| An actor and copy editor from New York, New York... India Cooper |
Total Winnings:
5-time champion ($68,400) and a ToC semifinalist ($5,000) in 1992, then a semifinalist in the 2002 Million Dollar Masters tournament ($25,000).
What would you like viewers to know about you?
Whee! Another chance to play Jeopardy! How cool is that! Who woulda thunk it--especially since I lost on my first show. The game had one of those rare but significant technical glitches, though, so I got to come back for another try. The Masters tournament was the best--I got to hang out with all my Jeopardy! heroes, not to mention staying at the Waldorf-Astoria and being treated like a rock star. No question, Jeopardy! is the most fun I've ever had, except for Fred Burrell; we got married on New Year's Day 2000. Our favorite thing to do--with plenty of help from Jeopardy! winnings--is to travel around in our PT Cruiser. We've now been in all of the Lower 48 states together, plus the Maritime Provinces, and are looking forward to doing western Canada and Alaska soon. Haven't figured out how to drive to Hawaii yet, but we're working on it! |
"She became a 5-time champion in 1991. An actor and copy editor from New York, New York..."
2014 Battle of the Decades invitee: $5,000.
2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1 winner: $26,000.
2002 Million Dollar Masters tournament semifinalist: $25,000.
1992 Tournament of Champions semifinalist: $5,000.
Season 8 5-time champion: $68,400.
Season 7 player (1991-05-01).
India originally appeared in Season 7 on show #1548, aired 1991-05-01, lost, and returned in Season 8, starting with show #1681, aired 1991-12-16, as a result of "one of those wild and crazy technical malfunctions" in her first appearance.
India's one-day total of $24,001 (#1682, aired 1991-12-17) was the seventh-highest single-day winnings amount at the time, and it remained the eleventh-highest one-day total through 1998, earning India a spot on the list of the 13 highest one-day winners available on the Jeopardy! web site 1997-1998.
India died 2020-05-17 at the age of 67 after a short battle with esophageal cancer.
Jeopardy! Message Board user name: IndiaC |
India appeared in the following 2 archived games: |
#4754, aired 2005-04-14
Steve Chernicoff vs. Scott Gillispie vs. India Cooper
2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 2, game 2.
#4741, aired 2005-03-28
Fraser Woodford vs. India Cooper vs. Bill Sloan
2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1, game 34.
India previously appeared on
Jeopardy! as
India Cooper in the following 2 archived games:
#4084, aired 2002-05-09
Brad Rutter vs. Leslie Frates vs. India Cooper
2002 Million Dollar Masters semifinal game 2.
#4082, aired 2002-05-07
Robin Carroll vs. India Cooper vs. Babu Srinivasan
2002 Million Dollar Masters quarterfinal game 5.
India would later appear on
Jeopardy! as
India Cooper in the following archived game:
[player statistics]
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