An attorney originally from Mount Airy, North Carolina...

Hunter Appler

This Mount Airy High School grad is going to be on Jeopardy!
Who is Hunter Appler? That's me.

This 3-time Jeopardy! champ is back to defend his title
Who is Hunter Appler? That's me.

2017 Tournament of Champions quarterfinalist: $5,000.
Season 32 6-time champion: $145,603 + $2,000.

Hunter appeared in the following 7 archived games:
#7324, aired 2016-06-16 Hunter Appler vs. Jim Coder vs. Liz Haigney Lynch Hunter Appler game 7.
#7323, aired 2016-06-15 Hunter Appler vs. Beth Masterson vs. Sarah von Riedemann Hunter Appler game 6.
#7322, aired 2016-06-14 Hunter Appler vs. Dana Thurmond Bruno vs. Zane Dowty Hunter Appler game 5.
#7321, aired 2016-06-13 Hunter Appler vs. Amber Garrett vs. Barbara Amster Hunter Appler game 4.
#7320, aired 2016-06-10 Hunter Appler vs. Rick Doyon vs. Anna Kata Hunter Appler game 3. WE ASKED: Artist Lin-Manuel Miranda.
#7319, aired 2016-06-09 Hunter Appler vs. Peggy Szymeczek vs. Mark Adams Hunter Appler game 2.
#7318, aired 2016-06-08 Stew Latwin vs. Hunter Appler vs. Torrey Livenick Hunter Appler game 1.
Hunter would later appear on Jeopardy! as Hunter Appler in the following archived game:
#7626, aired 2017-11-06 Buzzy Cohen vs. Hunter Appler vs. Pranjal Vachaspati 2017 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 1.

[player statistics]

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