An attorney originally from Gillette, New Jersey...

Dan Feitel

2015 Tournament of Champions wildcard semifinalist: $10,000.
Season 31 5-time champion: $127,998 + $1,000.

Dan appeared in the following 2 archived games:
#7171, aired 2015-11-16 Kerry Greene vs. John Schultz vs. Dan Feitel 2015 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 1.
#7166, aired 2015-11-09 Dan Feitel vs. Vaughn Winchell vs. Catherine Hardee 2015 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 1.
Dan previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Dan Feitel in the following 6 archived games:
#7082, aired 2015-06-02 Dan Feitel vs. Jacob Johnson vs. Tara Whittle Dan Feitel game 6.
#7081, aired 2015-06-01 Dan Feitel vs. Randy Pike vs. Victoria Machado Dan Feitel game 5.
#7080, aired 2015-05-29 Dan Feitel vs. Autumn Swinford vs. Andrew Lasken Dan Feitel game 4.
#7079, aired 2015-05-28 Dan Feitel vs. Ivan Tan vs. Adrienne Onofri Dan Feitel game 3.
#7078, aired 2015-05-27 Dan Feitel vs. Kate Cox vs. Jane Longacre Dan Feitel game 2.
#7077, aired 2015-05-26 Choyon Manjrekar vs. Lenny Porges vs. Dan Feitel Dan Feitel game 1.

[player statistics]

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