An intake coordinator from Spring Hill, Kansas...

Liz Fritz

This William Jewell College alum is going to be on Jeopardy!
Who is Liz Fritz? That's me.

Season 32 1-time champion: $16,401 + $2,000.

Liz won $30,000 on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire on 2019-05-16.

Liz won $103,333.33 of a $310,000 total on The Chase on 2023-07-13 as part of a team with
Kiyana Holderbaum & Taotao Zhang that defeated chaser Victoria Groce.

JBoard user name: lillasershow

Liz appeared in the following 2 archived games:
#7187, aired 2015-12-08 Liz Fritz vs. Alex Maggio vs. Trevor Moore
#7186, aired 2015-12-07 Jon Rossiter vs. Liz Fritz vs. Greg Johnson

[player statistics]

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