie Kunamneni Jennifer Quail game 3.
#8109, aired 2019-12-05 Jennifer Quail vs. Chris Blasone vs. Kelly Gerhold Jennifer Quail game 2.
#8108, aired 2019-12-04 Stephanie Sumulong vs. Davita Curtis vs. Jennifer Quail Jennifer Quail game 1.
Jennifer would later appear on Jeopardy! as Jennifer Quail in the following 2 archived games:
#9072, aired 2024-04-02 Amy Schneider vs. Jennifer Quail vs. David Madden 2024 Jeopardy! Invitational Tournament semifinal game 1.
#9068, aired 2024-03-27 Alex Jacob vs. Jennifer Quail vs. Brandon Blackwell 2024 Jeopardy! Invitational Tournament quarterfinal game 6.

[player statistics]

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